Lu Yunsheng For My Tang Xinying?

Song Ah Lam was very informative on the high society, and she researched into eligible bachelor's lists every once in a while. Thus, she was aware of this golden boy named Lu Yunsheng. By now, she already changed her mind, and started shipping for the duo.

Tang Xi didn't deny that. Lu Yuesheng was indeed the best candidate for her, not because of his status and look, rather it was because he didn't want this marriage as well.

Tang Xi didn't want to marry anyone, but if she had to marry someone for her grandfather's sake, she might as well marry this Lu Yunsheng who guaranteed her divorce.

Her marriage with him wasn't out of love, since it was an arranged marriage. Moreover, left to her, she would rather call it mere business deal.

Suddenly, Song Ah Lam giggled, her naughty mind imagined something else.

"I saw lots of k-dramas of contract marriage, where the female lead gets pregnant, the male lead falls in love with her, and they never get divorced in the end. You guys will also fall in love eventually." Song Ah Lam said with a twinkle in eyes.

Tang Xi was left speechless.

Hah! That must've been the joke of the century!

"I will contribute to the country by having no kids at all."

Tang Xi didn't believe in fairytale love. Besides, she would never build her entire life around a man who could shatter her easily.

Lost in her own sweet fantasy, Song Ah Lam didn't even hear what Tang Xi said. "I will start the military diet from tomorrow onwards for your wedding," Song Ah Lam said, and clapped her hands enthusiastically.

Tang Xi smiled at her friend's energetic response. "That diet will crush your spirit and energy; and you are already this skinny, no need for any diet."

The lunch was uneventful and when they walked out, the sun was beginning to set.

Song Ah Lam sighed, she didn't know why things weren't looking up for her. Till this date, she hadn't gotten her perfect boyfriend yet.

Tang Xi went to her apartment, completed the assignments, then submitted them to the university. By the time she returned to her place again it was already nine at night, and she was drained from an entire day of working.

Not wanting to do anything else, Tang Xi collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep.


"Where is your master?" Asked a woman in her late forties. Apparently she was not aware of the storm that would hit her in a minute from now.

She was none other than Han Shuang, Tang Xi's stepmother. As Tang Chen hadn't been returning home for three days in a row, she couldn't help but inquire about his whereabouts from his secretary.

"Madam, President Tang has gone to meet the Old Master, in the ancient villa." A polite and calm voice spoke through the other side of the line.

"Do you know the reason?"

The thought that both father and son had something going on behind her back grated on Han Shuang's nerves. She was confident that the old hag was no longer worthy to be feared, but she still felt threatened.

"Yes, probably to talk about something regarding Young Miss's upcoming wedding with Lu Yunsheng, the CEO of Lu Conglomerate."

"Lu Yunsheng for my Tang Xinying? What! I'm her mother, yet completely clueless about this! Is my husband planning any surprises for us or what?" Han Shuang laughed heartily from the depth of her heart. Her eyes gleamed with pure joy.

Tang Chen had always been very passive in their lives, thus, it delighted her to a great extent since he took the initiative to fix marriage for their elder daughter. Above that, he fixed it with the Lu Family!

The Lu Family had been in greatest power since the beginning of this century, and they'd come to a marriage agreement with Lu! Han Shuang couldn't wait to brag about this in her social circle! Once her Xinying became Lu's daughter-in-law, her standing in the social circle would elevate drastically.

Xia Tangfei frowned slightly, before clearing out the misunderstanding, "No..actually it's Little Missy, Tang Xi's wedding, President Tang went to discuss."

Han Shuang's heart sank violently as she listened, and she momentarily lost the energy to speak to him. Her body twitched and collapsed onto the sofa in the room. The shock came so suddenly that she didn't know what to do. At that moment, she was no different than a headless chicken!

"Hello.. hello..Madam are you there?" Xia Tangfei glanced at his cellphone, and saw the line was still connected.

Han Shuang snapped back from the shock, and quickly said, "Oh.. that's great! Are you sure it's Tang Xi's though? I mean, isn't Xixi too young for marriage? She has just graduated highschool, and is too naive for handling such a big family like Lu. I'm very worried about her."

Sweet, honeyed words continued to tumble out of Han Shuang's red lipstick-applied lips. The words, irresistibly charming and bewitching, were in complete contrast to the twisted and vicious expression on her face.

"It's about Young Miss Tang Xi, otherwise, the President wouldn't go to the ancient villa to talk to his father. Anyway, you can confirm it from him when he returns home; I have to attend to an important task. Bye." Xia Tangfei said politely.


"Tang Xi, you bastard girl!" Han Shuang swore so viciously that the foundation on her exquisitely made-up face was in danger of flaking off.

Since she stood in her daughter's way, Han Shuang swore she would give Tang Xi the hell!

If she didn't tear that bastard girl down and grind her to the ground completely, her anger and grief accumulated from the last two decades wouldn't dissipate!

Tang Xi, don't blame me for mistreating you in your childhood, It was your mother's fault for stealing the man who belonged to me! Han Shuang gritted her teeth in anger and envy thinking the way Tang Chen cheated on her.