Updating the Minimap

Monday, 2nd September 1991

After his morning Workout that Matthew kept up to keep his body in Top Condition, he headed to the Great Hall for Breakfast, where he also acquired the new Schedule for his third year. This year he had two additional classes on his plan which would take more of his time, at least he wasn't so insane to take all classes just to acquire a time tuner to study. He hoped that Hermione would get one in her third year and he would then have the opportunity to study it. After all, he wasn't ready to study Time at the moment, he had enough on his plate.

Today he only had History of Magic, where he spent his time reading the new books from the Library that arrived this year since Mrs.Pince would add new books to the Hogwarts Library every year to keep it updated. After all, Hogwarts was one of the biggest and oldest Magical Libraries in the World. Since Matthew needed something to do in History of Magic he didn't scan them directly since they, either way, would only add a small amount of new knowledge to his extensive Database.

Besides History of Magic, he also had Defense against the Dark Arts, with the annoyingly stuttering Quirrellmort. To not get unwanted attention from him, Matthew had no other choice than to endure this completely boring and useless class while pretending to take notes from Quirrelmort's incomprehensible stutters.

Mondays would be the most troublesome days this year since he had the most useless classes on them this year. Once his classes were finished he excused himself from his friends and headed for one of the unused classrooms. He couldn't risk entering the Room of Requirement this year with the high risk of Quirrellmort discovering him. Since Matthew wasn't sure how much attention Voldemort would pay to the Room where his Horcrux was hidden. Quirrell was just a disposable pawn for him, so he would most likely check out if the Horcrux was safe since dead men tell no tales. And Quirrell would because of the Possession through Voldemort and the Unicorn Blood they would consume later to keep the body intact die either way.

Matthew didn't want to lose the advantage of the Room of Requirements this year completely. So he needed a way to monitor the location of Quirrelmort 24/7. There were multiple examples of people who accomplished that in Hogwarts like Dumbledore or any other Headmaster and the Marauders. They all used the same Method, Matthew figured out how they did it already before he completed reading the Hogwarts Library since the Method was obvious. He just didn't have a use for his own Marauders map since he would have to invest a lot of time to create one with an incomplete database. But now that his database was so extensive, it was pretty simple. The Magic they used was simply the Hogwarts wards which monitored the insides of the Castle and the safety of the Students.

Every Headmaster was connected to these thousand-year-old wards which only became more powerful over the ages, this was just one of the perks and requirements for being a Headmaster and was clearly recorded in Older Versions of Hogwarts: A History which he acquired through the Room of Requirements in the past. Probably because of the recent Wizarding War and global Dark Lords like Grindlewald, this information was removed for Safety measurements. This was also the proof that Dumbledore planned Voldemort's death probably since he got the Confirmation of the existence of his Horcruxes in Harry's Second Year through the Diary. Dumbledore knew that Barty Crouch Jr was pretending as Mad eye Moody but needed Voldemort to return with Harry's blood so the young boy got a chance for survival. That's also why Matthew needed to keep the Canon Timeline mostly intact until Voldemorts returned. Once he resurrected himself with Harry's Blood he was as good as dead.

The Marauders on the other hand were quite the brilliant students to figure it out. Although it wasn't hard to connect to the wards once you are inside them, figuring out how they worked and what they did was a genius move. The rest of the map was simply a visual representation of the information shared by the wards, with a few concealment charms and enchantments that would also insult someone who tried to access it forcibly. But nothing useful to take a closer look at so he didn't steal it like an idiot for anything substantial to gain.

Weeks ago Matthew created with the help of Sarah's calculation a spell to connect himself to the Hogwarts wards without Dumbledore or any Headmaster who was controlling the Wards being aware of it. All he needed for it was to be inside of them. Since Dumbledore was most likely aware of the Marauders map and could cancel the connection any time, which Matthew didn't want to. Although he had nothing against Dumbledore, the less control and information the Old Schemer had over him the better. Unfortunately, Matthew wouldn't be able to gain control over the wards only their information. To gain control over wards a Wizard needed to be keyed into the Wardstone, which was located in the Headmaster office, the safest place in the castle. On one of his explorations of the Castle Matthew found out that the Office had another extra set of Wards just to protect the Office, this means there should be two Wardstones there, and the Office was impossible to break in without the knowledge of the Headmaster.

After a few minutes Matthew was able to establish the connection with the wards with his Spell, 'Sarah use the data acquired through the Hogwarts Wards and update my minimap with it. Create a new subroutine for it and stop the Echolocation subroutine inside the Castle since it would be redundant now.'

[Beep! Confirming Task. Connection Established and Subroutine created. Updating Map. Task Complete: Minimap updated.]

Suddenly the Minimap inside Matthew's mind changed and he gained a ton of new information on it. He knew a lot of secret corridors and rooms inside the castle already, but a ton of new ones appeared thanks to the connection. The Room of Requirements wasn't there which meant that event the Headmaster was unaware of it and couldn't monitor it, and since it was inside the wards nobody left them and he wouldn't be alarmed. Thanks to the AI Chip Matthew had now a Minimap of Hogwarts which allowed him to monitor the location of every Person in the Castle 24/7. Something a normal Wizard couldn't do, although they were more powerful than normal Humans, in the end, they were still base Human and couldn't split their awareness. So Dumbledore wasn't able to permanently monitor the Castle like Matthew could with Sarah's assistance.

Now that he had his Minimap he was able to be always aware of Quirrelmort's location and could dodge him permanently. Matthew could now use the Room of Requirements without trouble. If Quirrelmort was headed there or came close, Sarah would alarm him and all he had to do was open a Portal and head for a remote classroom. Matthew was now basically uncatchable inside Hogwarts for anybody besides the Headmaster who could also apparate inside Hogwarts or use Phoenix Travel.

Lucky for Matthew was also that Voldemort was too arrogant to create something like a Marauders Map to monitor the Castle. Without a doubt, he was capable of it, but probably already too mad thanks to his split soul.

For the rest of the day, Matthew practiced a few more complex Spells since he now had the Reserves of a fifth-year student and was able to do it without a strain on himself. After all, the regular practice would allow his reserves to grow faster, and the bigger the Spell the more magic he used. Once Curfew approached he returned to the Ravenclaw Tower and rested for the Day.


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