Well This Sucks!

On the bus ride back from Wembley, Dawkins was now awake with a very sore throat. He had sacrified his voice for the fans and for TV. "What happened?" He asked. "You got mild heatstroke and fainted after you finished singing." Dylan explained. Dawkins palced a paw on his forehead. "Jeez! The only thing I remember was shouting about a explosion in our house." Michael sat on his seat, wiping his face from sweat and wondering who the Dimitris were teasing now. After their little "joke" on Deepak in the basement was enough for him to throw them in a cage and have it sail across the ocean to Pakistan. He shook just thinking about it. If he haden't gone down there, what kind of evil they would have done? Eeeeeeee! He didn't even want to think about it!! As he sat there, he felt the soft nuzzle of one of the pups noses.It was probably Da Vinci or Deepak asking for a cuddle. He looked down. It was the Dimitris. "What do you bullies want?! Shouldn't you be teasing one of the puppies right now?!" They cut him short. "Listen bro. Before you insult us some more. Let us tell you our story." They began to tell a tale about how they came from a dog pound full of violence. The staff were neglectful and awful. They busted out and hid in an alley before Delilah found them. They were SO happy when she found them.

"...and that's how we ended up here." Michael was moved by this. "Dear Lord from above. I seriously had no idea you went through that. If you ever need comfort, I'm here for you guys. But...you're all still grounded." "About that." Dimitri 2 said. "We..we... were REALLY sorry man!" Dimitri 3 sobbed, his crying genuine. "Please forgive us!!" "Please unground us!!" Michael didn't know what to say. They may have been monsters to Deepak and on the show, but deep down inside, they were just three lonely pups, looking for friends and comfort after their difficult early life. He sighed. "Ok. You three have proved a point. I'll forgive you this one time. BUT... if it happens again, I will be punishing you and making you guys sleep in Dylan's treehouse!" "WE SWEAR!" They all said. "Good. Now please leave so I c-" They plopped on him and nuzzled his stomach. "Ok. Ok." He said, and patted there heads. As he was about to kiss one of them, the bus lurched forward, flinging pups everywhere. Destiny got splattered on the windshield. "Owww..." She groaned. The bus skidded over to the side of the London Bridge. "Blown tyre! Hold tight!!" The driver yelled. He stopped the bus and turned the motor off. Michael got up, flipping off the Dimitris off his lap and ran to the front of the bus. "OW!!" They all exclaimed. He got out and saw the tire by the drivers side was popped. The driver opened the sliding window by him. "Yeah, popped to the rim. Can't drive it anymore. Callin a towtruck."He dialed the nearest tow service. "Yo? Yes, guv I need a towtruck. What?!" The pups came walking outside to hear Michael on the phone. "No no! A tow - truck. Not a rowboat. Do you speak English?"

"Sir, your anger is not amusing, and is only making the problem worse." The Indian accented man on the other end said.

"Dude! I need a frickin' towtruck! How hard is that to understand that a need a towtruck?! T-O-W-T-R-U-C-K!!"

"Sir, please stop yelling. Your only making the problem worse." The Indian accented man said.

Michael was fed up with this mans B.S. "I need a motherfrickin towtruck!! Jesus Christ man!"

"Ok sir, since you failed to comply with my orders, I'm gonna hang up on you."

"No no no no no no no no! We can work something-" He hung up. "DAMN IT TO HELL!!!" He roared. There was a long silence.

"Well this sucks!" Delgado said. "Yes it does." Dante said, a little hoarse. "Staring out of my window, watching the clouds go rollin' by...." Sang DJ, listening to "Keplunk!" Michael peered into the distance and noticed a boy with very noticable hair, a rad coat, red, black and white Converse sneakers and pants, or possibly sweats.The boy was Hunter De Vil, and he was on a stroll when he noticed the dogs with Michael. "Hunter De Vil! That scumbag tried to KILL YOU!!" He charged him. "MICHAEL WAIT!" Dylan yelled. "HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed before tackling him and pinning him against a wall. "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD KILL INNOCENT PUPPIES FOR YOUR AUNT'S COAT??!?!? HUH!???!? AND DON'T GVE ME THAT "I'VE CHANGED" B.S!!!!!! YOUR A SLY ONE, YOU ARE!! AND I'M GONNA END YOUR REIGN OF TERROR RIGHT N-" He was tackled by Dante, the Dimitris and Da Vinci. "GET OFF OF ME!!!!" He demanded. "Sorry Michael, but this is for your own good." Dante said. "Oooooooo!!! You get off me Dante!! Or you'll be sorry you ever messed with Michael Harvey Lembrant!! The evilest person on planet Earth!!!!!" He cackled crazily. Dante looked scared. "He's gone insane Dylan. The heats gone to his head." Dylan nodded. "Are we gonna lock him up in a padded room?" Dolly asked. "The basement for sure. Just until he calms down."

Hunter was breathing heavy. "Who and WHAT the heck is with that guy?! I hardly even know him!!" Dylan sighed. "I'm really sorry Hunter. That's Michael. He's a teen who stumbled upon us after his abusive mom shipped him here for Boy Scouts. We just came back from a concert and the heat must've gone to his head." "I'll say!!" Hunter exclaimed. "He just tried to kill me!" "Don't let that go to your heart Hunter." Da Vinci soothed. "He's the sweetest boy you will ever meet when he's calm. Just give him some time to cool off from a flashback of his abusive life in Nevada." Hunter eyed the teen with wonder. "GET OFF ME!" Michael screamed, squirming. "Stop resisting Michael!" Dylan ordered. "Make me man!"

"How does he know me?" "The show Hunter. Hello? You tried to kidnap us 2 times and we almost got killed by your screwball Aunt, but you saved us." "YEAH, I BLAME DA VINCI FOR IT-" Dante shoved a toy in Mike's mouth. "Shut up!" "Dante! Be kind to the boy." Hunter snapped. "Sorry." Hunter continued, "Once again, I'd like to apologize for what I did to you way back when. My Aunt was just an evil, fur obbsessed nutjob who was just pissy because your ancestors foiled her back in 1961." The dogs all nodded. "And Mr. Michael, I'm sorry for trying to hurt your friends. This wasen't my idea. My Aunt brainwashed me into thinking that they were bad. Please, I hope you can forgive me one day. I was neglected just like you." Michael breathed heavily. "You.... I got my eyes on you!" He snarled. "He still don't believe me." Michael finally broke free of Dante's grip and stood up.

"Listen here Puppy Boy: Just because you kissed and made up last year doesen't mean I'm gonna be a pal of yours. Uh uh! When I saw you try to kidnap them on the TV late at night sometimes, you don't know how much I wanted to strangle you and comfort you guys. My Mom said that cartoons weren't real and that they were stupid. Pah! She sounded so dumb! I just cried everytime!! I would cry myself to sleep everytime I saw "London, We Have A Problem", "Better The De Vil You Know", "Dante's Inferno" and "The De Vil Wears Puppies"! I just wanted... to save you guys. I felt so bad for you that I would mope about all day at school and at home while Mom chugged down her alcohol, and she struck me if I did. I was just alone in the world. DV, you have 96 bros and sisses. I got no one. Your... a family. And... I.... I.... really wanted to help. B...B... I was stuck there, wh.. wh.. ile you suffered.... Excuse me...." He struggled to get his emotions together. Deepak asked to be put on his head and he was, and began to rub Michael's temple. "You're ok. Just breathe. Let your emotions flow. There, there. Let it out. Let it all out." He said camly. "I know you wanted to save us. I really do. You would have made us proud. But, that's in the past now. You're here now. And now you can protect us from any threat or evil person." Michael nodded. "Ok, I'm calm." He said, wiping tears away. "I'm sorry for my fit of rage. It was just those episodes that made me hate Hunter to the bone." "I understand how you feel." Da Vinci said. "Ok, lets just walk home." They all agreed and they began to leave. "Wait! What about me?!" The driver whined. "I'll fix it." Hunter offered and he got to work.

When they got home, Michael flopped down on the couch, tired and sad. The Bluey characters bid there goodbyes and they would be over for a visit tommorow. Just as they left, Triple D came up to Michael. "Yes?" He said. "You can't be here." Dallas said. "WHAT?!??!!!!??!?!??!" Michael roared, standing up angrliy. "WHY YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE-" "Michael, let's calm down a minute." Da Vinci said. "Whoops, I put that wrong. I meant that "You can't be here", with those clothes! Eww!" Mike looked down at his clothes. "What's wrong with them?" He asked, calmer. "Everything! You sir, need a new look!!" Michael raised on eyebrow. "Come on girls, lets get to work!" They dragged Michael into their room and did a serious rework on him. The gave him new clothes with their faces plastered on it and they buzzed some his hair off. "There you go. Good as new!" "Do I look good or WHAT?!" He asked sarcasticlly. "Like, sharp!" Destiny said.

Michael sighed. "Thank you girls, you really did a fantasic job. Seriously, my nails have never looked this good!" "Oh, it was nothing. We're always happy to help you. If you ever need a new look, just give one of us a holler." He thumbed them up. "Oh, and also, I'm sorry for exploding at you earlier."

"It's totes okay." Deja Vu said. "Were all cool." Michael hugged the girls and left. "What a guy." Dallas commented. "I think he's cute." Destiny said. "No way! You got a crush on him?! Spill!" Dallas demanded palyfully. Destiny blushed. "Yeah, a little bit." The other girls snickered and joked with her.