A Horrible Dream (Part 2)

Dante: "Previously, on "101 Dalmatian Street: The Abused Teen": AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Michael and Da Vinci were struggling for control of the palne as it dove from 28'000 feet towards the sea below! They were surely dead now!! "Sink rate! WHOOP! WHOOP! PULL UP!!" The GPWS yelled throughout. "AHHH! UH.." Began Michael. "ANY TOWER CLOSE TO US: THIS IS SOUTHWEST FLIGHT 1093, WE ARE IN A DIVE!! REPEAT: IN A DIVE!! WE ARE DECLAREING AN EMERGENCY!!" "Copy that Southwest 1093! This is JFK Tower, we have you on the radar, comingup and down at 49'000 feet!" The ATC replied. "THANK YOU JFK! SOUTHWEST 1093 HEAVY!" He grunted as he tried yanking the yolk VERY hard. "PULL UP DA VINCI!! PULL THE PLANE UP!" He grunted. "COME ON!" Da Vinci began to hyperventilate. Deepak was screaming. "MAKE THIS STOP!!" He yelled. "THIS IS SO NOT MY HAPPY PLACE!!" Michael grabbed him by the collar and dangled him by his face. "MAN UP DEEPAK!! IF THIS IS HOW WERE GONNA DIE, THEN TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!!" "Wha-" Was Michael INSANE?! Did he really wanna die like this?! In a flying metal object?? Drowning was the worst way to die and the Atlantic Sea was REALLY cold and they could die from drowning or hyporthermia! Deepak's jaw dropped. "PULL IT UP!!" Yelled Dawkins, also yanking his yolk. The plane began to turn left. "TO THE RIGHT!! PULL IT TO THE RIGHT!!" They tried, but their was no response. Then, the engines flamed out. "AHHHH! THE ENGINES BLEW!!" Delgado yelled from a window he crashed into. Michael looked out the window and saw the sea in the distance. "BOYS," He began. "THIS IS THE END!! HAVE A STIFF UPPER LIP LIKE THE BRITS YOU ARE!! COME ON!" Dawkins continued on his yolk. "It wont work Captain!" "I know that! Get your hands off the yolk and just accept that were doomed!!" He did slowly. "I never wanted to die like this." He said. All the pups huddled and clung to one antother, crying and screaming. DJ then began to play "Nearer My God To Thee" from Cameron's Titanic on a speaker. (Cue the song) Michael sat in the pilots chair as the plane was now at 37'000 feet and going slowly. He gently put Da Vinci in his lap and hugged her close. "Sink rate! WHOop! whoop! pull..." The GPWS was drowned out. Da Vinci weeped and sniffled. Dawkins was praying hard. Everyone looked and saw nothing but blackness. Sooner or later, they would hit the water and be swept into death. "Please, God... forgive us!" Dimirti 1 yelled. "I'll... I'll see you in heaven Da Vinci. I'll never forget you." "Me niether. I'll see you on the other side." Then DJ turned it to the dream scene score from the film. (Cue the song, via YouTube). Michael peered into the window as the bueatiful harmonizing started. He saw the sea below. He closed his eyes. "EVERYONE, IT HAS BEEN A PRIVALEDGE FLYING WITH YOU TONIGHT." He said, and the plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing everyone, including them. The plane smashed into the seafloor, and everyone floated around.

It was years later. The plane was all rusted up and the crash investigators had found it years ago and deemed it was Michael's fault. And there bodies were everywhere, resting in eternal peace. Michael and Da Vinci were in heaven, withe everyone and having a grand time. They played, hugged, and frolicked. "Oh Michael, that plane crash... was so scary." Micahel, was 12, younger and not so bruised up. "Yeah, look. There lifting the plane." Everyone looked from their cloud. "Finally." Said Dawkins. "It's been years since they did." Dimitri 3 said. "It looks awful!" Went Dallas. "I wonder if our bodies are in there." Dante wondered. "Dante! Really?!" Dylan said. "HAHA! WOW! It looks like its been.." "Down threr for about 10 years. Yep." "LOOK! IT'S MUM AND DAD!!" Dolly yelled, pointing to the adult Dalmatians, who were crying, but Doug was bawling and crying a river. "They look so sad." Michael began. 'Well, the plane was down there for 10 years, and our corpses have been definatley decomposed to just atoms now." Dawkins said. They stared down, then the dream flickered in and out, then...

(Back in the real world...)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Michael yelled in bed. It was daytime and all the dogs were licking him. "HUH?! we were in a plane, and... and... we were falling and WE DIED!!!!" Everyone murmered amonst themselves. "Oh Mikey, did you have a bad dream?" Asked DeeDee. "Mi - Mikey?!" "Me and Dizzy's nickname for you! Do you like it?!" "Uhhhhhhhh..." He thought about it. "I guess?" He said as a question. "YAY!!" They cried, jumping up and down happily., Michael woozily got out of the bed in his pajamas and was holding onto Da Vinci by the behind, for her paws were still wrapped around his neck and was snoring softly. He tiptoed downstairs and sat down on the couch, then layed on it. "Hey. Psssssst! Wake up sleepy Da Vinci. She mumbled and lifted her sleepy head to see Michael smiling at her. She smiled back and licked him good morning. "I felt you had a bad dream. We were all in it." "We all dies in the same plane crash. It was scary. W- when the plane hit the water, it was all dark and I could see nothing..." Blubbered DJ. "Aww, come here DJ." He hopped on Mike's stomach and Mike brought him into a gentle hug. "Shhhhhhhhhhhh." He soothed, stroking his fur. "It's ok. You're not dead anymore. Your breathing." DJ squeezed the human. "I'm glad you're a part of our family dude. Your cool." Michael chuckled. "Yeah, that was the only good thing my Mom did I guess." DJ smiled. Michael flipped on the TV and, "Are you ready kids?! AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" "SPONGEBOB!!" Cried Dizzy. Michael smiled and went back to DJ. "All better?" "Yes, you're the only person that actully listens to our problems. And when we have a problem, were coming to you." "That's fair dude." DJ licked him and went to watch SpongeBob. Da Vinci stayed on Michael's chest and layed her head on it to watch TV. "Dylan," Began Dawkins. "Get Michael a Cola, and Da Vinci a bowl of water with a long straw Chop - chop!" "Why you-" "AHEM!" Went Michael, cracking his knuckles. "OK OK!" Dylan gave in, and went into the kitchen. Michael chuckled smugly. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He said.