Fear 1

There was only one direction he could look further, he needed to go deeper. Since the darkness got more suppressive and terrifying the further down he was, meant that the Source of it was below the Prison. There may be a hidden entrance somewhere but after a few hours of search, he was unable to find it.

Matthew had another method to search down there. He placed his hand on the floor and send a pulse out with the help of his earth magic. He searched on the whole underground floor for an entrance, tunnel, or staircase hidden somewhere, but was unable to locate anything.

'There has to be something!' he thought annoyed and continued his search, 'I can't give up now. Any ideas Sarah?'

[Possibly the way further down caved in or got destroyed. The host should try using the earth-pulse spell in different locations.}

Since that was his only option he continued with his search. He used the spell in every Room and Corridor he entered but was unable to find anything. The last remaining area was the Graveyard. He kneeled down in the center of the Graveyard, surrounded by gravestones without names, and send a pulse out. And they're barely at the furthest range of his earth-pulse spell he found a hollow area where a Room or a Cave could be.

'Well, no choice I have to dig down. Good that there are no Dementors in the Graveyard, there are no living inmates to feed on after all.' Though Matthew as he began to dig his way down with his magic. He closed the tunnel behind him and only kept a small hole open for fresh oxygen.

'Cold.', After he dug over a hundred meters down he finally arrived inside a dark cave and used the feather fall charm to reach the floor. The Cave was in absolute darkness, there was no light source. With the help of his echolocation, he was able to feel the area around him, he was in a small room with a stone platform below his feet, the only way out leading further down. He took the Hand of Glory from his Trunk and channeled his magic into it so he could see inside the Dark Cave.

Once light illuminated the Cave for him he was able to see inside the small room. He was in a small chamber with walls made of pitch-black Stones. All over the Walls were Runes carved into them, but he couldn't exactly tell what their Purpose was since he only recognized some of them. On the floor was another Runic formation carved in elder Futhark and Chaos Runes, 'I am right here. Sarah can you analyze the Runic formation on the floor and record all the Runes on the Wall, I don't recognize all of them.

[Beep. Runes successfully recorded. The runic formation seems to be a short-range teleportation formation. It targets a receiver above ground. Usage is not recommended since the host didn't find the Reciever above ground it must have been destroyed, it would only disassemble the host's body into magic without reassembling it at the target. Added new Data to the Database.]

'This must have been how Ekrizdis entered this place. Well, at least I gained some small things already. But what is with this place? The intense and frightening pressure even affects me. I feel fear through my Occlumency and Patronus. Is this really the effect of the Scroll?' he wondered, for a moment he considered leaving this place. But he came too far to leave now and began to head further downstairs.

The further down he walked the colder and oppressive the atmosphere became, his Occlumency worked on full power suppressing his instincts, which told him to run. On the floor where human bones scattered all over the place. Hundreds if not thousands of people died here. Matthew arrived at the bottom of the stairs, deep under the earth. It was Ice cold. At the end of the stairs was a dark double door which was engraved with containment and protective rune formation, like Wizards usually used for their Ritual Rooms to prevent interruptions during their Rituals.

'Behind this Door must be a Ritual Room, this must be the place where Ekrizdis did the main part of his Experiments and where he probably perished. But why do I feel like someone is watching me?' his neck hair was currently standing all over his body, and he had an unsettling feeling. 'Something must be behind that door.'

Matthew readied himself for a battle. He conjured his Patronus and let it fly around him, additionally, he conjured a different kind of shield Charms ready to protect him once he stepped through the door. After taking in one last breath, he deactivated the formations on the Door and opened it.

He stepped into a large circular room with a closed-door on the other side leading outside. On the floor were the Remains of a Ritual, which was the most complex Ritual Matthew ever saw, although he had only a rudimentary understanding it was far bigger than anything he ever imagined. There were many Runes he just didn't understand. The whole setup gave off an unsettling feeling, and the Room was filled with a deep dark mist but empty. But Matthew didn't let his guard drop. Something was very wrong here.

"Welcome Mortal fool!" an unsettling and dark voice resounded through the whole room, "I really need to thank you for freeing my avatar from this boring place it was imprisoned for centuries, my previous servant Ekrizdis created this Prison in case something should go wrong? What an annoying Mortal."

"Who are you? No what are you? Why are you calling me Mortal?" Matthew asked while trying to locate the ominous being.

"Oh, you foolish boy. Obviously, you are just a Mortal. But nice to meet you… I am Nightmare. Ruler of the Nightmare Realm of the Dream Dimension. God of Nightmares is one of the most powerful beings of the Universe. Soon to be Ruler of this small World thanks to you." Introduced Nightmare himself.

"You are a God? Where are you?" asked Matthew nervously, 'I am in deep shit now! Is he the creator of the Scrolls? No. That one felt different, it was more Chaotic. This God emits fear. Will I die today?' panicked Matthew.

"Oh, I am everywhere. In the shadows lurking under every child's bed...in the dark, subconscious recesses of every human head...you will find me and my realm of horrors! For I am Nightmare - and your new Master. After all, you deserve a Reward for freeing my Vessel from this Prison. Come Accept my power boy and become one of my Immortal Servants managing this World and its worthless mortals for me." Offered Nightmare as the black mist gathered in one place and formed a body.

It was an old man with white skin, he had grey hair and in his eyes had pure black irises. It wore a cloak similar to dementors but formed from the pitch-black mist that surrounded his whole body. He looked similar to how Ekrizdis was illustrated in historical records. It gave off a very oppressive and nightmarish feeling.

Matthew never heard of this kind of being, there was no indication that the Harry Potter universe possessed this kind of demonic entity. 'Well, I may have doomed the whole world now.' He thought as he tried to think of a way out.


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