Only If You Are Leonardo DiCaprio, Then Dream Of Kate Winslet.

Song Ah Lam's eyes were filled with tears as if she was grievously wronged. Loudly, she said, "Xixi, he tried to taint me! I requested him thousands of times, but he wasn't letting me go and-"

"Sish, no need to say anymore. I got it." Tang Xi patted Song Ah Lam's head, then directed her gaze at Zi Heng, before saying, "Don't be afraid anymore. No one can touch a single strand of your hair now."

Zi Heng saw an endless pit of darkness in Tang Xi's eyes. There were chills radiating off them. Subconsciously, he shuddered.

Tang Xi might seem cold and apathetic at times but she would become fury incarnate if one was to cross her baseline! Her baseline was very obvious, it was to hurt the people she cared about.

Growing up without mother, and father's egregious neglect, she had never enjoyed any parental love ever since a young age. She used to be abused and disgusted by the world. Hence, when she got to taste a little touch of love from Song Ah Lam and Gu Liang, she started building her little home around these two.

The entire class used to bear a grudge against Gu Liang and Song Ah Lam, as they would hang out with her. However, these two ignored everyone and continued to be friends with her.

There were only three people in the world that Tang Xi housed in her heart; Song Ah Lam and Gu Liang were two major shareholders of that place. Tang Xi treasured these two in the highest pedestal of her heart.

"Tired of smooth sailing in life?" Tang Xi asked, her voice was soft and feminine but still powerful and domineering.

Dusting his palms, Zi Heng slowly stood up.

He frowned and looked carefully at Tang Xi. In some nameless brand's clothes, she presented herself much more exquisitely than anybody could ever possibly do. From her looks down to her temperament, she was the textbook example of a goddess.

"I will let her go, if you are willing to replace her. With you, I promise to be most gentle."

Tang Xi stood there silently; her gaze was indifferent and she seemed neither enraged nor worried.

"In your dream, bastard!" Song Ah Lam clenched her fists and barked. In Tang Xi's presence, she felt a surge of courage and energy. Thus, in a fit of anger, she stepped on Zi Heng's foot.

Song Ah Lam was wearing the pair of eight centimeters ultra thin high stiletto heels, gifted by Zi Heng. Combined with her force, the sharp heel almost pierced through Zi Heng's foot.

"Ouch! You bitch!" Zi Heng gritted his teeth and suffered through the pain. His face was blanched and beads of sweat were pouring down his face.

Song Ah Lam was rather smug to see his reaction.

After a few seconds, when the pain started subsiding a little, Zi Heng narrowed his eyes at Song Ah Lam with lethal intent. "You haven't learned your lesson yet, have you? Didn't you receive four slaps from me in exchange for your one? You are yearning for more!" Saying, Zi Heng rushed at Song Ah Lam and swung his hand.

When the slap came flying at Song Ah Lam, Tang Xi gave a powerful forward kick and sent Zi Heng crashing to the ground.

Zi Heng, staring at Tang Xi with bulging eyes, questioned, "What the fuck did you just do?!"

He was having difficulty believing that such a skinny girl could have that much strength in her leg to send him down!

"Showed off my long leg." Tang Xi replied in a cool tone of voice. She would never forgive the scumbag that laid his hands on Song Ah Lam and tried to molest her.

"You…!" Zi Heng almost burst into tears out of anger.

Song Ah Lam immediately retreated and hid behind Tang Xi. She said aggrievedly, "Xixi, both of us together can handle him, can't we?"

Tang Xi turned towards Song Ah Lam with a deep scowl. "Go and get your eye check-up done. You shouldn't agree to dates when such a hideous creature proposes."

Song Ah Lam almost burst into laughter but instead nodded along. "Okay."

"Whom did you call hideous!" Zhao Lifei loudly barked, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious of himself for a second.

Tang Xi saw it and said contemptuously, "Should I hold a mirror for you to know that? Which plastic surgeon conducted the Genioplasty on your chin? It became so pointy and pushed-up that it literally seems like someone has to hammer it backward. Also your nose, you have the scar on it from rhinoplasty. You should use a lot of concealer before stepping out of the house. Furthermore, you look like some kind of weird wrestler, with that extremely thin waist and extra bulky chest of yours."

Tang Xi played the role of conceited peacock, and picked out some of Zi Heng's flows intentionally. She didn't care to hide the contempt in her eyes.

Zi Heng's eyes turned a shade colder and he replied with a venomous smile, "Bullshit. The twelve years of gymnasium has toughened my features, and it only worked to enhance my handsomeness!" Zi Heng's overbearing pride was a known fact within the community, plus he was truly confident with his own face.

"Oh yea? People would be blind to have called you handsome.." Tang Xi responded sarcastically.

"You!" Zi Heng glared murderously at Tang Xi.

Tang Xi returned a similar glare at him but instead of a feral savagery, her eyes were calm yet cold. "Only if you are Leonardo DiCaprio, then dream of Kate Winslet."

Zi Heng felt belittled and shamed like he was truly beneath Tang Xi. No one knew this was the side of women that he despised the most. The one that made him feel inadequate.

Tang Xi narrowed her eyes at Zi Heng and asked word by word, "Who gave you the right to force yourself into her?" Her expression was calm yet gloomy, just like the sky before a storm.