
Chapter 10

The following day,Mark left his home to Logan's and they both drove to Owens School for the registration,it was 2 hours drive because of the distance. When they got to their destination,Mark was fascinated by how big and beautiful the school was,it was like driving in another different city entirely,there were boy's and girl's hostel for those who do not want to live off campus but they were separated by a street,there were about 3 canteens and 2 libraries in the school and different department halls,many other things such as basketball court ,football field and so on. Mark saw all these and couldn't help be agape, they got to the Bursar's office and started the registration,it took them an hour to be done,and they decided to eat before going back home,they drove to one of the canteens and ordered some food and sat down to eat.

"what do you say about this school Mark?" Logan asked Mark who was focused on his food.

"It's great...it's fascinating,i like it" Mark replied

"I was afraid you won't like it" Logan said as he raised an eye brow

"Huh...i wouldn't dare, besides i choose it so why won't i like it,I've been meaning to ask...."

"If i owned the school??" Logan completed the question for him,

"y.....yah,i just want to know though"

"Actually the school belongs to my family but not me...as a matter of fact it belongs to my twin brother Lukas "

"You have a twin??"Mark asked,he knew everything about Logan from A to Z but he never knew he had a twin brother,this made him surprised and disappointed at the same time,Logan noticed and sighed

"Hey Mark you shouldn't look so down like that just because you never knew about my twin,besides he is in Country T,he only comes in full moon" Logan paused and looked at Mark and sighed "Hey no one knows about him except my family and i,you should stop feeling bad about it.....I'm curious as to why it pained you when i told you about my brother which you know nothing about,perhaps do you want to know other secrets about me?? Logan teased him.

"I wish to know,but maybe not today" Mark replied

"oh!! I'll be waiting then... let's go home it's late already" Logan said as he paid the bill and stood up,Mark stood up also and they left the canteen,they walked in silence toward the car and entered without saying a word to each other....during the journey,Mark didn't say a word at all..he didn't know what to say at this point of time. Logan didn't know what to say too, the awkward silence between them made him frustrated so he resolved and cleared his throat to get Mark's attention but it was futile as Mark did not bother to spare him even a little look,' the heck is he thinking about?' he asked himself and stopped the car by the road side.

"Mark! why are you quiet all of a sudden?" Logan decided to break the awkward silence as it was getting too much.

"uhmmmm??..it's nothing i was thinking about how my school life would be" he blatantly lied. Logan looked at him and laughed lightly,"okay fine!! keep thinking" he said and continued to drive.

They arrived at Mark's home and he came down from the car,he turned to face Logan who remained sitting, "thanks for today Logan",

"yeah" Logan replied " you'll be going to school as from next week,so you should prepare yourself" he added

"yes i know.....bye " Mark waved at him and watched him drive off,he stood there smiling for a while even after Logan had left and when he came back to his senses,he subconsciously scratched his head and went inside.