
"Uhhhh, W-what happened?" asked Matthew as he opened his eyes on the cold stone floor, his surroundings were dyed in absolute darkness. His whole body hurt like he was rolled over by a truck again.

[Beep! Host fell unconscious for eight hours after exhausting himself during the fight, you sustained damage all over your body external and internal, because of an overuse of Power. During your resting Period, you restored the minimal amount of magical energy to sustain yourself. Immediate healing is recommended! Hosts Soul also sustained damage. By using so much soul energy the host also used his soul's essence which destabilized the integrity of his soul. If no way to restore the lost essence is found host's soul and ability to use magic will begin to degrade in 6 years, 3 Months, and 21 Days. Until he becomes a Squib able to sense magic but unable to use or manipulate it.]

"Shit, no wonder my whole body hurts. And my Soul is dire straits, but at least I am alive and have some time to solve it." He began to curse as he opened the trunk and began to take out some potions and the hand of Glory for some light. First, he gulped down a magic Recovery Potion, that was created by using some of the magical essences he created with the Philosopher Stone. Next, a general health potion that assists the body's natural recovery process without affecting Cell lifespan, since human cells are normally only able to split a certain amount of times, which is solved with magic. Next, he applied Murtlap essence over his cuts and wounds and covered them in bandages before he sat down to rest a bit.

'Sarah, Scan my body for any wounds or broken bones I missed!' he requested mentally.

[No broken bones found. The host's body strained on cellular level thanks to high amounts of magical and soul energy channeled through it while casting the enhanced fire Patronus. I recommend limiting the magic usage for the next few days. Generally, the host shouldn't cast large spells until he finds a solution to his Soul damage, since it will only fasten the degeneration process.]

'Huh, so I am mostly limited to rune-based magic that uses the surrounding as a power source for now or magic artifacts. Well fuck I really need to be more careful, the world is much bigger than I thought. A being that controls Nightmares and generates Power from Fear that is just OP. Voldemort is a joke compared to that.' Laughed Matthew as he realized what he just survived, 'I was really lucky that I survived. There seem to be restrictions to that kind of beings or earth would be long since have screwed. Maybe there are similar to Mephisto from Marvel almighty and powerful in their own realm but very weakened on the outside.' He concluded.

"Well, let's hope this wasn't a waste of time and I gain at least another Scroll of Sin." He muttered as his eyes fell on the Door on the other side. He headed for the Door but before he opened it he used every scanning Spell to make sure there was nothing on the other side waiting for him. After making sure there was nothing living, immortal or immortal waiting for him he opened the door and stepped through.

Through the Light of the Hand of Glory, he made out he was in some kind of Laboratory. There were multiple Shelves with Books on them, they looked old and withered but still readable. The preservation Charms must have failed he will have to read them very carefully. On the other side was a shelf with a lot of rotten ingredients since their preservation charms must also have failed. In another Corner of the Room was a pile of different metals be it gold, iron, silver, or something else. But they were of no interest to Matthew since he currently had more than that on the stock in his Trunk and once he had his new one he would produce even more with the Philosopher Stone since he still had a bit of time.

The Lab equipment was rusted or completely eroded over time, and most of the Magical artifacts are already broken. Only a few are still working and worth studying, like a foe glass or a cursed sword. But what piqued Matthew's interest was the Scroll that lay on the working desk. It looked as good as new and gave off an ominous feeling. He was very familiar with that Scroll since he already possessed one of them in the past, which now was hidden away in the ruins of the Black Castle again.

He approached the Scroll very carefully and placed it in another containment box like the Horcrux before storing it inside his Trunk.

'As if I would dare to read it again. Even when I let the AI Chip use my body to read it before it was able to try to control me and almost succeeded. If the Creator were actively focusing on me and the Scroll I wouldn't be myself anymore. Now this time I will be careful and use more precautions before I read it. The Knowledge may be valuable, but my life is even more worth and I only have one.' He thought before nodding, 'At least it wasn't for nothing. Once I concluded my business with the Philosopher Stone and my Soul I will be able to focus on my next project which will allow me to read the Scroll.'

Next, Matthew began to carefully scan every book on the Shelve, some of the Knowledge was already lost to time and a reparo charm was unable to restore the lost knowledge, but it was still a worthwhile haul. He found a lot of esoteric dark magic, research on Souls, Life, and Death, and many experiments into these topics. But most importantly he found Ekrizdis personal logs and realized what he wanted to accomplish.

Immortality is the goal of any proper dark Wizard before conquering the World. He already found a way to enhance his Life by centuries. He was actually over 1000 years old and died a few centuries after the founding of Hogwarts. The Scroll allowed him to attain such a long life. But the Method he found only preserved his life by borrowing foreign energies from another dimension to be precise from Nightmare and his Soul still aged and was slowly dying. Ekrizdis realized that and was looking for a Method of true immortality.

He actually found by himself a method to create Dementors, they were a byproduct of his research. Dementors were the tortured sailors Ekrizdis captured around his island. He tortured them into madness and injected Energies from the Nightmare Dimension into them, their Souls were consumed during that process and they became Soul and happiness-sucking creatures that collect energy and souls for their Master. Ekrizdis wasn't their true Master but Nightmare, which Ekrizdis didn't know.

His research allowed him to devise a Ritual that should make him an immortal king of Dementors, at least that was his plan. He believed he would gain control over the Fear Energy but in reality, he just turned into a Vessel for Nightmare. Although he managed to turn his body into something like a Dementor and Immortal as long he could get energy. Luckily for Matthew or Mankind, Ekrizdis had enough sense to create a Prison that only he could open if it was locked. He must have activated it moments before his death, but that was only what Matthew concluded after reading the last entry of the log where Ekrizdis noted down his precautions. In the end, he became a Vessel for Nightmare which got destroyed by Matthew.


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