New Energy

[New Landmark added!]

[Forgotten Unknown Ruins]

[These ruins, lost to the ravages of time, whisper tales of a forgotten purpose. The cruel embrace of decay has made certain few artifacts survive.]

Kaz stood at the threshold of the ruins, his gaze fixated on the somewhat sunken structure shrouded in layers of rust. Its original shape was a mystery, time having erased any distinguishing features. He stepped closer, the ground beneath echoing the weight of his presence. Amongst the decay, he recognized enduring fragments - the unmistakable gleam of hadfield steel, hints of aerospace-grade titanium alloys, and the pervasive signs of iron.

[New Skill Discovered: {Prospecting lvl. 1}]

[Prospecting unveiled the world's hidden compositions to Kaz. With each level, the elements would reveal more of their secrets, from their unique structures to their potential alchemies.]

As he pondered on this newfound skill, another notification surprised him.

[Level up!]

[New milestone reached!]

[New Skill Acquired: {Manufacturing lvl. 1}]

[Manufacturing allows simple machines to be created within the system interface using materials stored in the inventory. Successful creations will have a blueprint stored for them for easy use in the future. Leveling up this skill allows the user to more efficiently use their materials leading to less waste as well as upgrading your chance of success in new creations.]

Kaz blinked, disoriented by the rapid onslaught of information. He rubbed his temples, seeking clarity, "Did leveling up have anything to do with my newfound prospecting abilities?"

[No, you leveled up from your careful examinations of the environment and successfully deducing the materials within the structure, also, your continued use of identifying materials caused you to discover the prospecting skill, allowing you to more easily identify materials and ways of using them.]

Kaz nodded, absorbing the system's response.

"I see, next question, am I able to store the materials used in the structures of these ruins? The manufacturing skill mentioned using materials in my inventory."

[Yes, however you will need to physically touch the material to store it.]

With caution, Kaz began to touch various parts of the ruins, feeling the weight and texture of each material. Despite the looming threat of the ruins' instability, his determination saw him through. Yet, as the final metal plate was secured, a captivating glow emerged from the shadows. This radiant light pulsated, its rhythmic dance painting ethereal patterns in the air. Mesmerized, Kaz approached and, driven by an inexplicable urge, reached out.

The moment his fingers brushed the crystal, agony coursed through him. An intense heat and throbbing began at the base of his skull, cascading down his spine and electrifying every nerve on the surface of his skin. It felt as if he was being consumed, torn apart atom by atom.

[New energy introduced to the user, activating emergency Nexus Gland unlock sequence]

Suddenly, Kaz felt as if the throbbing dimmed down a slight bit, as it passed down through his spinal cord, he could feel the reason his nerves were on fire, and could see it. Some streaks of pulsating color swimming through the air towards his pores.

[Nexus Gland unlocked, using nearby energy sources to stabilize the gland.]

The burning started to cool down and the throbbing started to become more bearable, but KAz still was gritting his teeth through excruciating pain. This began until Kaz was at a bearable but uncomfortable situation.

[Stabilization complete, beginning gland reinforcement.]

Slowly the uncomfortable feeling disappeared and an internal thirst awakened that because sucking the strange colors into Kaz faster. As more energy of this thing entered him, he could start to be able to sense what it was, some kind of energy. He could slowly see what seemed like a map through his entire body of what he assumed to be his nervous system, and then a thin structure running through them carrying this energy to something round at the base of his skull. When he first noticed this round thing in his skull, it was the size of a drop of water, but continued to expand until he felt satiated and rested at the size of a grain of rice. Finally, everything stopped, Kaz fell to his knees feeling drained but also energized.

[Reinforcement complete!]

[New Milestone complete!]

[Nexus Gland awakened!]

[Every living entity possesses what is known as the Nexus Gland, a small, previously undiscovered organ located at the base of the brain, intertwined with the pineal gland. This Nexus Gland is composed of cells that have a unique property: they contain mitochondria that can tap into the quantum fluctuations of the universe. These quantum fluctuations are everywhere, a remnant of the Big Bang, representing the universe's raw, untapped energy.]

[New Stat unlocked: Nexus wisps]

[This stat counts a smaller packet of nexus energy per wisp and allows the user to store these packers within their Nexus gland. Evolving the Nexus gland will evolve this stat to a bigger measure of this energy.]

Kaz finally caught his breath before beginning to read his notifications, only to confuse himself more.

"What the fuck just happened?"

[You came in contact with a deposit of nexus crystals. These crystals are giving off energy in the form of quantum fluctuations, normally you wouldn't have been affected, but our Nexus gland reacted and instinctively resonated with it causing you to begin absorbing the energy from the deposit. Since your Nexus Gland has not been used before, the sudden influx of energy almost caused you to have a stroke and I have to activate an emergency awakening to allow you to live.]

Kaz slowly processed the information before looking back at the crystal and touching it again, this time without absorbing the energy, and storing the deposit of nexus crystals.

"So you told me that every being has this gland? Why was this not discovered by people on earth?"

[The Nexus Gland, as you know it, is not present in humans on Earth. Earth's god, driven by greed, has been siphoning off the majority of the Nexus Energy available on the planet for personal gain. As a result, over time, the humans adapted to the deprivation, with the Nexus Gland slowly diminishing in importance and function until it virtually disappeared. Without the necessary Nexus Energy to stimulate and sustain the gland, it became redundant, reducing to an almost non-existent state.]

[Furthermore, due to the scarcity of Nexus Energy, Earth's human anatomy evolved emphasizing other organs and systems for survival, while neglecting the Nexus Gland's development. Modern Earth technology and medical practices, despite their advances, are not calibrated to detect such a dormant, minute organ, especially since its existence wouldn't provide any apparent function in the absence of the Nexus Energy. It's akin to a radio in a world without radio waves; the device might exist, but its true purpose would remain a mystery.]

Kaz started walking towards the next point of interest on his map thinking back to earth, curious as to what the discovery of this organ would mean.

"Can you explain the functionality of it for me?

[When an individual learns to focus or meditate, they are, in fact, subconsciously attuning their Nexus Gland to resonate with these quantum fluctuations. Over time, with practice, the Nexus Gland becomes more efficient at drawing and converting this energy.]

[Once Nexus Energy is harnessed, the body's inherent energy pathways, the nervous system, distribute it. Depending on an individual's genetic makeup, upbringing, environment, and personal focus, this Nexus Energy can manifest in many ways, such as mana for spellcasters, qi for martial artists, or life energy. This explains the diverse abilities and powers across different cultures and individuals throughout the universe.]

Kaz realized what this meant, he had a path forward, so many possibilities just opened up to him.

"Does this Gland perchance have anything to do with developing a soul?"

[Yes, this gland is often called a Soul Seed, or Mana Spark in various realms, usually descending from the use method of a planet's god. This is actually the first step of developing a soul, once you evolve it, you will truly have a soul, but it will be very limited in the information it records of you, only memories at that point.]

[Mission Update!]

[Cultivate your Nexus Gland to the first evolution!]