Peter Pettigrew 2

"WHAT?" cried both Twins out at the same time.

"We are currently trying to proof the Innocence of one Marauder by capturing the Traitor amongst them." Began Matthew to explain patiently.

"Are you serious?" asked one of the Twins maybe Fred baffled.

"No, I am Matthew. Padfoot is Sirius and currently unlawfully in Azkaban if Wormtail whose name is Peter Pettigrew turns out to be Scabbers." Explained Matthew with a deadpan expression.

The Twins stared at him as if he grew a second head, "A name-pun? That's your joke?" muttered one of them.

"Just wait until you meet the real Sirius, that's one of his favorites."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, I've got my Information from the last living, not supposed dead or imprisoned Marauder through a third party that is helping me investigate this case. Moony."

"You are not joking mate? The Marauders are our heroes! If this turns out to be some elaborate prank, you would regret that. Wait Sirius Black and Pettigrew are Padfoot and Wormtail, Moony is alive. Are you saying—" realized one of the Twins.

"Yes, Prongs was Harry's, Father James Potter. So maybe you should return the Map to Harry one day, it's after all part of his Inheritance and would make him very happy." Added Matthew as the Twins stared at each other, "but for now let's focus on the task at hand, after all, we are about to engage a Death Eater and Traitor."

"Let's see…" muttered one of the Twins as they began to search the map for Pettigrew's name.

"There! He is really there. In the Second year Boy's dorm at the Gryffindor Tower." Pointed one of the twins out angrily as he found him. There was the name of Peter Pettigrew currently not moving resting at one Window.

"Okay. This situation is perfect." Said Matthew, "Most Students are still on Holiday so there is the least possible amount of target's in the Tower that Pettigrew could hurt or use as a hostage. We can't risk Pettigrew escaping. With the current political Situation in Magical Britain Sirius would be never set free. I will set up a trap in the Common Room that will prevent the Rat from escaping through a hole. So you will need to let me into the Tower. Meanwhile, one of you keeps an eye on Pettigrew through the Map and warns me if he should leave the Sleeping Dorm."

"I can do that!" said one of the Twins who Matthew knew was Fred through the map.

"Good. George, you will lead your younger Siblings and Harry out of the Tower without alarming them." He thought about the Diary of Tom Riddle in Ginny's possession. There was no need to alarm young Tom Riddle to change his plans. "Make sure that especially Ginny doesn't find out what really is going on. It's better if she doesn't know that a middle-aged Death Eater lived with your family, who knows what he could have seen. No need to traumatize the girl unnecessarily." He explained, 'After all, she will need already enough Sessions with a Mind Healer after this year.'

"Okay, I can do that. I think it's time for them to learn where the Kitchen is." Agreed George.

Once the three of them finished discussing their plans they headed to the Gryffindor Tower, where they entered the Common Room through the Portrait Hole behind the Fat Lady. After spending a bit of time with Ron, Ginny, and Harry who were playing Gobstones in front of the Gryffindor Fireplace, George pretended to show them the Kitchen after Ron complained he was hungry. Good that the youngest Weasley boy was such a Glutton. Fred and Matthew stayed behind and checked the Map once the Room was empty. The rat was still in the Second Year sleeping Dorm for the Boys.

"Warn me if he should move." Asked Matthew silently as he took his wand out and began to place a runic ward scheme surrounding the common Room. Once Matthew would activate it, Pettigrew wouldn't be able to escape while in his Rat form since the Ward scheme would form a force field preventing anyone from escaping it while active. Although escaping it isn't that hard since it was only a quickly setup scheme without any Wardstones or physical Anchors. But still impossible for a rat to breakthrough since it was too weak physically, he would need a few offensive spells in order to overpower it. Enough time for Matthew to take Pettigrew out. Its only purpose was to prevent him to escape in his annoying Rat form, which was hard to catch thanks to its small size.

Once he was finished setting the Scheme up he turned to Fred, "Can you get Scabbers pretending to take him to the Kitchen where Ron is? Just throw him into the Common Room once you are at the Stairs. Stay outside the Ward. I will take him out myself." Said, Matthew.

"Are you sure I can help! That rat was spying on my family." Responded to Fred unwillingly to let Matthew fend for himself.

"Fred trust me here. You will be in my way. This is a real Death Eater not some Slytherin throwing a childish curse at you. I am far more powerful than you. If I have to protect you during a possible fight it would only make it harder." Reasoned Matthew determined, "If everything follows our plan this will be over quickly. But it could turn out really dangerous."

"Sigh— fine. But the next time you will let us fight. We are the same age. You could teach us?" Requested Fred.

"We will see. For now, let's focus on our task."

Fred headed upstairs to the Boy's dorm while Matthew hid around the Corner so Pettigrew wouldn't get alarmed and was caught unaware of the Danger. After all, why fight if you could win through an ambush.

Matthew concentrated on sound from upstairs, once he heard a sound approaching from above he readied himself.

"CATCH!" shouted Fred as he threw Pettigrew down the Stairs into the Gryffindor Common Room. "SKREEEEEE—!" cried the Rat as it flew down. Once Matthew saw it inside his Ward Scheme he instantly activated the trap and an almost invisible forcefield surrounded the Common Room.

The from the flight disoriented rat tried to escape through the next best exit but crashed against the forcefield while Matthew targeted it with his Wand. "Anima aversa!" he cast the Animagus Reversal Charm. A white light left his Wand and hit the still confused Rat Animagus.

The Grey garden Rat with one missing claw began to expand in size. It took on more and more human features as his transformation began to reverse. Until only an extremely short and fat man with grubby skin, small watery eyes, and a pointed nose, all of which were lingering attributes of his animagus rat form remained on the Floor. He was dirty and his hair was already colorless mouse-brown and had thinned considerably, he acquired a large bald patch during the last decade he spent as Scabbers.

"What happened?" he squeaked probably a side effect of his animagus form while still laying flat and disoriented on the floor. Before he could react and comprehend what had happened Matthew shot a stunner in his back and knocked the fat death eater out. Before he conjured an Anti-Animagus version of his cursed chains around the Traitor that he just created in order to capture him since he didn't know of any other Death Eater that was Animagi.

'That was easier. Well, nothing beats preparations and future knowledge.', Once he lowered the Wards Fred walked down the Stairs staring enraged at the now bound Traitor on the Floor, "Fred may I introduce. This is messr' Wormtail. The Traitor of the Marauder's."


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