Fear 2

"Bow to me Mortal and accept my power!" commanded Nightmare with his horrific otherwordly voice while he hovered above the ground, the black mist pulsated around him.

"Sorry before that I have some questions! What will happen to me once I accept your Power? How are my working hours? What is my pay?" began Matthew trying to buy some time while communicating with Sarah while calculating his Options, 'What are the results of your Scan Sarah? Any Chance I could beat that thing?'

[This being's current body possesses the capabilities of a Rank 5 Wizard, he is stronger than Voldemort or Dumbledore if it were in his peak form. Currently, there are only energy levels of a Rank 3 Wizard inside the body. It seems to be greatly weakened, and is trying to feed onto the Hosts fear. The AI Chip implemented counter Measures and temporarily suppressed the Host's emotions. It seems to have similar properties to Dementors and should be affected by Expecto Patronum, since it is more powerful than them it will be less effective. There is a slight chance that the host is able to destroy that vessel.]

'Good not all is lost. My Patronus and the AI Chip is shielding me from his influence. If It really is a being that rules over Nightmare I won't be able to really kill it as long there are beings that dream, but I can destroy its Vessel on this Planet. Him giving me Power should be a trick to take over my body or absorb my Energy to strengthen itself.' Analyzed Matthew while forming a Battleplan.

"Stop stalling Mortal Fool. I know you are just buying time, there is nowhere for you to escape. Accept my Gift or accept your Death." Demanded Nightmare impatiently while starring down at Matthew.

"As if I would bow to someone. I would rather die god or not." He said as he raised his wand and put more power into his three-legged crow Patronus that circled around him until now and guided it against Nightmare.

"So you choose Death fool. Die!" Nightmare shouted and tendrils of Black mist show away from his body and countered the Patronus Charm. A fight between Darkness and Light, Fear and Happiness both of these forces pressed against each other and remained in a stalemate.

'Good he really isn't that Powerful. I should be able to do that.' He thought as he opened a Portal.

"What's this? Leaving so soon? Without so much as a goodbye? I'll not have any of that!" Shouted Nightmare as he shot projectiles of Darkness in Matthew's direction who had to jump back to dodge.

'He fights only with rare Power. His reserves must be depleting quickly with such a wasteful fighting style. Could it be that he has no real fighting experience since he is main body is so powerful with infinite reserves that he never had to fight subtly and lacks actual experience? That's his weakness and my chance, I just have to tire him out.' Concluded Matthew and began to shout, "Is that all I thought you are God."

"HOW DARE YOU, WORTHLESS MORTAL." Shouted an enraged Nightmare and shot more waves of Darkness against Matthew, "I rip out your Soul and drag it into my Realm to punish you for eternity."

'Puh good that I am working out regularly, or else I would have been in real trouble.' He thought as he dodged the attacks while he further distracted and tires Nightmare out with his Patronus.

"I will never submit to you!" Matthew shouted as he looked with defiance at Nightmare and shot a volley of spells at the demonic being, which did no damage. As his eyes fell at Nightmare the world around him changed. He suddenly was in a world full of Darkness, there were a lot of cries full of agony resounding from everywhere. There were piles of dead bodies and bones around him while a being with the same hair and eye color as Nightmare sat on it and stared him down.

"Welcome in my Realm Mortal. Now you will pay for your transgression" the being now identified as Nightmare said.

'Shit he must have put me to Sleep. Sarah wake me forcefully up.' Matthew quickly shouted in his Mind as he operated his Occlumency on full power to eject any mental attacks. The world around him changed again and he was back awake, an attack was currently flying at him. He was barely able to dodge but still got scratched on his arm.

The fight continued on and Nightmares' attacks slowed down since he ran out of most of his energy. Still any attack Method Matthew tried out did not affect Nightmare, even Fiendfyre his strongest and most destructive Spell was just brushed off. He was pretty sure a Dementor would have died from Fiendfyre.

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Matthew with all the hate he could muster as a green Lighting of energy left his Wand and hit Nightmare head-on.

"A soul destruction Spell. Good Thinking Mortal but with your Level of Power, it wouldn't harm me if you send millions of them at me. Just give up, you won't be able to kill me. If you give me your body I will promise you your family and friends will get a quick death. Obviously, you will still need to accept your eternal punishment!" Offered Nightmare as he laughed at him.

"Never!", shouted Matthew, 'A soul Spell? That is interesting. Soul? It seems that is the only method I have. Sarah helped me put the full capacity of my Soul into one attack.'

[Beep! That method of attack is not recommendable. Host's soul will gain permanent damage since the Host still has not trained his control over his Soul enough to perform this feat perfectly!]

'I know but I have no choice. This is the only method I have left. Everything else didn't harm him, and I need to destroy this Vessel to win and survive here. The Consequences are something we can solve later. So on my command!' requested Matthew as he began to gather every bit of magical energy inside his body and added the energy of his soul into it.

[Beep! The assistance Process started. Hosts Soul Power is depleting at a quick rate.]

"Burn!" shouted Matthew as he created a white burning three-legged Crow at the tip of his wand. He put every drop of energy and all the positive emotions he could muster into it. The Crow made of brightly white burning flames flew against Nightmare, who was counter-attacking with every strand of black mist he had remaining.

The black mist was quickly burning away as it impacted the burning Patronus. Nightmare began to shout enraged as the Spell hit his body, "How could such a young sorcerer destroy my Vessel, you will pay for it. I won't forget that."

Matthew watched as Nightmare's body burned away in the white fire while shouting in rage. After a few minutes, nothing of Nightmare or the Black mist remained as everything burned away the fire also died out. Everything was dark again, as Matthew stared at the Spot where Nightmare last was.

'Well, shit I just made a powerful enemy.' Was his last thought as he fell onto the floor and the world turned into darkness.


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