
Chapter 27

The secretary after witnessing what happened between Logan and Mark clenched his fist and slammed it on his car steering.

"Dammnit!..why did you appear from no where you bastard arrrgh?" he screamed as he pulled on his hair,he was still screaming when he got a call informing him that Logan wanted to see him,he arranged his disheveled hair and forced a smile on his face before coming down from his hair and going to the office, he reached in no time and entered Logan's office there he saw Mark's head on Logan's lap and it made him boil with jealousy,he therefore calmed himself not wanting to sell himself out,he approached them and greeted Logan who didn't spare him a glance

"Gather everyone at the meeting room,I've got some news for you all" Logan said still looking at the sleeping Mark on his lap

"Okay sir!" The secretary at first was curious as to why Logan wanted to hold a meeting the moment he came back,but he waved the thought aside,this wasn't time to think about that,he bowed and left the office and Logan looked at the door and squinted his eyes at the man's back. Minutes later the secretary gathered everyone at the meeting room and they waited for their president to come,Logan after making sure that Mark's head was comfortably laid on the couch,walked to the meeting room and when he saw they were all gathered he walked to his seat and sat down

"Do you know why i called for this meeting?" he began to talk and everyone shook their head, " that's right no one knows...I'm sure you all have seen the video that was sent out,i just want to know Who Did It" he asked as he stared at everyone,the people looked at themselves not knowing what to say or do,it wasn't them and no one was ready to take blame for what they didn't do therefore thy kept quiet and stared back at Logan who grinned back at them!

"Fine!!! your silence means one thing..and that is none of You did it right?!...hmm! are you all sure?" Logan asked again while he scrutinized them one by one,when he saw that none of them were saying anything he sighed and looked at a certain person,the person shuddered as he felt Logan's gaze on him,

"You're sure you have nothing to say to me?" he asked and everyone followed his line of sight

"THE SECRETARY????!!" they shouted mentally as their eyes fell on the secretary,they opened their eyes in surprise in await for the secretary to talk....

"Sir i don't understand....i do not have anything to say" the secretary said confusing everyone present there except Logan,he knew he would not say anything without seeing an evidence,

"If you say so...Lara can you tell everyone here what you told me this morning?" Logan said and a lady came out and cleared her throat....

"Sir...It was the secretary who uploaded the video..the day before yesterday,when you left with Mark i saw him" She said pointing at the secretary ." entering the security room,at first i didn't want to follow him but i was wondering what he was going there to do so i decided to follow him,on getting there he went to the computers and was watching them,i couldn't see from afar so i had to use my phone and video him so i could zoom it,upon zooming it i saw it was your kiss scene he watching,he watched it over and over again before transferring it to his phone,after which he deleted everything in the computer and then left the security room" everyone gasped at what Lara said and turned to face the secretary,he lowered his head in shame,he was finally doomed,no one will save him now.

"You are fired,leave and i don't want to set my eyes on you or else I'll call the cops on you!!!" Logan said and stood up "everyone back to your posts,if you want to join him,you are free to leave as well" and he left the meeting room,his baby is alone and he needed to join him.