Quick announcement @ A Surprise Playdate

Announcement: Your all probably wondering: almost all these chapters have Da Vinci hugging Michael or licking him and sleeping on him. So, is Michael her favorite? Yes, Michael is her favorite. There meet back when he was 11 is what sparked their friendship, and a unbreakable, lifelong bond.

Deepak and Michael will turn into Best Friends in this Chapter after he makes his day by doing an unspeakable act of kindness.

The others, I don't know. I'm still thinking about what kind of friendship they will have with Lembrant. You'll know as the story progresses.

(A Surprise Playdate)

After the little fiasco with Dylan, Michael was now stroking DJ's fur and soothing the pup from the awful dream that plauged them last night. "You're ok DJ. " Michael repeatedly whispere into his ears, making him more calm. Then, a knock came at the door. Dawkins answered it and coming was a fimiliar face that they met yesterday: Bluey, Bingo, Jack Russel, Rusty, Indy, Chole, Honey, and surprise, surprise: Snickers and Coco! "YO! What are you guys doing here?!" "Well, we decided to come over and hang with some of the pups." Bluey explained. "We asked our parents and they all agreed! So, can we play with the puppies since your the oldest in the house?" Michael eyed the cute blue Heeler and nodded. "Ok. Pups! You got visitors!" No one came. "Uh... how do you round up these dogs?" "We use a trigger word." DJ told him. "Trigger word? Huh... that reminds me, I had a garage band back in 2012 and we used certain words to tell the other members we were ready to practice. So, its kinda similar." So, DJ whispered one into Michael's ear. "Ah ok. Ahem... HUG!!"

He heard rumbling and a tsunami of puppies came stampeading in. "HUG! HUG!" They said and piled on the Bluey characters. "WHOA! My God! It worked!!" "Everytime." DJ joked and licked his face.

The puppies and Bluey's friends were scattered all over the house and were playing games like "Chase Me", "Army", "Magic Xylaphone" and etc... Michael was on the couch watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" on Disney+. He then heard faint guaffawing in the open basement doors. He stood up and went to investigate. He found that whoever owned the house before owned a single barreled hunting rifle. He picked it up and cocked it. He peered into and found the Dimitris teasing Deepak in a rude way. Deepak ws against the wall and Dimitri 1 was yanking his tail and saying, "GURU MIAOW SUCKS!" repeatedly. The other two guaffawed at it. Michael's blood boiled and he stomped down the stairs and pointed the gun at Dimitri 1's head. "Stop it." He ordered. "NOW!!" He did and faced the angry Michael. "Against the drawer!" He screamed. He quickly did so. He picked up Deepak and cuddled him for a minute, stroking his fur and gently patting his back. He plopped him on the stairs and went back to the Dimitris. "Now then you 3 little bullies, what the hell was all that about?! HUH?! You're just that awful, that you decide to bully your own brother?!?! THAT'S JUST SICK!!!" The threesome looked embarrased. "YOU THREE GO TO THE CORNER! YOURE ALL IN FRICKIN TIMEOUT!!" He roared, pointing upstairs. They all departed sadly and went up to the stairs. "Guru Miaow sucks, cat lover." Dimitri 1 muttered into Deepak's ear. "HEY! YOU WANNA SLEEP OUTSIDE?! CAUSE I WILL DO THAT!!" He said nothing and they left. Michael sighed and put the gun down. He picked up Deepak and held him close to his chest. "Your in safe arms now DP." He said. Deepak wrapped his paws around his neck and wept bitterly into it. He came up and ran into Da Vinci and explained what happened. "Yeah, those three are major buttholes. They teased me to once. They yanked my bandana and shoved me into mud." "Yeee! Those S.O.B's!" He exploded. "Hey calm down honeycake. It's alright. That was years ago." He sighed. "Ok. And did you just call ME "honeycake" dude?" "Yea! You're my new favorite!! We be BFF's forever!" And she bounced happily away, her tail wagging happily. "Mi - Mi - Michael..." Deepak croaked. "Yeah?" He replied, looking into the Yin Yang pups eyes. "Thank you. Your act of kindness is just what Guru Miaow ordered. May blessings come your way always, Best Friend." And he nuzzled his fuzzy head into his chest and smiled contently. Michael wiped some tears away at this wholesome scene. Deepa and him, were now close, just like him and Da Vinci. "Hey Mikey!" Called Dizzy. "Come play with us!" She pointed at DeeDee, Diesel and Delgado. "Be right there!" He called back. He placed Deepak gently on the couch and wrapped a blanket over the sleeping puppy. "Sleep tight Deepak." He said, and he went off to play with Dizzy and the gang.