A Horrible Dream (Part 1)

Up in the night sky, was a Southwest Airlines Airbus A310 filled with abot 786 passengers on their way to Conneticuit for things, maybe for a holiday or for a buissness trip. At the wheel, was Michael in the dream, and his co - pilot was Dawkins. Both had airline suits and caps on. It was a regular night for flying. Southwest never picked up people from England, but they made an exeption this one time for their ally and with Boris Johnson's, the British Prime Ministers permission. "Great night for flying, eh Dawkins?" "Sure is Captain. Flight level secure?" "Flight level is secure." "Autopilot on?" "Autopilot is on." "Good, we should be making it to Conneticuit on time." Dawkins announced happily. "Good. there will be no return from 86." "Nice Green Day reference." Michael kept his hands on the yolk of the plane to keep the plane striaght and not to let it bank by accident. Then, the door knocked. "Come in!" Michale called. Dylan came in. "Hey Dylan." Dylan waved. "You got some VIP's coming in. Should I let them in?" "Ok. If there VIP's, then they should come in." Dylan unblocked the doorway, and stepping in was Deepak Diesel, Dizzy, DeeDee, The Dimirtris, DJ, Da Vinci and Dorothy. Michael smiled a big grin and laughed. "Ahh, welcome, welcome." Michael said, greeting the smiling puppies. "So, what do you think of the airplane?" He asked. "It's lovely!" Exclaimed Da Vinci. Dawkins then stuck a tape of Green Day in a stereo and it began to play "At The Library". "Whoa! Dawkins, lets turn off 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours for now, there are passengers sleeping and the dogs probably won't hear me." He paused the cassette. "Michael, what's that?" Asked a curious Dizzy. "Oh, well that's a flight vector, it shows what course the plane is set to. Right now, it looks like were passing over the spot where the Titanic sank." "Whe-" "1985. Thanks to a Mr. Robert Ballard. Inspired James Cameron to make the 1997 adaption of Titanic. I was never really a big fan of that version though. I'm more a fan of the versions from 1953 and 1958. More on point than Cameron's. Why? Cause of the love story twisted inside of it." Everyone shook their heads. "Not a fan of it either." Commnted Dawkins. "Ours from 1958 was better." "Wait, the Brits made "A Night To Remember" back in '58?!" "Yep." "Then how did it do so good in the US box office? I know the book was by a Britsh man, but I didn't know the movie was made by Brits. Huh! You learn something new everyday." Dawkins laughed and licked him to say, "You're so silly man!" Mchael sat back down in the pilots seat and took a deep breath. He picked up Dizzy and placed her on his lap. "Here, now: put your paws on the wheel. On the- there you go!" Dizzy smiled big time. She was flying the plane! "Wow! This is so awesome..." "You have control." Mike whispered to Dawkins. He thumbbed him up. "Bank it this way." Michael then mouthed, and used his hand to indicate which way to bank the plane. Dawkins nodded. He turned it to the right as Dizzy did the same and she went wie eyed. "I'M FLYING IT!!" She exclaimed. "Yes you are," Michael placed his cap on her head. "Captain Dizzy." He said, and saluted. She giggled. He took the cap off, placed it back on his head and placed Dizzy back on the ground gently. Dawkins put the plane back to straight and turned the Autopilot back on. He then picked up Da Vinci and put her in his lap. "Ok, paws on the yolk. Ok!" He turned off the Autopilot. "Now, bank it to the left." She did. It banked 17 degrees and this made Da Vinci beam from ear to ear. "My goodness! It's turning." She put it back in its orginal position and Michael turned on the Autopilot. "Ok, you had a try." She fell asleep in his lap, snuggled up. "Ok." He said.

1:45 AM - In the cockpit, Michael and Dawkins fell asleep on the small hide a bed in the entrance to the cabin, but that was alright because the Autopilot was on, and it would be day by the time they reached Conneticuit. In the pilots seat was Da Vinci still sleeping. She moved her paw around slowly at first, then franticlly. "Michael? MICHAEL!! WERE ARE YOU?!" She yelled. In her fit of fear, she accidently turned off the Autopilot! "Uh oh!" She groaned, now waking up. "Autopilot dissengaged." Said the computorized voice. "That's not good!" The plane made a violent jerk, and began to dive from 28'000 feet! The jolt woke evryone up and chucked Delgado and Triple D out of their seats! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Da Vinci yelled. She grabbed the yolk and tried to pull up. Everyone came flying inside. Michael grabbed the yolk and tried to pull up. "PULL UP! PULL THE PLANE UP!!" Michael roared. "THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING!!" She yelled back. "Sink rate! WHOOP! WHHOP! PULL UP!!" The voice repeated throughout. Michael pulled on the yolk very hard, but as he continued pulling, the ground go closer and they would surely die...

(To Be Continued...)