(Almost) Getting Settled And An Awful Encounter

He set his clothes in a pie by the bed in his room where he and all the puppies would sleep together. But, there were still amy pups to meet on 101 Dalmatian Street. "Ready to meet the rest?" Dylan asked. "Oh yeah!" Michael said, happy. Mchael came out and came downstairs and sat on the couch again. "Ok Dylan, surprise me with these lovable marshmallows with spots!" "Ok!" He said happily. A pup with a collar with a type of molecule on it and patches like glasses around his eyes and some kind of doll came up. "Hello. I'm Dawkins. I am a pup who loves science and Princess Positron, my aerospace engineer space doll!" "I can see that. Your squeezing it to death." Dawkins giggled. "I think we'll get along very well Mr. Michael." "I bet we will Dawkins. If you need any help, I'll try." Dawkins nodded and walked off, smiling at him. A puppy covered in mud, a tan collar and a unibrow like Squilliam Fancyson stepped up. "Heh heh. I'm Diesel! I LOVE digging!!" Michael laughed. "I think I found the clown of the bunch!" Diesel flashed a grin and Michael rubbed his head. "Hot diggity! This feels SO good!!" Michael smiled. He really liked these dogs. "Ok, you. Mr. Spiked Collar. Come 'ere!" He shook his head "no". Michael groaned. "He hates me." He said. "Dante! Not only are you being rude, your hurting his feelings!" Dylan snapped. The pup called Dante timidly approached him, shaking violently. Mike reached a hand to pat his head, but Dante lunged and bit him! "YEOWWW!" Michael yelled. He held his hand to ease the pain, then turned to Dante with a really angry look. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!" He roared. "Michael, please calm-" "WHY'D YOU BITE ME?!!?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!?!?" Dante stammered, but Michael cut him off. "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT, YOU BIG JERK!! I, AM OUTTA HERE!!!" He stood up and stomped to his room, slamming the door. "Dante Dalmatian!! FOLLOW ME!" Dyaln said grabbing his ear and dragging him into the kitchen.

In his room, Michael angrliy packed his things, ready to leave. He strapped his pack, his guitar on his back, opened his door and walked away towards the door. "MICHAEL!" DJ yelled. "NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE DUDE! YOUR THE FIRST MUSIC LOVER I'VE EVER MET!!" "I'm sorry DJ." He said. "I'm not gonna let Captain Spooky bite me and think I'm gonna stay here and deal with his B.S. Not happening!" He began to open the door. "Goodbye Dalmatians. You were good folks, but I'll be in the park if you guys wanna chat, but I ain't sleeping in the same room with Captain Spookface over there! And Da Vinci... I love you more than you ever know." And he shut the door. He put the song "Letterbomb" on his phone from Musi and he walked to the park. DJ sighed. "He's gone. AND IT'S ALL DANTE'S FAULT!!" ME?!" Dante said back. I was protecting you from a possible dognapper! Remember when Hunter kidnapped me and I was so darn happy?" "Thats not the point dude!" DJ said. "You ran off one of Da Vinci's bestest friends and now she's sad! LOOK!" She was sobbing. "Thank the Dog he's gone." A pup called Deepak whispered. "That's a good thing." "WHAT??!?!?!?!" DJ roared. He stomped over to him and got in his face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S A GOOD THING??!?!?!?" He grabbed his collar and snarled at him. "I'm gonna beat you up so bad, you're gonna be-" "DJ! Everyone! Let's all calm down a bit. Look, Dante biting Michael wasen't right, yes, but that dosen't mean we need to be yelling at each other and trying to kill one another." "DANTE IS A DUMMY!!" DJ retorted. "Yeah, he's a meanie!" A pup named Dizzy added. "YEAH!" Added her twin, DeeDee. "PPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT!" Went Da Vinci, blowing a raspberry at him. Dante's ears drooped down sadly. "UGH! I MESSED UP! LEAVE ME ALONE! NOW I'M THE BIGGEST JOKE OF THE WHOLE FAMILY!! (sigh), I predict one of you will go and see him or he'll come back." And he went into the room that Michael was gonna sleep in, walking upstairs. Da Vinci was still sobbing silently with Deepak patting her back gently.

Michael was now in the park and found the Canal Crew messing around with Hansel, but Mike didn't know them then. He found a shady tree, sat down and put his head in his arms and cried. Whey did he think that ANIMALS would love him?! PHA! His mom's evil spirit possibly possesed the black half white half purple spotted Dlmatians and made him bite him. Yeah, that was it! He looked at his phone with a picture of him and Da Vinci at the store, gher licking and huging him, her tail wagging happily and him smiling. He chuckled a little bit and then went back to crying.

About 30 minutes later, he felt his backpack being tugged again. "Huh?" He looked up and saw the the dogs and The Dimitris tugging his pack. "Dimitris, please stop." "Sorry. Our bad." Dimitri 3 said. "What do YOU want?" Dylan sighed. "Look Michael: We talked to Dante and he says he's extremely sorry and he's got a little something for you. And Deepak was another one, but we got him to and he's gonna play with you. So, please come back to our house and accept our love." Michael stood up and followed them. DV jumped in his arms. "Whoa!" She nuzzled him. "Same old Da Vinci. Never change."

When they arrived at the house, Dante greeted him with a lick to the face and led him upstairs to his room and he saw recording equipment everywhere. "Oh my! Thank you Dante!!" He picked him up and squeezed him. "Your welcome Michael. I'm EXTREMELY sorry for biting you." Michael kissed his head. He smiled and his tail wagged happily. He set Dante down gently and Mike took out his giutar: A red Les Paul with stickers of his favorite cartoons everywhere and on it was a volume knob and other knobs that controlled everything else. He plugged it into the amp and he strummed it. He ade a noise and he palyed a few chords until Deepak came in. "So, your Deepak huh?" "Yep." He said. "Your spiritual morale is very well." "Oh! Well..." " Also, your aura is very pure. I deeply enjoy your presense." "Presense? Does that mean you enjoy my company?" "Yes sir." Michael smiled, bent down and scratched behind Deepak's floppy ears. "Not only do I enjoy your presense, I enjoy ear scratches!" He said. "I'm glad you do. Diesel seems to enjoy head rubs." Deepak nodded and let Michael scratch for 5 minutes until Michael stopped. "Do you wish to join me a session with the greal Guru Miaow?" "Guru who?" "Guru Miaow. He was a famous cat who did yoga and taught that all animals should be treated equally." "Well, that sounds good. When do we begin?" "Now."