
Although Matthew had currently Holidays, he had no time to waste since this time he had a very tight schedule and a lot of things to accomplish. He was currently heading for Diagon Alley where he needed to visit Gringotts to exchange some of the Gold he created with the Philosopher Stone into Wizarding Currency.

It was impossible for him to create Galleons from the Gold himself since they were not only made from Gold but also had Counterfeit Magic unique to the Wizarding Banks in the World. This kind of magic was a tightly kept secret by the magical financial institutes of the Wizarding World and hard to replicate even with the help of the AI chip since it was created by multiple different races together, all of them had their own kind of magic that Matthew didn't know. The only bank in Britain was Gringotts thanks to an ancient agreement by the idiots of the Ministry, which allowed the Goblins to gain a monopoly over the finances in Britain. Basically, the Purebloods made themselves dependant on Gringotts since most of their Wealth is there, only a few smart Pureblood families may have scattered their finances over Europe in different banks, but most of them weren't very smart.

He could sell the Gold to different ingredient suppliers but they don't have such a large need for Gold to sell it in the magnitude he currently needed. Besides as Currency Gold was only used rarely, and for very specific purposes in alchemy, potioneering, and different magical products. It could take months or years, time that Matthew didn't have at the moment to sell the amount he currently needed since all of them had their own supply either way.

Matthew once again stepped through the familiar entrance of the marble Building and approached one of the free tellers, "Greetings teller Urgus, I am here to exchange some Gold I recently acquired into Wizarding Currency.", he began to greet after reading the goblins name from the nameplate on his desk.

The Goblin Urgus answered with a typical goblin sneer, "Hello Wizard, will the transaction amount be larger than 1000 Galleons?"

"Yes, I found quite the large pile of Gold." Explained Matthew politely.

"Please follow me to a private Room Wizard." Said the small creature as he guided Matthew through a corridor into a private room with a table where a few chairs stood on both sides. The walls were made of marvel that was decorated with carvings. Among the carvings you found some privacy Runes hidden. Once the goblin closed the Door the Runes began to glow for a moment while he pointed to one of the chairs. "Please take a seat."

"About how much Gold are we talking here?" began the small creature with a glint in its eyes.

Matthew took his trunk out and piled a few bars of gold onto the table, "This much to be precise."

Urgus took a bar into its hands and began to inspect it, "grrrr nice, 24 karats pure gold and a sizeable amount. The exchange rate between Gold into Galleons is 1Kg of Gold to 10000 Galleons. For every Transaction, Gringotts takes a fee of 25%."

"25% is too much. I can visit the gnomes in Swiss next month and exchange the gold with a fee of 5%." He bluffed, "You also are unable to threaten me with my Gold since I am not a Pureblood Wizard and don't keep all my assets at Gringotts. At most you would be able to inconvenience me until my schooling in Hogwarts ends, from then on I wouldn't need to do my business in magical Britain. But that would be inconvenient for both parties since we could have a profitable business relationship. After all, Potioneering is just one of my future business branches." Explained Matthew politely but with a serious look in his eyes.

The Goblin began to growl but the respect in his eyes grew, "Fine the lowest I can do or we would have the Purebloods on our backs."

"That's fine with me for now." They completed the Transaction and Matthew left the bank with over 15000 Galleons in his trunk and another 50000 in his Vault.

'That went better than expected. Well, they also don't seem to like the Purebloods but like Gold. Most likely I am really a good future business Partner for them.' Thought Matthew as he headed down the Alley to a shop he didn't visit for a while.

He arrived in front of the Trunk shop where he already bought his trusted Trunk and entered the small but practical storeroom which was packed with trunks in all sizes and colors. The same old Shopkeeper still tended to the Store.

"Welcome back, what can I do for you today? Is everything alright with your Trunk?". Asked the old shop Keeper behind the Counter.

"Yes, I am very happy with my old Trunk. But I need actually an upgrade. I would like to purchase a House trunk for myself." Explained Matthew with a bit of anticipation in his voice, once he remembered Newt Scarmanders epic Trunk.

"That won't be Cheap the base version cost 10000 Galleons. That's also the amount you will need to pay upfront the rest for the upgrades can be paid later." Explained the Shopkeeper.

"Wasn't it 15000 Galleons the last time?" asked Matthew positively surprised.

"Oh yes, but the Wizardgamot removed in a new Law the need to register the Trunk with the Ministry. The fee for that was 5000 Galleons. A rich Pureblood wanted to purchase a few and it was cheaper for him to remove the Law altogether than to pay the fee." Replied the Shopkeeper with a laugh, "Good for me. More Customers."

"And also good for me it saves me some money. What are the features of the Trunk?"

"The standard version comes with one small, two middle-sized, and one large room that connects them. Security and weightless enchantments are included in the price. But there is no shrinking enchantment for House Trunks since that would destabilize the Pocket Space. Every additional small room costs 1000 Galleons, middle ones 2000 Galleons and large ones 4000. It takes 3 Days for the Trunk to be finished since I also need to test the stability of the Pocket Space." Explained the old man.

"Okay, I will take one with additionally 1 small, 2 middles sized and one large room. I will pay the 10000 Galleons upfront and the rest once in three days." Ordered Matthew as he took out the Money.

"Okay, the final price will be 19000 Galleons. Thank you her is your recipe." Finished the Shopkeeper the transaction, "See you in three days."

"Yes, bye." Matthew left the store after he put his purse back.

'So I will still need to use my original Trunk as portable inventory until I find a better solution. At least I have a nice portable base now.' Thought Matthew as he began his way home. Three days was enough time to finish one of his objectives, he didn't need much storage space for each of his Objectives. Now his only problem was how to get there since he still wasn't able to apparate, it was just too risky to study it by himself. Although he knew how to create Portkeys they only could be created for places where you already were once. So he had no choice to use that method of travel.


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