DJ And The Baying Hounds

Around 12:45, Michael was watching TV with the puppies lying everywhere. The usual ones: Dizzy, DeeDee, Diesel, Delgado, the Dimitris, Triple D all lay on the couch and on his head. Da Vinci lay snuggled in his lap and Dante was in his lap as well, resting his eyes and enjoy Michael's slow breathing. Deepak sat on his shoulder, enjoying an ear scratch. "OMD, this is totes adorbes!" Said Dallas. "Must post this on Woofbook!" (That is a reference to Facebook). She took a selfie with her phone and tagged it, "TOTES CUTE SCENE WITH MY SIBLINGS WITH OUR NEW VISITOR! WE JUST LOVE HIM!!" And then she went back to watching the "SpongeBob" episode "The Splinter". "I hate splinters." DJ said. "Got one in my knee and it hurt to the high heavens! Thank you Mum for getting it out!" Michael patted the musical pups head and went back to the 1987 Goldstar 13 inch TV. "Oh, barnacles this hurts! CONCH - SHELLS MANATEES THIS IS PAINFUL!" SpongeBob said on the TV. Suddenly, someone changed the channel and it showed Michael Bay's "Pearl Harbour" where the attack was just beginning. "Oh no! Pearl Harbor! NOT GOOD!" Da Vinci cried, nuzzling her fuzzy head into Michael's stomach. "Hey, it's ok DV. I'm here to hold ya." She nodded and turned to the TV. "Hey Mike!" DJ piped up. "Yea?" He replied, staying glued to the TV and scratching Deepak's ear. "I got a drumkit, rhythm guitars and a bass. We could shred in the backyard if you want. I even thought of a band name: "DJ And The Baying Hounds". So, whattya say you awesome human?" Michaael patted his head and scratched his floppy ears. "Oh yeah! This feels good!" He sighed. "I accept DJ. Lemme just grab my guitar and we'll go make some noise." Michael gently put Da Vinci aside, layed Dante's head on a pillow and walked to the bedroom.

About an hour later, all the pups were gathered around like a crowd and the stage was set. Michael, DJ, Deepak, Dante, and Dylan came out. The puppies cheered. "HELLO 101 DALMATIANS STREET!" Michael yelled into the mic. "Am I excited to be here! This song is dedicated to all of you! This song is called, "Endless Spots!"" Puppies cheered. "YEAH!" Damian yelled. "GO MICHAEL!" Dimple yelled somewhere faint.

"Endless Spots" (Note: I made this song)

I was walking alone in the hot sun, thinkin' I would never find a person who would like me.

Then along came you and I was filled with extreme happiness beyong words! I'm on top of the world...

Chorus: I now caught in the endless spots! The sea of love and cuddles and slobbered licks! I will never again travel alone! You guys saved me from my awfulest fears! I wish to thank you! In the endless spots, the love never ends!

The endless ocean of spots swirl around my head and make me go in a daze! (DJ, Deepak, Dante @ Dylan hum) I see nothing but good fortune in my life from now on! This will be my best life!

Chorus (w/ DJ, Deepak, Dante and Dylan): I now caught in the endless spots! The sea of love and cuddles and slobbered licks! I will never again travel alone! You guys saved me from my awfulest fears! I wish to thank you! In the endless spots, the love never ends!

Bridge: I never thought it would go like this... (Dante: Go like this...) lived a life of hell, but now I'm in my own slice of heaven! (Deepak: Slice of heaven.... (Beautiful harmonizing)) Mmm yeah. I'm glad I found you! I'll never leave. (DJ: Don't go...) Not a chance I will. (Dylan @ Deepak: Isn't it lonely in the USA?) No, this is my final stop! My mom never loved me, and I will never leave you....! (He held the note). (Insterments stop) I won't hurt anymore. (He strummed) I'll never hurt anymore.... Any....more.


The puppies cheered. Michael wiped some mist in his eyes and hugged the pups on the stage. "That was bueatiful man. You even made a musical pup like me shed a tear." DJ said. "You're welcome. I just made it up." "I wrote it all down." Da Vinci said, crying a river. She handed him the song and hugged Michael. "What you said was true. NEVER leave us! NEVER!" "I won't. For about a month maybe until Boy Scouts ends." And they enjoyed the moment.

That evening, he got the news: his Mom was killed in a tragic car crash on the freeway, injring three, killing her. She was drunk. Michael was shocked, sad and happy at the same time. But the dogs were thrilled. "The mean lady can't hurt you anymore!" Dizzy said happily. "Guys, you shouldn't be happy about someone who died. Even I shouldn't. Even though she tortured me since I was 5, I'm sad. But, at least I won't be beaten or locked in a closet anymore." Da Vinci nuzzled his hand. "Thanks Da Vinci. I guess I'll be going back to the States to attend the funeral- Oh right, she didn't invite me. Ugh." "What a witch!" Dawkins exploded. "I'm glad she's dead! May she burn in hell for eternaity!" "Dawkins!" Michael cried. "Calm down a little bit man. It's not right to damn someone." Everyone nodded. "I wasn't damning her. I was just frustrated on how she treated you as a child. No human has to go through that. Especilly you or any other little puppy human out there." Michael sighed. As much as he wanted to agree with him, he didn't. Yes, no kid deserves to be abused by their parents, but damning them was wrong. His Grandma called and told him how her little "un -invied to her funeral" was a lash of anger and he was welcome to come, but he politley refused because he was to far and that it would put a huge ball of stress on him. Grandma understood and the family of both sides told him how they were sorry of all the beatings, closet lockings and sleeping in the garage punishments he took when she was alive. The parents of her deeply expressed their apologies and said they would make it up to him by seding him her toys when she was young, and since she left no will, all of her assets went to Michael. Her money, jewlery, bought books, watches, dolls, DVDs and records all went to him. They said they were shipping her nd his stuff on a ferry and said tit would arriv in a week or so. He told them that he was at 101 Dalmatian Street and how he wished to live with them. They agreed. He thanked them and hung up. "Well guys, all of my Mom's stuff is mine and it's coming here on a ferry soon and well..." "Well what?" Asked Dolly. "I'm living here! I could do school here, learn British slang, catch some sports , visit every place I ever wanted to visit in London and maybe, go to Wembley Stadium and catch a soccer game!" Everyne cheered. Michael sighed. "Thank you God. I'm in a happy place now. My Mom meant no harm, she was just controlled by Satan. Please forgive her sins and please bless me and these wonderful dogs. And have mercy on the world. Amen." And then, he joined in on the celebrating.

The parents came home, Delilah and Doug heard about his Mom and his abusive life and gladly welcomed him into the family. He ordered some pizza and had a few slices before going to bed. But before, he had desert. Mom never served him take out or desert. Usually it was cabage soup, bread, or raw chicken, and it was striaght to bed. Othrewise: POW! A slap in the face or a punch to the mouth. s he ate desert with Da Vinci snuggled in his lap and the usual pups on the couch with him, he watched 2 episodes of "Air Disasters" on the Smithsoanian Channel and an episode of "Liv and Maddie" with Triple D on Disney Channel U.K. Then it was time for bed. He got into the warm sheets of the master bed and sighed. All the pups layed on their puppy beds, but DJ, Dizzy, DeeDee, Deepak (on his left shoulder), Delgado, the Dimitris (on his hips), Triple D and Diesel (on his right shoulder) layed in the bed with him. Da Vinci came last and snuggled on his neck and wrapped her paws arond his neck and smiled, her tail thumping happily on his chest. Michael kissed her goodnight and turned out the light. He layed in the dark for about 28 minutes before drifting off to sleep.