
Chapter 13

At night,Mark and Logan were seated and having their dinner,but Mark seemed to be absent minded to the point where he forgot he was eating and just stared at his fork,Logan stopped eating when he noticed what was going on and tried to find out,

"Mark!! Mark!!!" he called twice before Mark was startled and faced him,"what is wrong with,you not here!" he said

"It's nothing,i don't have appetite for food,that's all! " Mark lied

"You not saying the truth,there's is no way you will loose your appetite for food,just tell me!" Logan tried to persuade him.

"Logan believe me,it's really nothing,i want to go to bed" Mark got up and went to his room,Logan wanted to go after him but decided to let him be for now,he finished his own food and went into the study. It was midnight when be came out of the study and instead of going to his room he went to Mark's own,he pushed the door and it wasn't locked so he went in,he saw Mark already asleep and walked towards the bed and sat close to him,he placed his hand on his head and smoothened his hair,he went down to his face and rubbed him gently so he won't wake him up,"Do you know how much i love you??" he asked the sleeping young man as he rubbed his face. Logan spent some time watching the sleeping beauty as he slept and when the cold hands of sleep touched him,he pulled the blanket over Mark,switched off his room lights and went to his own room to sleep.

The next morning,Mark woke up late but thanks to God he didn't have any morning lectures so there was no need to be worried about missing a class,he got down from bed and went to brush his teeth and take his bath before going downstairs for breakfast,he got to the dining and was expecting to see Logan but he wasn't there,his food was already served,but he didn't see Logan's own and it meant two things,is either he is in the bedroom or the study,or he's left for work already,so Mark hurriedly went into Logan's room hoping that he was still in there, but when he got to the room, his bed was already tidied,he rushed out to the study but Logan was not there either,Mark had no choice but to come back to the dining dejectedly and started eating,when the butler came out,he saw how sad Mark looked and he smiled inwardly 'missing the boss already huh??' he smirked and gave Mark a little piece of paper and left,Mark opened the paper and it read 'I have urgent matter to attend to at the office, don't forget to take your breakfast,and remember when i come back better be ready to open up to me,i won't take a NO for an answer...'Mark read the short letter over and over again and could not help but smile 'he still has me in mind' he thought to himself and continued his food happily.

*ring *ring*ring....

Mark looked at his phone,the caller was his mom,he picked up the call immediately

"hello mom"

"son,how you?

"I'm fine mom,i miss you!

"i miss you more son,when are you coming home?"

"weekend mom,I'll come see you okay?"

"okay!! bye son take care of yourself"

"I will mom,you too!"...the call was ended,it was time for the afternoon lectures and Mark prepared and left for school. He got to school in no time and walked towards his lecture hall,upon entering,someone stopped him with a tap on the shoulder,he turned to see the person and it was a girl,she had pretty face, long hairs and good curves.

"Is there any problem??" Mark asked as he didn't know her

"yes....I was the one you bumped into yesterday morning" she replied

"Oh! I am so sorry bout that,i was in a haste so I wasn't able to stop and apologize"

"It's okay...i didn't come here for you to apologize formally to me,i was passing by and saw you so i wanted to say hi" she said acting like a good person

"Oh!!....okay then" Mark responded and was about to walk away when she stopped him again

"uhmmmm....actually,can i have your contact so we can keep in touch?" she asked bringing out her phone

"I don't think that will be necessary.."Mark said walking out

"wai.....tsk! I'll still get you hmmph!" she stomped her foot and left. Sasha daughter of the richest tycoon in Country Z,and the only heir to her dad's company,has been a princess ever since she was born,her mom unfortunately died after giving birth to her,but that didn't stop her father from showering her with love,money ,care and everything she asked for,she never lacked anything as a child and even now that she's grown into a young lady,she gets whoever or whatever she wants and nobody dared to question her. She's been a coquette ever since she turned 16 and she enjoys it,she changes guys the way she changes her clothes,it was like a normal thing for her,now she has seen Mark...another pet,she won't let him go until she uses him.