Awesome "Horrid" Noise

The driver dodged the London raffic as he raced towad the new Wembley Stadium, after the old one was demolished in 2002 and 2003. Michael clutched his guitar and took a deep breath. In his lap was Da Vinci, snuggled up and taking a little nap. "Ok, just relax." He told himself. "You'll be fine. It's just millions of Brits watching you scream your head off. It's no big deal." "It IS a big deal!" Screamed his doubt. "He'll blow it!" "Oh you shut up!" His Inner Light said. "No he won't. Don't listen to him Michael. Remember... be brave." He groaned. "This is so STRESSFUL!" He cried. "What's the matter dude?" Asked DJ. "Stress!!" He said back. "Oh I'm gonna fail! I am SOOOO gonna fail!! And my mom will just laugh in hell with the Devil!" He whimpered. He then felt a dog sit on his head and rub his melon. "Now, breathe...." Came the soft, smooth voice of Deepak. Michael breathed. "Now, what's troubling you my friend?" He asked. "Well, I'm just streesed about this concery y'know? Me and my old band did gigs at like school and at my house. So, this is new for me. This is Wembley for crying out loud! Queen's MEGA performance at Live Aid happened here. So, I'm..... just scared." Deepak nodded in a understanding matter. "That's ok. It's ok to be scared. It actually means your brave." He sighed. "Thanks for referencing Snow Buddies. That's my favorite movie from 2008." Deepak smiled. "Yeah, that's a good one. Now.... breathe...." He did and felt more better. "Just relax." Da Vinci then began to squirm around in fear. She was having a bad dream. Michael placed a hand on her head, and she smiled, feeling peace with Michael's hand. "Good job!" Deepak praised. "Your learning the way of Guru Miaow everyday! I'm so proud of you!" Michael smiled and scratched behind of his floppy ears. "Aw yeah! Ear scratches!!" Michael smiled some more. If he haden't run into these dogs, were would he be? Probably under the tree in the park, crying his heart out, or back at home, alone without parents and going to his school, were he had no friends and teacheres who didn't give a damn about him or his life. He looked into the distance and saw Wembley there in it's glory. "It's time." He said.

The bus pulled backstage and the cartoons and human exited with the insterments they could carry and with Bandit and Chilli as roadies with the heavy stuff. Lila, Socks and Muffin came along because Muffin angrliy demanded and Lila because Bingo and her were insepratable. "Evil Sinners?" "Yep! That's us!" DJ said happily. "In." They went up the stairs into the backstage area and milled with the other bands. Only ablout 11 bands were there and Destiny came running with the order of the band. They would be going 6th. Suddenly, the Green Day song "Know Your Enemy" boomed over the loudspeakers and the crowd outside roared and cheered as two police Constables came out on the stage. "Ello ello Guvs and ladies, and welcome to Hell Lives Here!" The place exploded. "It is our great plesure to bring you some of Britain's heaviest, deadliest bands here at Wembley for a surprisingly hot day of metal music. So, please welcome our first band: Angels From Below!" They went out. "My God!" Dante exclaimed. "He looks about 30!" "What?! No... he's.... 20!" Deepak said, making a weird face. The guys came out and took their positions and after they announced the song name, "Kitchen Full Of Gordon Ramsey's Worst Nightmares", the lead guy pulled out the sicket gurgle scream ever! "Jeez! These guys are full on death!" Michael said.

All the others bands went on, mostly them just screaming their heads off like Metallica or something. Then, they were called on next. "Now we have a band coming from the Camden Town district of London. We have... Evil Sinners." They came on, Bluey jumping like a frog to pump up the crowd who most likely got hearing loss in the front row. Michael was on the drums, giving his voice a brake after his metal days as a kid. He screeched like a bluejay, and all his members gave him the nickname "Bluejay", because his vocals sounded like one. Dawkins was the vocalist because he gargled like he had water in his mouth. "What's up Hellfest?!!!!!" He yelled. The crowd roared. "Are you ready to go wild?!?!?!?!" They yelled. "Ok! This song is from a band called SliPknoT who we don't care about covering this song. This song... is called... "Scissors", with altered lyrics." The crowd roared. He noticed the camera crew. It was on BBC, he thought.

Dante began hitting a keg with a piece of wood the stagehands gave him and nad had a big gaping grin on his face. Michael's drums were a snare kit and it sounded sick as he accompanied Dante's keghitting. Bluey tuned Michael's guitar, which he let her play with SPECIAL permission. Someone was doing noises like a DJ set. DJ was on backing vocals however. Da Vinci was perched on a percussion kegset, whipping paint at the crowd, yelling something. The DJ was Chilli, out of sight. There was a cameraman, a newbie who needed to learn how to film and the guys and girls didn't care. Bluey began to strum the guitar, making the amps sound loud. Someone was fiddling with the controls. "WHO'S FIDDLING WITH THE CONTROLS?!?!?" Delgado yelled over the noise of the insterments. And then, then the insterments stopped until someone whacked a keg, making it echo.

Dawkins: "I play "Science" for 5 minutes flat. Before I caused an awful, nuclear explosion! A few drops, a tube of stuff, some wind blew inside the room. In the strangest manner I have ever SEEN THE EXPLOSION TO GET THE SCISSORS!! (Everyone headbandged) "AS I LIE THERE, AFTER THE HORRIBLE EXPLOSION, MY CRAZY SIBLINGS OFFERED ME, MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!! AS I THEN SAT THERE, WAITING FOR MOM TO COME CHECK ON ME, they said "Don't hesitate.." BUT STILL, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT HER TO DO TO ME?!?!?!?" (Michael pounded the drums as the others went crazy, headbanging and jumping)

Dawkins: "It's tough to know that I destroyed the family home, without a cause, dosen't mean I can feel. I wasen't very much to be with anyway. JUST DO THE BEST YOU CAN, CUZ I SUCK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!" ("EEEEYAH!") Went someone's guitar. "AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Sceamed Deepak. (The sun beat down on them)



Dawkins: "WHOAAAAAA!"


Deepak: "WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE?!?!"




Dawkins: "Biding my time until the time is right. Biding my time until the time is right. Biding my time until the time is right. Biding my time.... It's time... (Everyone headbanged again) (w/ everyone): BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME!! (The cameraman was filiming Bluey, then Dawkins) IT'S TIME!!! Biding my time until the time is right! Biding my time until the time is right! Biding my time until the time is right! Biding MY TIME, IT'S TIME! (Muffin screamed along to, and she was louder than Dawkins!) BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME UNTIL THE TIME IS RIGHT!! BIDING MY TIME!! IT'S TIME!!!!!!


Dante: "MY TIME!!!!"

Dawkins: "BIDING!!!!!"

Dante: "MY TIME!!!!"

Dawkins: "BIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dante: "MY TIME!!!!!"

Dawkins: "BIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dante: "MY TIME!!!" (He went on his knees, a mic in his paws) (Lila came running over, bending down and placing a paw on his back as Dante screamed)


(Lila then stood up and rushed to the end of the stage, signaling the crowd to stand up and mosh pit annd scream as Dawkins screamed)


(Silence, except from the amps due to the volume of them)

Dawkins: "Yeah? I'm not done yet. I'm not done. Hey, don't let those people leave for intermission yet. They can't leave till... I'm.... done." (Bluey drank some water) "This song deserves to give you humans hearing lass, and my screams weill echo everywhere!"

Dawkins: "You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. YOU HAD REALLY WANTED IT, NOW YOU HAVE (voice cracks) GOT IT!! You had really wanted it, now you have got it...." (Rusty came walking by Dawkins) You had really wanted it, now you have got it.

You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. You had really wanted it, now you have got it. YOU REALLY WANTED IT, NOW YOU GOT..... IT!!! YOU WANTED!!! YOU GOT IT BAD!! YOU WANTED!!! YOU GOT IT BAD!! YOU WANTED!! YOU GOT IT! BAD!!! YOU WANTED!! NOW YOU GOT IT BAD!! YOU WANTED!! YOU GOT IT BAD!!!! You want... YOU GOT IT BAD!!! You want... YOU GOT IT BAD!!!!! You want.... YOU GOT IT BAD!!!!"

(Dawkins then began to go insane! He jolted about and thrw kegs around)

(The camera guy came running over to film the crazed Dawkins, ands so did Dizzy with Delilah's tablet. And Lila came for moral support)

Dawkins: "I!!!!!! HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT?!? HY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAT!!!!!!!!!!!! HEYEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (He fell on his knees)YOU!!!!!!!!!!! WON'T!!!!!!!!!!! FEEL!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!! PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! ANESTHESIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!! YOU THINK I'LL CRY?!!!?!?! I'LL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Michael pounded his drums and stopped) "I AM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM.... FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (He finally took a break) (Honey told the cameraman to film Bluey) (Lila was patting Dawkins back, his face bright rad from all the yelling)

(Michael was shocked after Dawkins' crazy performance)

(Dawkins finally got up, breathing)

Dawkins: "HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T NEED!!!!!!!!!!! I!!!!!!!! DON'T NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I!!!!! (I'm on ths bed) HEURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! I!!! AM!! !! IN !!! STIT!! CHES!! I! AM! A!!! CRIP!!! LED!!! DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (he chucked the mic on the stage, then he fainted)

(Michael was hitting the last drum notes and he yelled for medics as he ended)

Dante (off - stage): "Dawkins has has has has has now died! He was the best... best best best.... the best dork...." (The recording played one more time, then stopped)

(Meanwhile, they came and put Dawkins on a stretcher, and wheeled Dawkins outta there)

(The others walked away, unplugging their insterments)

(Lila came with the setlist, ripped it up and peaced the crowd, walking away, a stagehand giving her a towel)

(The last person, was Michael himself. He was being filmed by the cameraman)

(He fanned himself with his hands, waved goodbye to the crowd and jumped down from the set, backstage. A stagehand put a towel around his neck like a boxer)

(The amps were humming the whole time this happened, and someone made the volume go down, then they stopped humming completely) (The song was over)

(The crowd cheered wildly. They might have been the best act)

Backstage, everyone was catching their breath, except Dawkins, who was out cold on the stretcher. "Will he be alright?" Asked Bluey. "Yes." Replied the Medic. "Just give him plently of fluids and rest, and he'll recover. He just got mild heatstroke exauhstion, that's all. He'll live, but try not to do awesome horrid noise in the hot sun." And he walked away. They all sighed. "Well, this sucks." Socks said. "Yep. I'm glad you can speak a little bit." Michael said.