You Guys Sure Made Some Abortive Efforts To Successfully Reach Your Ends!

Lu Yunsheng lightened up a cigarette, then took a long drag from it. With the lit cigarette between his long slender fingers, he stared off at the streets, as all the vehicles started moving.

Fu Zemin felt like the atmosphere inside the car was somewhat depressing. He knew how his boss was being forced into this marriage, but what he couldn't wrap his head around was the fact, why? Miss Tang was a rare beauty, and any sober man would be praying to have her as his wife.

Anyway, none of his business. He didn't have the luxury to ponder on others' personal matters. Instead, he would rather use his brain to do the work he was getting paid for.

Fu Zemin raised his hand and opened the car's window to disperse the smoke from inside with the hope it would lessen the stress inside the car.


As the light turned green, Zi Heng drove fast in order to catch up. He nearly lost his patience when the bike was almost out of sight.

Song Ah Lam, on the other hand, stopped looking back only when the jeep was completely out of sight.

The Old Shoe Factory was situated in the suburbs that was rather very far from the main city.

As soon as they reached there, Song Bancheng marched towards them, and hugged his daughter. "You alright?" He asked, and started to inspect his daughter.

Song Ah Lam held her father's hand and reassured, "Daddy, Xixi was there to save me. Nothing can happen to me in her presence."

Song Bancheng nodded his head, before his eyes fell on Tang Xi, who was standing aloof, seemingly detached from the world.

He felt sorry for the girl, as he heard everything about Tang Xi regarding her childhood from his daughter. Once he and his wife wanted to adopt Tang Xi as their second daughter, however, not only the girl strongly refused, but also her grandfather almost caused a stir at their business in a moment of anger.

At first, he was slightly angry as his noble intention was thrown back at him with some minor financial loss. While he knew from beforehand how prideful old Tang was, he was left stunned witnessing Tang Xi's strong willpower to struggle hard to write her own fate.

For years with no end, Tang Xi transformed herself steadily with goals in mind. It was hard for people to connect the current Tang Xi with her child self; and it continuously inspired him to become a better version of himself.

Song Bancheng smiled amicably, went to Tang Xi who was standing beside her bike.

"Uncle," Tang Xi greeted with a smile and a single word like usual.

Song Bancheng patted Tang Xi's head affectionately, and looked at her with gratitude. "I owe you a lot dear. The way you have been shielding my silly daughter for years-she is truly lucky to have you as her best friend. If my silly girl had a quarter of your sensibility, then…"

Hearing such comments targeting her, Song Ah Lam became mad and answered, "Daddy! Are you complaining for having me as your daughter? I'm very sagacious and pragmatic!"

At this answer, neither Tang Xi nor Song Bancheng said a word; they simply casted Song Ah Lam a "Like seriously?" glance.

Avoiding their sarcastic glance, Song Ah Lam said, "I'm seriously reflecting on myself! The biggest warning this has given me is on education on self defense, and not blindly trusting people."


The police chief, who came here personally with his team to arrest the alleged rapists, coughed once to announce his presence.

He walked up to Song Bancheng, and said, "Mr. Song, as you filed an attempt to rape case against these youngmen, we can arrest them. However, without any solid proof we can't detain them for long."

Tang Xi wanted to sneer loudly at the chief after hearing what he said. Young Men? That was quite a nice way of addressing some thugs! She wouldn't believe it that the chief wasn't cognizant of the misdoings these scoundrel had been doing, even if he were to bait his life on it!

The latest development in Zi's scandal had struck a heavy blow to their business, and it was all over the internet. Albeit, Tang Xi didn't know anything regarding the rest, they appeared even worse than Zi Heng.

Nonetheless, Tang Xi didn't let her inner thoughts surface on her face. She nodded her head lightly, as though she truly agreed with the chief, and asked calmly, "You want proof? We have it. All you have to do is hide behind the bush. They will be arriving here soon. You can hear our conversation first as sufficient evidence to arrest them; and before the day ends, we will submit the main evidence in the police station."


After a few minutes, the engine's loud sound cut through the air, and a four-wheel drive, five-door yellow jeep stopped after flying some dirt mixed with dust.

All the barbarians jumped down from the jeep precipitously, and without disappointing their barbarian characteristics, they started with their foul mouths...

"Got you bitches!"

"You fucking whores! What did you think, coming to this deserted location would save you from us?!"

"You made us run like dogs! Now we will rape you like the bitches you are!"

"Let's catch them already! We can't waste our time by talking lest they manage to run again! Don't forget how they tricked us last time!"

Song Ah Lam couldn't help but have her heart shrink at these distasteful comments.


Contrariwise, Tang Xi laughed haughtily, and she wasn't affected by any of these nasty comments. It seemed like she was a goddess, indifferent to everything. "You guys sure made some abortive efforts to successfully reach your ends!"

Hearing this, for some reason, all the scrotes felt unease swept over them.

"Daddy, bring the police already! I can't bear their ugly sights anymore!" Song Ah Lam yelled, storming her foot on the ground.

"Hands up! You are under arrest!"