
[Game Over]

A large red text hovered in a void of dark red. The text slowly faded away from Kaz's disembodied consciousness as another prompt appeared



[Yes selected…beginning reincarnation]

[Planet selected….beginning respawn]

[Character being rolled back to first time analysis]

[System Activation Detected]

[Welcome back, User! The 'Reincarnation Protocol' has been activated based on your previous engagement with the system.]

[Analyzing your utilization pattern, the protocol has rolled your existence back to the moment of your initial integration. The surroundings might feel unfamiliar—welcome to a dormant celestial body, separate from your home planet, designated for this reincarnation process.]

[While your engagement with the Unlimited RPG system was limited during your past life, a clarification seems necessary: RPG here stands for "Reincarnate Potentate God," indicating a deity reborn with boundless potential. With the full spectrum of this system at your disposal, you have the potential to ascend to the zenith of universal existence.]

[It's evident that you bypassed many of the system's expansive functionalities, from skill acquisition to attribute point allocations, in your previous life. Your noble aim to assist others is commendable. However, without wielding power yourself, your aspirations might not find fulfillment. Embrace this reincarnation as an opportunity to understand the vast expanse of the universe, augment your power, and actualize your desires.]

[Prepare for the 'Prestige Phase'. Although your attributes may seem initially reduced, their growth rate will be exponentially faster in this life cycle. Retaining your primary acquired skill will be a boon on this journey.]

[Forge ahead, User. May your potential know no bounds!]

During this message, Kaz was in a state of conscious non-existence, though he had no physical being, his ability to remember information was active, downloading the information from the system into his memory. After the panel disappeared, he felt a pulling sensation as his being was pulling to a location within the universe that could be seen desolate. His body started to materialize and float down to the surface before dropping him into the dusty ground, causing small plumes of dust to cover him.

Kaz stood up in a panic, finally having control of himself again, only now having what happened set in.

'I died? I just fucking got my life back together, only to die and appear in the middle of fucking no where?'

With a heavy exhale, Kaz slowly lowered himself to the ground, feeling the weight of his previous life's memories pressing down on him. The sting of the last conversation with Dorothy, the woman who had given him so much, played repeatedly in his mind. Their last exchange was laden with unresolved feelings, and the regret gnawed at him.

As he wrestled with his emotions, he subconsciously began taking note of his new attire. It was a departure from anything he'd ever worn — an ethereal silver, both refined and oddly appropriate for the unknown world he found himself in. He ran his fingers over the fabric, the sensation grounding him momentarily and drawing him out of his introspection.

His gaze, which had been focused inwardly, started to absorb the expanse around him. The land before him was a desolate canvas of dusty hues, punctuated by occasional rocky outcroppings. The ground was parched, each grain of sand telling a story of abandonment and decay.

As he sat there, taking in the foreignness of the landscape, Kaz realized he hadn't truly examined the larger celestial panorama. The horizon was framed by two distinct moons, both shimmering with a silent, timeless beauty. Beyond them, a star cast an eerie amber glow, its light dim and seemingly on the brink of fading away.

Feeling disoriented and desperate for answers, Kaz voiced out, "System, where exactly am I?"

[You are currently on the terrestrial planet known as Aeloria. This planet orbits the star Zephyria, which is reaching the end of its life cycle. Aeloria is accompanied by two moons, Ecloria and Luminara. In the broader scope, this star system contains several gas giants, but Aeloria is its sole terrestrial entity. The planet was once inhabited but has been long abandoned.]

Kaz processed this for a moment, trying to reconcile the strange names and details with his limited knowledge. "Abandoned? Why? And by whom?"

[The planet was once under the dominion of a god who held significant influence within the universe. The specific details regarding the abandonment and the identity of this god are currently unavailable to you.]

Kaz's heart raced. Gods? Immortal beings that ruled over entire universes? "Was there... a god for Earth too?" he hesitated, the concept simultaneously fascinating and terrifying him.

[Every world has had its pantheon at some point, including Earth. Whether they interact directly with their respective worlds varies, but they indeed exist.]

Kaz took a deep breath, attempting to wrap his mind around the enormity of the information he'd just received. Gods, pantheons, and universes – concepts far beyond his previous understanding.

[Here is some more relevant and key information, abandoned planets of gods typically result in the degradation of living entities present. This is due to these beings not having developed souls yet. To progress, you will need to find a means to leave Aeloria.]

Confused and taken aback, Kaz demanded, "What does that mean? Why would I need a soul to survive here?"

[Living entities, be it flora, fauna, or sentient beings, depend on the planet's god for their continued existence. In return, these beings generate an energy that sustains and empowers their god. If an entity grows potent enough, they can exist independently of their god, having manifested a soul. Without this connection or a soul, they cease to exist over time.]

Kaz's eyes widened as the implications dawned on him. "Do people on Earth have souls? And what about me?"

[The energy on Earth is siphoned off at a rate that makes it difficult for its beings to develop souls reliably. It's improbable that many, if any, on Earth possess one. As for you, Kaz, you currently lack a soul. However, I am sustaining your existence temporarily until you can cultivate one.]

"But what does having a soul actually mean?" Kaz asked, trying to grasp the weight of the situation.

[A soul acts as a universal recorder for an individual. When beings with souls perish, they don't fade into nothingness. Instead, their experiences, memories, and essence continue to persist in the universe, reliving their lives eternally. Without a soul, that very essence is fragile and easily obliterated, leaving no trace.]

Kaz's brow furrowed. "Who decided this? Why such a system?"

[This system is a decree of the Immortal God, a ranking given to the most powerful deity in the universe. They hold dominion over the universe's laws and its many facets.]

Kaz's heart felt heavy. "So countless lives, countless memories, all lost just because they didn't have this... soul? It's unfair. What about the promises of heaven, of paradise in many cultures?"

[The portrayal of eternal paradises across religions may hold some truth. But it's tied to the existence of a soul. Without it, those promises remain unfulfilled.]

Kaz's frustration grew. "Can't something be done? Can't these rules be changed?"

[The laws of the universe are malleable. The Immortal God can alter them if they desire. If another being were to ascend to that position, they too would hold the power to modify these laws.]

A fiery determination kindled within Kaz's eyes. He realized his previous goal wasn't going to solve the main issue of suffering. What does it matter of helping orphans if their existence is finished after death? Sure it's a temporary belief, but they will cease to exist anyway, nothing will matter to them then. right then and there, he made his decision. His mind flashed back to when he went through the orientation of URS, when it showed the girl in a pool of blood on the floor, referencing his reason for his previous goal.

"Then I want to enact change to the universe, I want to make life worth living and when it's finished, you can live it again, or have a rest. And if you grow tired of your existence, I want you to be able to decide your own fate, whether to keep restarting or to cease existing. I will to all I can to make a universe like that, one that she would have been happy to be part of... I wish to remake this universe."

[System Alert: New Mission Activated - "Become the True Monarch". Objective 1: Obtain a Soul.]