
Chapter 17

"Master you have a visitor"a servant came in and informed his master who was bent over the newspapers he was reading"send him in then" he ordered without looking up,the servant bowed and left to reenter with the visitor,the visitor cleared his throat and the master recognising the voice looked up with a grin " to think you would be visiting me now..heh!! to what do i owe this unannounced visit?", the visitor in question did not hurry to answer him,he walked over to another couch and made himself comfortable after which he looked at the so called geezer and smirked " uncle!! should i not come visit you anytime i feel like or are you perhaps weary of me?"

the old man laughed lightly and folded the newspapers in his hands and relaxed his back on the chair he was sitting" how can i be weary of my own blood,you wouldn't dare do a thing to your dear uncle will you??" he asked as he raised an eyebrow,the young man smiled and shook his head"no i wouldn't...but my good heart has it's limit too,and i know you know,i also hate when someone touches what belongs to me", the old man clasped his hands together and became serious" i know all that and i haven't touched any of your stuff,so what are you saying?"

"Yes you didn't touch anything but your daughter is trying to" the old man was confused based on what he was hearing

"what do you me.....". "Fath....brother?????" he was interrupted by his daughter who came in and stood at the door for a while, "brother what are you also doing here?? or did you get a call too that dad wants to see you?" she asked as she made her way to the couch and sat down,the both men fixed their eyes on the main object of the visit and she became confused " dad,brother why are you both staring at me like that,do i have something on my face??"

"Sasha...why are you touching what belongs to your brother?" The old man asked not wanting to beat about the bush, the girl pointed to herself and asked in confusion "father who?? me??? touch what?" her father shrugged his shoulders in response and she faced her brother "brother what did i touch?"

"Mark!!!" and both father and daughter opened their eyes in surprise, " he's mine and i wouldn't want anyone to touch him ,not even you!" ,Sasha pouted and frowned her face " but bro....."

"Don't brother me, take whoever you want but not Mark,if you dare....",the old man shook his head and kept quiet watching the two argue wasn't a new thing to him so he was not planning on voicing anything. Sasha turned to her father for help,but was not given any face so she stood up stomped her feet and left the house without even waving for her father bye,the old man sighed and Logan stood up as well,"Uncle do take care of yourself,bye" with that he left the old man's house.


"where is Lukas "Logan asked as he walked into his brother's house,

"Brother!!!" a firm voice called from behind,Logan turned and saw his brother who he hadn't seen for a year,

"You came to see me or you are just passing by?" Lukas asked squinting his eyes at his brother who nonchalantly walked passed him and climbed the stairs to his room,his brother scratched his head and followed after him,"brother,brother!!!,you so boring...don't you miss your twin at all,can't even give me a hug!" Lukas said as he tried to pout,Logan looked at him and smacked his head and continued climbing the stairs " you are already too old to be acting like a kid, bro... ther" and the so called brother grinned and followed him.