Aren’t You Afraid The More You Struggle, The Harder I Will Go?

"You bitch! How dare you slap me? You are too dumb to realize that you just courted death by hitting me on the face!" The stare Zi Heng threw Song Ah Lam was scarily toxic.

Song Ah Lam was disappointed and was almost on the verge of crying, but she did not hesitate to voice out her thoughts, "You are a scumbag in true meaning, just the way the internet described you!"

Zi Heng glared at Song Ah Lam in fury. "What have you said, I'm scumbag? Then let me show you what a scumbag really does! If I have to drag you to the bed kicking and screaming, I will!"

Before Song Ah Lam could say another word, she was pulled towards the bed, stumbling to carpets on the floor.

"You don't want the gentle one, fine, I will give you the hard one!" Zi Heng said with a crooked smile, and shoved Song Ah Lam on the bed harshly.

Song Ah Lam's heart sank down right after she heard Zi Heng's words. It was hard not to have suffered a crushing blow from it.

"Don'!" She trembled and wanted to get up, but as soon as she lifted her shoulder, Zi Heng got on top of her, and pressed her with his full body weight.

Song Ah Lam tried to struggle and get up but the physically-impressive Zi Heng had her pinned to the bed instantly!

"You can't defile me! Let me go, bastard!" Song Ah Lam gnashed her teeth and refused to cry despite her expression paling from the fear.

Zi Heng pressed heavily on Song Ah Lam's shoulders and sent a mighty slap across her right cheek. "Let you go? No bitch, at least not in a few hours!" Flustered and exasperated, Zi Heng howled.

Song Ah Lam could feel her soul leaving her body.

"You don't know me! My parents are influential, they will send you behind the bar! If you let me go now, I won't say a word against you. Let me go!" Desperate to set herself free, Song Ah Lam started throwing her hands at Zi Heng.

"You bloody bitch!" Zi Heng grabbed Song Ah Lam's fists and shouted. "What a coincidence! Your parents are influential, so are mine! Aren't you afraid the more you struggle, the harder I will go?!" He said, with a face full of rage, and bit on her neck hard enough to draw blood.

Song Ah Lam could now hardly suppress her tears from the pain, as Zi Heng's teeth sunk into her flesh. "I' pa-parents'..only daughter, they will press charges.. o-of sexual assault against you! You-"

"Fuck your parents! Fuck their influence! You slapped me, and I will deflower you!" Zi Heng interrupted her rudely.

Zi Heng didn't know who Song Ah Lam's parents were; and he didn't bother to ask, as judging by the way she conducted herself, she should have been from some kind nouveau riche family.

Furthermore, if they were to press charges of rape against him, he would threaten them with the videos from all angles. After that, they couldn't do anything against him, as that would hurt their reputation; and in case they did, that would seem more like shaming their own daughter.

"Xixi, Brother Liang! Save me, Xixi!" Song Ah Lam started sobbing. What would she do now?! Tang Xi wasn't there to save her this time! Would she be raped?

Song Ah Lam had an expression of helplessness and repentance, as she really was afraid to lose her innocence. Although she had to admit it was her mistake and carelessness in the first place for this to happen to her.

She should have her guard up against this man when Tang Xi warned her. If she couldn't save herself, she would simply sink into despair! Just thinking about it made her vision go black.

No-no, she couldn't let that happen to her! She couldn't be raped!

Song Ah lam struggled vehemently trying to push Zi Heng aside. However, Zi Heng wasn't ready to budge. As a result, both of them kept pushing and pulling at each other as they kept struggling on the bed.

Song Ah Lam exerted all of her strength to break free one of her hands from Zi Heng's grasp. She used her free hand to grab his wrist and tried to pry his grip to free her another hand.

Song Ah Lam tried her darndest to struggle loose but she, a petite girl was no match for this masculine bastard. He kept scratching her body.

"Stop struggling already!" Her refusal to yield inflamed the Zi Heng, causing him to slap her harder this time.

"Don't defile me please! Don't!"

Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside with a loud thud, gaining the attention from the insiders.

Song Ah Lam restrained her struggle and looked straight behind Zi Heng.

Zi Heng turned his head slowly. The instant he looked back, his vision blurred, as he was pulled backwards.

"Ouch!" Zi Heng was slumped to the floor from the force, his face grimacing with pain.

Upon sight of Tang Xi, Song Ah Lam's eyes lit up instantly and she murmured, "Xixi,"

"Told you not to come!" Tang Xi said as she pulled Song Ah Lam up from the bed. Although she was calm and composed on the outside, an angry storm was brewing within her.

Overwhelmed with remorse, Song Ah Lam burst into tears upon sight of her best friend who had always saved her from troubles.

"Xixi..I didn't know.." Song Ah Lam was a weeping beauty and looked very pitiful as she cried.

At this time, Tang Xi's heart was broken after seeing her bestie cry like that. Moreover, she was enraged seeing her bruised and swollen face, like a grape. The corners of Song Ah Lam's lips were cut, and her neck was badly injured too.

Luckily, Tang Xi was wearing two pieces that day. She removed her jacket and wrapped Song Ah Lam up protectively.