Learning About the System

Kaz, with his newfound goal decided, he needs to take advantage of his resources, especially if he wants to get off this planet.

"You told me I didn't use the system to my advantage, what could I have done?"

[Anything you can conceptualize. This means, Anything that you can comprehend or understand to a certain extent, the system can automate that process for you. An example, when you were learning world history reading through the world encyclopedia, you could have used the system to generate timelines showing placements of events in relation to each other. When going through your mathematics study, you could have used me to help you test formulas, plot points etc.]

Kaz's eyes sparkled with realization."That…would have made things a lot easier, so you are just an over-realized assistant?"

[Yes and no, I gave you an example based on your actions and goals at the time, again, I can be used in limitless ways, If you can conceptualize something such as a form of evolution for yourself, or automating processes such as building or creation, once you are able to do it yourself, I can automate it. If you need a map, I can give you one that fills in as you explore, if you need a relationship menu to show your relationships, I can list them. If you used the fried ability, you could message those added instantly, and much more.]

Kaz realized he had something that gave him limitless possibility and he used it to study, but then Kaz had another thought.

"Wait, so my studying actually helps me with the system! I should have looked at various things to gather as much information as possible."

[You can still do this somewhat, I scanned the library in the areas you explored and archived the information there so you can research those if needed.]

"I see, then that's helpful, are you able to just speed up the process of me reading the books? Since I memorize the books at a glance per page, it's more of a time dump than a challenge."

[New skill acquired: {Knowledge Absorption lvl. 1}]

[This skill allows you to touch information containing objects and directly implant the contents into your brain. It doesn't help with comprehending the content but it can speed up the process. Higher levels allow for faster and easier information absorption.]

[Skill token count has been updated.]

[Skill Tokens: 0]

"Skill token? I wasn't aware of those. How did I get those?"

[There were notifications you ignored before that informed you of them. Skill tokens are obtained from completing major milestones and allow you to choose a skill to be created. Your reincarnation counted as such a milestone and you received a skill token. These tokens allow you to choose a skill you create, otherwise, the system will present limited skill options upon level up milestones, or you will have to go through a process before making it a skill]

Kaz started processing this information as he made a new plan. First, he would start exploring the planet to see what is available to him for use in either getting off this planet or progress in building his soul.

"System, I need a map of my surroundings as well as an overlay with points of interest marked and indicated. I also need any book with relevance to manufacturing, or acquisition of materials."

[Map interface initializing..]

Suddenly, Kaz could see a floating empty map appear in front of him as well as a sudden grid-like scan moving through the world which filled in the map as it progressed. Kaz could see in the distance white pings appear indicating a POI as well as them appearing on the map with the label 'Relic', 'Ruins', 'Unknown Structure', etc.

Next a screen with a catalog of 344 results from his request of manufacturing and material acquisition. Under the list was a button that said 'Absorb 344 Results'. Kaz, seeing that button thought it would be convenient and clicked it without thinking, only to regret it a second later.

Kaz dropped to the ground holding his head in agony as thousands of pages of information started to invade his mind. Kaz began to tremble and fell over unable to support any of his weight, just looking into the sky with a dazed look as blood started to trickle out of his ears. Right now Kaz seemed to enter a trance, he wasn't aware of his senses or the outside world, the pain faded, and just mountains of information captivated him. Intricate schematics of machinery, age-old architectural marvels, mineral matrices, and the hidden art of extracting them from the earth's grasp, all flowed into his consciousness. The ancient techniques of smelting, forging, and masonry intertwined with modern innovations in structural engineering, metallurgy, and sustainable design. Each page's wisdom, from the subtleties of ore refinement to the grandeur of soaring skyscrapers, melded in his mind, crafting a tapestry of interconnected expertise. In mere moments, centuries of human progress became an intrinsic part of him.

[Absorption Completed in 43.52 seconds.]

[Skill Level Up: Knowledge Absorption lvl. 3]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[User is now level 4 due to the experience gained from the information absorbed.]

Kaz suddenly gasped for air as he came back to reality, sitting up quickly in a cold sweat ignoring his level up notifications.

"Next time, please stagger the books so that I don't absorb them all at once, I felt like I was going to die."

[Chance of death or permanent injury was non-existent, updating absorption rate to match the user's capability in a way that they can still retain function while absorbing information.]

[Update complete, next time information is absorbed, the rate will be cut to 10% speed, allowing the user to still retain bodily function.]

Kaz stood up still slightly dazed before beginning his quest and heading towards the closest point of interest. As he walked, he was able to observe properties of different rocks that seemed to be ore deposits, and cross reference them with the books he absorbed, and started to make mental notes of ores and minerals that he walked passed, before trying to add them to the map without directly talking to the system.

[Ore scanning added to the map, any ores recognized will be automatically marked on the map.]

'I had a hunch that I could communicate with you directly through thought, I guess that confirms it then?'

[Correct, I'm a system that exists internal to you, for that reason, only you are aware of my interactions and I can communicate with you verbally or through your thoughts.]

Kaz decided to do something for the first time, open his status menu.


Name: Kaz

Race: Human?

Skill Tokens: 0

Level: 4

Unallocated Stat Points: 4

Experience: 749/1000

Physique level: 5

Health: 73/90 ({vitality + physique} x 10)

Vitality: 4

Stamina: 5 (physique level)

Intelligence: 9


Photographic Memory lvl. MAX

Knowledge Absorption lvl. 3

???? lvl. 1


Looking over the status menu, Kaz felt he gained a better understanding of the effects of the system on himself, but did prompt him to ask one questions

"What is the question mark skill?"

[Currently that information is unavailable to you. As a word of advice, I cannot inform you of any information that gives you too significant of an advantage and a lot of information will be unlocked when you learn of it yourself. So for this skill, you will need to figure it out by yourself.]

Kaz sighed. This supposedly limitless system seemed to have quite a bit of limits. This thought prompted the system to respond.

[The potential of the system is limitless, though in its current form, it is limited.]

Kaz ignored the system and continued walking towards the point of interest, finally reaching it a few minutes later.

[New Landmark added!]