Sorting Feast

Professor McGonagall started with the Sorting, Hanna Abbot and Susan Bones to Hufflepuff. Terry Boot to Ravenclaw and so on, pretty much like in the Harry Potter books.

"Granger, Hermione!" she called now while reading from her list.

Hermione almost ran to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head. Her Sorting took a while, Matthew was pretty sure in the original her sorting didn't take so long. 'Could it be?' wondered Matthew as he watched the girl and the hat until suddenly the hat opened its Mouth.

"RAVENCLAW!" it shouted out. And Hermione ran down the Stairs and joined the Ravenclaw table while smiling at Matthew and waving at him. Matthew waved with a nice smile back, 'Oh Shit! Keeping the Canon timeline intact my ass. I should have kept my distance.' Blamed Matthew himself, 'Well how should Ron and Harry even survive their School years. Harry will either drop from his Broom or get strangled by the Devil Snare protecting the Philosopher Stone. Now I will have to take a more active Role, maybe Hermione can still become friends with them?' wondered Matthew as he began to plan what he should do now.

While he was in his thoughts the Sorting continued, Neville landed in Gryffindor but forgot to take off the Sorting Hat as he ran off to the table, he had to return and put the hat back on the Chair under the laughter of the other students. Malfoy landed in Slytherin before the Sorting Hat was even completely touched his head. The Sorting continued like in Canon.

"Potter, Harry!" read Professor McGonagall out loudly from her Scroll. The Hall become instantly quiet and whisper broke out like hissing fire all over the hall.

"Potter, did she say?" asked a voice, another one asked, "The Harry Potter?"

Harry walked forward and placed himself on the Chair as the whole Hall tried to get a good look at him and Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on his head.

"Where do you guys think he will be sorted?" asked Roger as he stared at the dark-haired boy with the hat on his head.

"Gryffindor" commented Matthew nonchalantly. "I met him in Diagon Alley, and he has the disposition of a Gryffindor, and both his parents were in the House. Maybe Ravenclaw but doubtful, although he is smart he isn't interested in studies." Explained Matthew to his friends. 'Although maybe he will put more effort in than in Canon, at the same time Hermione is missing so his grades will probably drop but at the same time he also may become better since he has to rely more on himself. Will Ron even graduate?' pondered Matthew as he realized that possibility while his friends continued the discussion.

Suddenly the Hat shouted "-better be GRYFFINDOR!" Harry took off the hat and walked shakily toward the Gryffindor table. He looked relieved, as the whole Gryffindor Table broke out in cheers, the loudest cheers in the whole sorting. Percy got even up and shook Harry's Hands vigorously, what an asskisser, no wonder he becomes the personal Secretary of the Minister later on. The twins yelled "We got Potter! We got Potter!" as Harry sat down opposite of Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington or short Sir Nicholas the Ghost of House Gryffindor also known as the near Headless Nick who patted Harry on his Arm. Even the people on the Teacher Table paid special attention to Harry now, Hagrid gave Harry a thumbs up while Dumbledore even raised his Cup for him. Well, Slytherin will this year not win the House Cup, since Dumbledore would give his Golden Boy preferential treatment this year. But maybe Ravenclaw also had a chance to win if Matthew and Hermione would be able to contribute to the whole Stone drama.

The Sorting Continued as only four Students were remaining, Dean Thomas, a black Boy even taller than Ron landed in Gryffindor and Lisa Turpin a dark-haired girl with glasses joined the Ravenclaw table. Then it was Ron's turn who like all Weasleys landed in Gryffindor. The loudest cheered his Brothers and Harry for him. Last but not least Blaise Zabini a dark-skinned boy landed in Slytherin. He was the son of the famous Black Widow who had already six different Husbands at this point in time. Matthew wondered how she actually looked. Fun fact as Matthew read the first Harry Potter book in his last life, Blaise Zabini was translated as a girl in his mother Language since his gender wasn't clear in the first book.

Now that the Sorting was complete Professor McGonagall put her Scroll and the Sorting hat away. Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet. He was beaming at the students, his arms opened wide as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.

"Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" he sat back down and waved his hands as the food appeared on the tables. Everybody clapped and cheered.

"Is getting Dumbledore mad?" asked Cho besides him.

"No. Dumbledore wants to point out a rather troublesome problem between the four houses. These four words may sound mad but have a deep meaning. Hey are other another word for 'other', Dumbledore points out the Division between the houses." Began Matthew to explain.

"Ravenclaw is a House of intellect and would see the members of other houses as Nitwits sometime. Gryffindor is a rather athletic house while Blubber is another word for fat used on British playgrounds. The members of house Slytherin love pure-blood and for them is an 'other' an Oddment which means in the World of sewing cloth remains. While for Hufflepuff their unity is very important to them, while the members of the other Houses would need to be tweaked to fit in. So Tweek is 'Other' for Hufflepuffs. Rather than mad Dumbledore is brilliant." Explained Matthew to his group of friends, while the rest of the table also listened in wonder. It was visible how the respect for Dumbledore grew on the whole table and some of the Students even fell in thought while comprehending the deeper meaning of the words.

The feast continued while Matthew paid attention to the Gryffindor table. Harry watched the Head Table. As he stared at Snape and Quirrell his hand suddenly clapped at his head and he asked Percy something.

'So that confirms it. Voldemort is here.' Concluded Matthew.

As everyone finished and the food on the Tables vanished Dumbledore got to his feet again.

"Ahem — just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you."

"First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."

Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the Weasley twins and then at Matthew.

'Oh, shit wasn't as sneaky as I thought. Damn right the Wards monitor the location of every Student. Although he wouldn't be able to know where every Student is 24/7 he would know if someone leaves the Wards. Hopefully, he didn't follow me.' Thought Matthew.

"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors."

"Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. "

"And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

With that, the Feast come to its conclusion, after the School Song the Students left the Great Hall. The First-year students followed the Prefects to their respective Common Rooms. Matthew and his friends left for the Ravenclaw common room and retired for the night.


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