Peter Pettigrew 1

The Contents of the Letter was Brief but important, they informed Matthew that everything was ready to help Sirius. Not only did he collect the eyewitness accounts of muggles and Aurors present during Sirius's capture. He also accessed his files in the Ministry and secured proof that he didn't get a Trial and was only temporarily imprisoned still waiting for his Trial. Additional he collected signed Statements of old School friends on the relationship of Sirius and James and Lilly Potter.

He even contacted Remus Lupin and informed him of his investigation and their suspicions of Sirius Innocence and gained the confirmation and a witness that Pettigrew was a Rat Animagus. Last but not least Edward Tonks even arranged a meeting with Sirius in Azkaban under the pretense of discussing matters of Inheritance concerning the Black Family and his wife who was a member of them. In reality, he updated Sirius on their progress and plans and collected his Testimony under Veritaserum and his Memories of the Event, just in case he has to flee because of someone trying to remove him before he can be freed and his Innocence confirmed.

"So all we are missing is Peter Pettigrew to have an airtight case. I should make my move now since in a few days is the New Year Meeting of the Wizengamot, where Sirius case can be discussed without giving them a chance to react." Muttered Matthew as he realized now was the perfect time to make their move and left the Common Room and headed in direction of the Gryffindor Tower.

Matthew always kept an eye on Pettigrew, if the Rat wasn't accompanying Ron to Breakfast probably in order to check the News in the Daily Prophet, he spent most of his time in the Gryffindor Tower since he was relatively safe there from Possible predators. Many Students had cats as pets and he kept out of their way, so he wouldn't have to blow his cover.

"Ickle Matthewkins-"

"-How can we help you?"

"And what was-"

"-that white glowing bird-"

"-with your voice?" greeted Fred and George with their famous Twin speech as he arrived at a meeting point close to the Gryffindor Tower.

"That was my Patronus. Besides being one of the few effective methods to combat Dementors, they have another handy usage, they can be used for mid-range communications like you just witnessed." Explained Matthew.

"You can use-"

"-the Patronus Charm?" asked the Twins in awe.

"Mate, you need to-"

"-teach us that."

"Maybe in the future, it's a rather complex charm with a heavy drain on your magical reserves. I can only cast it because I train every day to grow my reserves, you will have to be a bit older before you can hope to cast it safely." Explained Matthew, "I need your help guys. There may be a dangerous Person hidden in the Gryffindor Tower. How old is the Rat of your Brother Ron?" asked Matthew coming directly to the Point.

"You mean Scabbers? It was Percy's rat before he gifted it to Ron." Explained one of the Twins.

"Did he find him maybe around 10-11 years ago?" continued Matthew.

"Yeah, that's about right. You don't -"

"-mean that Scabbers is the dangerous Person?" asked the Twins realizing the implication. The Rat lived with them for over a decade, and if it was an animagus then it would mean an adult lived hidden in their Home. Around their little Sister!

"It's probably the truth. The person I believe hiding as Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew, someone believed to be dead. Recently I gained the information that he had a Rat Animagus form. Currently, it's believed that Pettigrew was killed by Sirius Black the supposedly Betrayer of the Potters, all that remained of him was a Finger. But what spell leaves only a Finger behind? And 10 years is a long time for a garden rat to live. The timing is curious a rat with one claw missing appears a few weeks after a Rat animagus disappears, wouldn't you think?" summarized Matthew.

"We need to capture him!" said one of the angered Twins as they wanted to rush back to the Gryffindor Tower.

"Calm down. Don't be a hotheaded Gryffindor." Stopped Matthew them, "I agree we need to capture him, but it is a Death Eater we are handling here if my theory is right." He explained.

"Shit, what should we do?"

"Should we get the teachers or even the Ministry?" asked one of the Twins.

"No, this is also a chance to get Harry away from his Muggle relatives. You probably have already an idea how they treat him but it is worse. Sirius Black is Harry's Godfather. This is Harry's chance for a loving family, there are many in the Ministry who don't want Sirius to be innocent like the Malfoy's who have a rather big interest in him never being free. So there could be some accidents during the capture if we contact the Auror Office. I also don't trust Dumbledore in that matter. He has an unhealthy interest in Harry staying with his relatives. That was also the reason why I began investigating Sirius Black. And I am working with a Lawyer who has already begun gathering the evidence. If we capture the Rat and reveal him under enough eyewitnesses we would be able to prove Sirius Innocence without a doubt." Explained Matthew.

"So we still need to-"

"-capture him ourself?"

"Yes, but we need to be careful. Harry and your siblings are in his close proximity. If we strike we need to make sure that we can take him out quickly without any chance of him escaping. I would suggest we do it as soon as possible. For that, we would need to set up a trap. But first of all, we need a way to keep an eye on him so he doesn't get alarmed. If he was able to set up Sirius in such a way that even Dumbledore was fooled he is not simple. Maybe one of you could keep an eye on him or something and alarm me while I set up the Trap." Explained Matthew.

Fred and George looked at each holding a silent Conversation through their looks. Matthew was already aware of what they were discussing, the Marauders Map. This was part of his plan to hide his mental map. Since there was a slight chance that the Twins could realize he has something similar to the Marauders Map, but he couldn't do it without the Twins since he didn't want to reveal the fact that he is able to enter other Common Rooms without help.

"We may have a way to keep an eye on Pettigrew's location." Started one of the Twins after a few moments. As the other took out an empty old piece of Parchment.

The other Twin took out his wand and tipped the Map with it, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Suddenly a drop of Ink appeared at the point the Wand touched the blank piece of parchment and began to form a text:

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present


Then the text began to deform and spread and began to show corridors, Rooms, and names above footprints. The Map showed the whole castle and its inhabitant's locations.

"That's useful and surprising. It seems somehow fate is on our side." Chuckled Matthew.

"This is the secret to our success!" explained one Twin.

"The Marauders map! Wait— what do you mean fate is on our side."

"Well, it's pretty simple. We are currently trying to prove Padfoot's innocence by capturing Wormtail the Traitor of the Marauders!" laughed Matthew as he explained the truth to the Twins. They both stared at him with shock.


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