Make Sure She Is Compelled To Pay Her Fines Ten Times Higher Than Usual.

"Are you planning to get them arrested in the yard behind the old shoe factory?"

"Hmmm," Tang Xi affirmed with a solo sound.

Song Ah Lam shook Tang Xi's shoulder lightly, and tried to change the latter's mind, "Xixi, let's not tell daddy please. He will tell mommy, and she will restrict my freedom! You know how much of a Hitler my mommy is, don't you? Let bygones be bygones. We should just go home now, and celebrate our escape."

If it was any other time, Song Ah Lam would have acted spoiled, mulish and recalcitrant with Tang Xi. Nonetheless, she was a hangdog today, thus, couldn't fully bring herself to act refractory.

"Firstly, you shouldn't have any communication issues with your parents. Besides, we can't sweep this matter under the rug. As long as we don't send them behind the bars, we would be walking on eggshells. Secondly, I would love to settle this matter without involving your parents, if I could. Unfortunately, cops will side with the party with more power, and I don't have any power yet. Thus, it's obvious we won't get justice without your parents' inclusion."

Tang Xi's determined and logical voice shattered Song Ah Lam's last ray of hope. She signed in frustration, as she couldn't cajole Tang Xi.

Helplessly, Song Ah Lam dialed her father's number, told him the details, but she didn't include the part that she went there alone, and her father was under the impression that Tang Xi went along with his daughter as well.

A Karlmann King was about to speed past Tang Xi on the same lane. Nevertheless, because of the red light, it had to stop as well.

Seated on the Karlmann King's driver seat was Fu Zemin, who turned his head sideways to look. "Mr. Lu, isn't it Miss Tang on the bike?"

Lu Yunsheng, who was working on his laptop in the backseat, glanced at the side door window, then replied nonchalantly, "It's indeed her."

Just then, Song Ah Lam's eyes happened to fall in the mirror, and they became wide in shock. "Are these bastards following us?!"

She turned around to look behind at a jeep which was three vehicles behind them. A shrill honk kept emerging from the jeep, and it's emergency flashers were blinking on impatiently, even in the broad daylight.

"Damn it, we are really unlucky!" Song Ah Lam muttered under her breath

Tang Xi also noticed that jeep, however, she remained calm and composed. She turned around and stared at the jeep for a few seconds silently. Then, parted her lips and said, "We are in the middle of a packed junction, they won't do anything here. Hold me tight with your all might."

Although Song Ah Lam didn't fully comprehend Tang Xi's words, she did encircle her arms around her bestie's lean waist instantly. And the moment, Tang Xi felt Song Ah Lam's hands around her, immediately afterwards, a sharp rubbing noise sounded between the tires and the pavement. With a loud broom, the bike leaped in the air, and was flying over the three meters wide road.

"Oh Buddha!" These two words of exclamation left Fu Zemin's mouth loudly. He could hear the loud beating of his heart as anxiousness engulfed him. Nonetheless, he kept his gaze ahead at the flying bike despite his nervousness. His car was beside the bike in the front of the line, thus, he had the clearest view of the scenario.

As the black Yamaha was going in the opposite direction the Sun was facing, the light of the sun shone brightly on it, and it created a beautiful shadow on the road. It was a beautiful, and thrilling sight to see, however, people were rather afeared by the scene. Some people's bodies went cold out of fear, some of them's vision shook, and there were a few also who stood frozen in their spots.

"This is…" Lu Yunsheng trailed off, unable to articulate his disbelief. He immediately opened the car door, and got out of the car. However, by that time, the black Yamaha had already landed on the road and rode away.

Lu Yunsheng frowned so hard that it could squash a mosquito; such a reckless scene pricked his eyes like needles. What was she thinking before pulling such a dangerous stunt in the middle of a highroad? It was okay, if she only risked her own life, however, she just played with more than fifty people's lives. Did she think the media, and newspapers would write panegyric about her?

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Lu Yunsheng felt like fury soared up in his chest, and his mouth twitched abruptly.

"Woah! Miss Tang is really very brave! She-" Fu Zemin just managed to say a few words before he was abruptly cut off by Lu Yunsheng's cold voice. "Putting people's lives on death row, this is what you called bravery?"

Fu Zemin gulped, he could clearly see Lu Yunsheng's tightly clenched jaw, subtly showing the displeasure on his extremely suave face. "Mr. Lu, no one was injured, so.."

"Driving 100 miles per hour or more generally isn't a felony unless someone is seriously injured or killed. Nevertheless, it can definitely lead to hefty fines and possible license suspension and jail time."

Fu Zemin was shocked for a second, after realizing Lu Yunsheng's intention. "Miss Tang can't be jailed, otherwise, Old Master will be-"

An unspoken irritation swept Lu Yunsheng in an instant. Moreover, people's relentless comments about the Black Yamaha drilled into his ears, inflaming the resentment even more.

"If so, make sure she is compelled to pay her fines ten times higher than usual." After saying this, Lu Yunsheng got into the car and slammed it's door shut.

Fu Zemin hurriedly followed the suit, and stepped inside the car, as the light was about to turn green. At that time, he highly doubted, if Lu Yunsheng had some kind of superpower, he would hardly be in two minds about pulling back the bike from the air and smashing it right onto the road.