Protecting the Mind

'Well, that was a short break.' Mused Matthew as he managed to enter his mindscape two days later during his daily meditation Session. The inside of his mind looked like a Universe on its own. A wide dark space full of different colored lights, some stood still in their positions, some moved through the Space. They had many different forms, balls of lights, beams, or thunders.

His mind was a chaotic but beautiful place. It was time, to begin with, the final step of the first part of his Occlumency technique. His Mindscape was a representation of his consciousness, memories, emotions, and personality. Everything that makes him himself. The Mindscape can take many different forms. Some may be a building, a maze, a planet, or some other abstract concept, his took a Universe-like form. This represented the uniqueness of everyone's mind.

To Complete the first part of his Occlumency technique, he needed to create the outer defense of his mind. The defense should compose of two different components. A barrier or shield of some kind to protect the mind from attacks. And a sensory part, to detect subtle attacks and mind-influencing drugs or effects similar to Veritaserum, Amoretia, or the imperius curse.

The Protecting layer could be based on physical or abstract concepts, it didn't matter if it was strong in the real world or it even existed it could be just a fictional principle. All you needed is to believe it was Powerful. He had first to construct his inner mental shield before he could begin constructing his sensory defense.

He decided to go with an abstract concept for his defensive Layer, an absolute border of his Universe fuelled by his emotions and cosmic energies inside his universe which he had perfect control of thanks to his preparatory meditation. Just forming some shields based on real physics wasn't powerful enough for him, everything, in reality, could break but the borders of a Universe exist until the time it dies. So as long his Universe exists, his border protects it. And his Universe Lifes and DIes with him. To break into his mindscape they would have to shatter his mind first or kill him.

Matthew started the Construction of his Border by guiding one string of energy out of his universe fuelling a first almost invisible layer of energy. The energy had destructive properties and was harder than anything imaginable. The moment the first Layer was formed he guided another string of energy into another Layer, this time he guided some of his emotions into it.

He needed now to repeat this process again and again until he felt the border of his Universe was complete. Matthew had at the moment no idea how long this would take, but at least a few weeks of building sessions. In one meditative session, he was only able to construct 6 Layers that he fused at the end together into one more powerful border filled with chaotic energy protecting his mind. Before he finally fell asleep.

~ Scene Break ~

A few days later the Sarah finally completed the Potion Formula for his 'Azure Corn Potion'. Although it had a 3 Weeks brewing process, it was the currently most effective way to strengthen his personal magical energy reserves. It was based on Acromantula Poison, the poison was very lethal, once injected into the Body it spread in minutes through it and would kill it. The Potion Formula would bind the Magical Essence with the Poison and spread it fastly through the whole body, other components of the Potion were there to neutralize the lethal effect and infuse the magical energy into the body.

One could only consume the body once a week because the forceful increase in power strained the body massively, and too much of the Poison could still become harmful even neutralized. A week was enough for the body to regenerate, and to detoxify.

Matthew had enough magical essence to create 12 vials of Azure Corn Potion, which should be more than enough to let himself reach the limit of his body before maturing. Instantly after lessons, he left his friends and entered the Room of Requirments for the brewing process. Luckily the Potion didn't need to be monitored the whole time. It just takes so long to combine the magical essence with the Poison without destroying or wasting it.

For the next 3 Weeks, Matthew continued his routine, from Professor Snape he also learned how Snape usually tries to create new Potion formula, where he picked up a few new tricks here and there. Although his Methods were unlike Sarah's pretty time-consuming since in the end, it came to try and error.

He also continued to help the Ravenclaws first years with their studies they even came to with a few more complex questions to him which allowed him to flaunt his knowledge. Once he even taught Cho a few Spells again, because she asked him if they could repeat their one and one spell training session.

The days passed and it became February and warmer and warmer, while waiting for his Potion to complete he continued building his mental defenses. He already repeated the process of guiding the energies of his Universe and Emotions into barriers and fusing them into his border a few hundred times. The Border of his Universe was formed of a dark and chaotic mass of energy, with colorful flashes of lightning swirling through it. Matthew felt he reached the Perfect state of it. It would be very hard for anything to pass through it with brute force since it was bound to his mind itself. Now it was time to construct an outer layer that would allow him to detect subtle attacks, so he could react to them. This would be the final step of the first part of the Occlumency technique.

Matthew already thought about how he would construct his detection layer. It would be a combination of an invisible mist with many small almost not perceivable strings inside it connected to his mind. Every attacker would think the strings would be the true detection mechanism, but in reality, they would be just a diversion. The true detection mechanism is the invisible mist made of microscopic particles once someone entered it they would collide with each other and collide with the strings and barrier. So Matthew could detect any kind of intrusion, no matter how subtle it is.

The Construction Process took only a few days, since its purpose was just detecting intrusion it doesn't need to be an indestructible barrier. First, he formed the string and connected it to his Universe, then another one and another one until he created a wide net of interconnected strings connected to each other or his inner mindscape.

Next, he started creating the microscopic invisible particles in bulk, all around the web and the border of his mind. He completed the outer mental defenses of his mind a few days before the 'Azure Corn Potion' was ready and with it the first part of his original Occlumency technique. He finally should be ready to scan the Scroll he found inside the Ruins of Raczidians Black Castle. But first, he wanted to test the new Potion and be in peak condition since he didn't know what would happen.


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