Meditation With Deepak

Michael followed Deepak into a room filled with plush toys of possibly Guru Miaow and posters of the guru cat was plastered all over the walls and scented candle filled the air. Deepak turned on a stereo and relaxing Chinese Zen music filled the room faintly. Deepak hopped on his meditation ball and got comfy. "Please sit on the rug dear Michael." Michel did so. "Meow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow." Deepak said. Michael breathed. "Just breathe." Deepak said. Just then, the door opened and stepped in DJ. "Huh?! Mike, what are you doing?" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Deepak said. "If you must know, he is on a journey to find his spiritual aura." DJ looked confused. "Ok, I guess I'l let you back to it." And he shut the door. "Now Michael, breathe... and of a time when you felt happy the most." He did. At some baseball game when Dad was still alive. Then all of a sudden, his body felt a way it never did before. EVER! "Wha! It that..." "Your aura!" Deepak gasped. It was a baseball stadium, Da Vinci's face, his guitar and music all over. Michael chuckled in disbelief. "I can't believe it!" Deepak smiled. "Well, it looks like your aura is pure. Your mom may have threw it off a little bit, but it's still freh as a spring morning." Michael stood up and the aura dissapeared. Michael boed at Deepak. "Thank you Master Deepak." And he picked up the cute puppy and wrapped him in a hug. Deepak's tail wagged happily and he hugged back. "It was my plesure Michael." He said. He had officially bonded with Deepak. Michael could now put that in his memoir. He placed the pup down and walked away, smiling at him. He closed the door and sighed happily. "This, is the best day ever." He said to himself as he went back in his room and sat on his bed.