
Chapter 12

Mark arrived at the school 7:25,his first lecture commences at 7:30,he was definitely going to be late because he had only five minutes to get to his lecture hall and he was yet to find it,he hurried out of his car,took his bag and dashed towards the halls,he stops at each hall to check their names,after passing five halls,he began to get frustrated because he didn't belong to any of the five,as he was rushing and checking his wristwatch at the same time,he bumped into someone but didn't stop to apologize,he merely waved his hand and said sorry while running,the person he bumped into smiled and smirked at his back without bothering to stop him.

He finally got to his hall and rushed to an empty sit,immediately he sat down the lecturer came in and he let out a relieved sigh and thanked his stars,

"you sure are lucky" a guy who sat by his right whispered to him smiling,Mark turned and saw a guy with a black ponytail hair and blue eyes smiling at him,he felt the smile to be somewhat creepy but waved the feeling off immediately,he smiled back at him and faced his table without replying the guy. The lecturer cleared his throat to gain the attention of the students and began his introduction,

"Good morning everyone,sorry that I'm a bit late, my name is Johnathan,and I'll be your lecturer on the principles of Management,if there's any way you need my help concerning this subject,feel free to come meet me,my office is open for you...is that understood?"

"Yes"they all chorused

The lecturer smiled and started teaching,he thought them what management was all about,the types of management,importance of management and also scopes of management,he spent two hours and thirty minutes explaining all that and when he was done he excused himself and left the hall. The hall became noisy as usual,everyone were trying to make friends with each other except for a certain person...,Mark didn't bother to talk to anyone as he wasn't there to make friends besides he has a reason to be there and it was certainly not to make friends,he sat on his seat with ear pods in his ears and was on his phone,he scrolled down his contacts until his finger stopped on Logan's, he had the urge to call him and hear his voice but he was hesitating,he didn't know whether to call him or just send him a brief text message,at the end of contemplating he decided to send him a text,and with that he began typing his message.


Logan was at his company having a meeting with his staffs,he was in the middle of his speech when his phone vibrated, he looked at his phone and the name Mark popped up,he stopped his speech and picked up his phone and clicked on the message,"Hi! I just wanted to know how you doing since we didn't see each other this morning." he read the message over and over again while his staffs were watching him curiously, his Secretary cleared his throat bringing back his attention to the meeting,he dropped the phone and went back to what he was saying not minding the looks of surprise and astonishment on the faces of everyone present. After the meeting he hurriedly took his phone and left the meeting room leaving behind the curious gazers,he entered his phone and dialed his lover.


At the lecture hall,Mark sat staring at his phone,it's been up to 30 minutes that he sent the text, and he hasn't received any text or call,it gave him a double thought and wished he didn't send the text in the first place,he was about deleting the message from his phone when an incoming call came in,he saw the name 'Logan' and a flash of happiness swept his heart,he picked the call almost immediately out of eagerness and composed himself to look like he wasn't expecting the call.


he heard his man's voice and he smiled inwardly,"Logan.....did i disturb you"?

"Yes you did"

"ohh" Mark responded, the answer he got wasn't what he expected,he was disappointed.

"you disturbed me,but i do not mind getting disturbed as long as it's you"

"...." Mark suddenly became speechless,he couldn't say anything in fact he didn't know what to say,he just looked at the empty space in silence.

"Mark???.....are you there? Logan asked as he didn't get a response from him.

"Ye.....yes! i uhmm have to go now bye!!!" Mark ended the call immediately.

"he...*tu tu tu....* ,he ended the call?? what i said made him end the call?? but i thought he would be happy if.....ah never mind ,he will meet me at home" Logan sighed and dropped his phone and went back to his work.

Mark after ending the call bite his lips nervously as he remembered what Logan said over the phone 'i do not mind getting disturbed as long as it's you' it rang over and over in his mind and he subconsciously smiled.

"why are you smiling like that??" Mark was startled upon hearing the voice and turned to know who the voice belongs to,it was none other than the guy from earlier,Mark hissed annoyingly in his mind and frowned his face,the guy saw him frowning and was discomfited "perhaps you don't like me?" he asked Mark,Mark looked at him for a while and responded back "i don't people that bug me too much"

"oh!!! my bad....sorry but i love to bug people until they accept me" the guy said smirking

Mark had a feeling that something about the guy doesn't feel right but he couldn't pin point it,he stared at the guy for a while as if trying to ascertain him but he didn't see anything other than his good looks,he sighed mentally and looked away,the guy smiled again and continued talking "My name is Garin, i hope we could be friends,that's all"

"can..." Mark didn't finish his statement when a lecturer came in and everyone went back to their seats including Garin, after the lectures Mark left the hall and made way towards the parking lot,he was about to enter his car,when someone called his name,he halted and turned,he frowned upon seeing the caller 'what the fuck does this bug want' he asked himself

"You are going already??" Garin asked

"yes!!" Mark simply answered him.

"okay see you tomorrow then" Garin said and waved him bye while leaving

"hmmmm!" Mark hmmed and entered his car and drove home.