Back in Hogwarts

Wednesday, 2nd January 1991

The first day of school after the Winter Holidays passed without trouble, since Matthew already scanned the whole Hogwarts Library, he had to change up his schedule. In the mornings before Lessons, he still worked out, to keep his peak human physical shape for his age class. He also trained the Martial Arts Style Sophie created for him, which was perfectly compatible with magic casting, it felt as if he already reached an advanced level, although he still wasn't an expert.

Since Sarah improved and created his personal style of Occlumency, he meditated every night with the meditation technique he needed to control his mind enough to access his mindscape, something only very advanced Occlumens was able to accomplish. The only ones he knew of according to his analysis were Snape, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and probably Grindelwald who was still imprisoned in Nurmengard Castle. Only this handful of people were able to create mental barriers and fake memories inside their mindscape. Most people who practice Occlumency defend their minds only through controlling their thoughts and emotions, which Matthew now also could do. With his improved meditation technique, he would reach higher levels in a few weeks.

Lastly, after lessons, he would either practice magic or read, but he completely scanned the Hogwarts Library, Raczidians small Library, and the books he collected in book shops, so he ran out of new materials for the near future. But he had more theoretical knowledge in magic than anyone, Dumbledore may have more experiences and knowledge in branches he specialized in like Transfiguration and Alchemy since he accessed during his long life many different Libraries and Books, like the ones of Nicolas Flamel as he studied under him. And Voldemort knows more about the Dark Arts than him, but both of that was temporary since he had already ideas how to gain more knowledge.

For now, his best course of action besides practicing magic, which he only can practice wandless not without incantation because he doesn't have enough magical energy at the moment, was to solve that problem. His holidays brought him a starting point.

According to Sarah's first simulations, he had to find a way to extract the magical energy from the corn he bought, into a more useful form. The Concentration inside the corn was too low to create a meaningful potion, it would just result in an expensive vegetable soup rather than a potion to increase his magical energy reserves. He created a new File he called 'Azure Corn' in honor of Leylin Farlier's first Spiritual Force Formula Research.

So after Lessons, Matthew entered the Room of Requirements where he wished for a Potions Lab and began experimenting with the different Methods Sarah devised to extract pure magical energy. This whole phase of experimenting will take at least a few days. Waiting times he passed with practicing Magic in a different part of the Room.

For his magic, he already mastered up to the fifth-year level a student usually learned in Hogwarts. Anything above was hard for him at the moment since it was energy-consuming. Unlike Harry Potter, he was born as an average Wizard strength-wise, he could only cast the Patronus Charm through his almost perfect Control of his magical energy. While Harry had probably masses of power to waste.

'Sarah please Scan my Body and display my stats. I want to know at what level I currently am?' requested Matthew during a break a few days after starting his experimentations.

[Beep! Scan Complete! Displaying Status.] [Matthew Mason, Wizard(Rank 1), Strength: 1.8, Agility: 2.0, Vitality: 1.9, Magical Energy: 36.4, Status: Healthy]

'So my physical stats almost reached the limit a regular Human can reach, as for Wizards I already surpass many adults since they don't really work out. But people like Bellatrix Lestrange did keep a good Physical Body and should surpass me at the moment. But it's only a matter of time since at the moment he can only keep up his routine and let his body grow, after Puberty his body should mature and reach the Peak. While Voldemort most likely surpassed this level, through Rituals since he seems to be very fit for a 70-year-old Geezer.' Thought Matthew while checking out his current status. Matthew couldn't imagine Voldemort working out, but was this worth the price, looking like an ugly egg, for more strength and powers. After all, he was confident in finding a better method.

As for his magical energy level, he already entered the level of 3rd-year students at the end of the year. If he successfully completed Project 'Azure Corn', he would be able to reach a magical energy level of 80, the peak a wizard can reach before completing Puberty where his body would mature on a physical and spiritual level. Sarah theorized based on her database and scans, that wizards can enter a spiritual maturation besides Puberty if they can generate enough magical energy, either through training their magic a lot or high age. Since then many more powerful Wizards like the Professors, Aurors, or Death Eaters reached a qualitative change in their magic even without Puberty or any Rituals.

So Matthew should be able to force a maturation before completing Puberty by using his potions, which would allow him to reach the level of a Rank 3 Wizard by the age of 16 by abusing his natural maturation through Puberty. He returned to his Potion experiments since his current plans rely on their success.

~ Scene Break ~

The next 2 Weeks of January Matthew spent most of his time outside School, inside the Room of Requirements. Well, he still attended the new detentions with Professor Snape and helped the first years studying on Fridays. But the rest of the time he focused on experiments, so he was for large amounts of the day absent from the Castle.

His experiments still didn't finish, although he managed to extract the magical energy into a liquid, it contained a few impurities from the extraction process, which made it still incomplete. But today with the help of a small Ritual Sarah created as the final step he would be able to remove the impurities and create the basic ingredient of his 'Azure Corn Potion'.

After a few hours of processing and purifying the extracted liquid, he finally succeeded in creating four vials of pure magical energy liquid, a new ingredient that he named magical essence. According to Sarah's analysis, this was the lowest grade of magical essence possible, since the Corn was only able to contain this quality of magical energy. But at his current level, this absolutely should be enough to improve his reserves.

Now he finally should be able to find, the optimal method to induce the magical essence into his body, and increase the reserves. This last step should be easy, he just needed to let Sarah choose the best one since there are multiple possibilities. He needed the one which would bring most of the magical energy inside the magical essence into his system with the least waste.

'Sarah starts the analysis for the best method, and create the corresponding Potion formula' he requested mentally after storing the vials with magical essence away.

[Starting simulation and creation Process! Estimated Time of Completion: 5 Days 9 Hours 27 Minutes]

"Well, just enough time to rest a bit after these few days of hard work." Muttered Matthew as he opened a Portal into an abandoned and unused Room close to the Ravenclaw Tower.


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