It's All Because Of Tang Xi, That Hyat Isn't With Me Today!

Tang Chen looked at his father smilingly before saying, "Alright, I will leave. However, do you not miss me, dad? All these years, you never wished to see me, and everytime I came here, you refused to meet me. Practicing monasticism made you really stone-hearted, dad."


Tang Chen didn't leave, instead, he sat down on the sofa. He bent his legs and had a somewhat sullen disposition, as he said, "I came here today to discuss an important topic with you. Break Tang Xi's marriage alliance with Lu. I don't agree with it."

So, he made today's appearance, because Tang Xi's marriage to Lu Yunsheng was close to fruition!

Tang Min thought, and almost snorted with laughter, as he said, "Who wants your permission?"

Tang Chen's face grew sullen and he said, "I'm Tang Xi's father, I can take any matters related to her in my hand."

Tang Min glared at his son with raised brows before asking, "Oh, you remember that? Don't give me that fatherly crap. Being a father isn't expressed in words, rather it's defined by action." He scoffed.

Just like Tang Xi, according to Tang Min, it was all fake hypocrisy of his son. At the end of the day, he was just worried that Tang Xi would steal the limelight and outshine his other daughters. It was just he hadn't expected Tang Chen to be so indiscreet with his intentions!

"Dad, I realized my mistakes, and want to redeem them. You have no idea, how much I crave to celebrate Christmas with you and Xixi, how badly I want to share a meal with you two. I want both of you back in my life. However, just like you, your granddaughter also ousted me from her apartment three days ago. She hates me, dad." Tang Chen stared at his father with tears in his eyes, his heart full of agony.

Tang Chen wasn't someone to cry easily; however, after talking to Tang Xi the other day, the pain he had been suppressing over the one and half decades vanquished his limit. With that, the desire of living together with his family, which he buried deep inside his heart, resurfaced again with a great intensity.

Tang Min was greatly taken aback. He did not expect his son to say such words.

At that time, he shifted his gaze at Tang Chen, and stared hard at him. "Why did you go to her place? What did you say to Xixi?" His expression was extremely dark now.

The cold contradiction made Tang Chen fall speechless, as he felt rather terrible.

Tang Chen felt very sad, but before he could speak, his father continued, "Didn't I cut all the ties of Xixi and I with you the day I took her out of your villa? Why did you go after her again! You can't let her live peacefully now that her life is about to take a new turn for her betterment, can you?"

The argument from the living room could be heard from all over the villa, prompting the servants to leave their work, and look at the scene from behind the curtains.

Tang Chen's face darkened, as he protested, "I wholeheartedly wish for Xixi's advancement in life. And I also know, the Lu family is the wealthiest and Lu Yunsheng is both handsome and a capable person; and nothing wrong with seizing such a great opportunity. However, we have to think about Xixi as well. She has just turned eighteen, and it's too early for her to be married. Marriage comes with lots of responsibility, especially one into Lu household, it will restrict Xixi from shining brighter. Furthermore, nowadays, girls don't get married before thirty; as they prioritize their dreams, and careers in this phase of life."

"What can't break us, makes us stronger. I know my granddaughter, despite thousands of obstacles, she will find her way to the top. And I already talked with the Old Lu, they are totally supportive of her studying and working after the marriage. I also took a written agreement from him on this matter. Thus, you don't have to worry!"

Tang Min sneered and turned around, leaving Tang Chen with a cold figure of his back.

"You don't have to worry!"

"You don't have to worry!"

This statement echoed twice in Tang Chen's head. Tang Xi also said something similar to this line the other day. However, how could Tang Chen not worry, Tang Xi was his own daughter.

"Can't you forgive me, dad? How can you be so cold with your own son? I'm your flesh and blood!" Tang Chen asked, aggrieved.

In the last sixteen years, he tried many times to reconcile with his father, however, his father never budged from his stance. Tang Chen could understand that it would take time for Tang Xi to forgive him. However, couldn't his father be a little lenient? After all, parents forgive their children, notwithstanding, they make thousands of mistakes.

Tang Min looked at his son deeply and had a serious expression on his face, as he asked, "Oh, you are questioning my coldness towards you? Let me redirect the same question to you. How could you remain quiet when your mistress and daughters abused your own flesh and blood?"

A nerve in Tang Chen's temple bulged out and he gritted his teeth. "Because, I was angry at her! It's all because of Tang Xi, that Hyat isn't with me today!" He was no longer calm.

After hearing Tang Chen's words, Tang Min was so enraged that he was speechless.

"Hyat left you because you cheated on her! How on earth can this be Tang Xi's fault? She was just two years old at that time!" Tang Min's body shook wildly with anger and Housekeeper Zhang had to support him from behind.

Tang Chen must have lost his mind because the woman he cheated Hyat on with, was not even in the same league as his chosen daughter-in-law, Hyat Bint Ali.