
Chapter 28

*One year later*

"Mark where would you like to celebrate our one year anniversary,at home or??" Logan asked Mark as they entered their car

"At home.....just the two of us is okay" Mark replied

"alright...let's go home then" Logan smiled and they both drove home!

When they arrived,Mark decided to cook,he was the only one that knew how to,and the butler was on vacation so it was now his duty. Mark prepared the food and called Logan to come down and eat,as they were eating,Logan kept looking at Mark who began to feel uneasy!!

"Is there something on my face?" Mark asked as he touched his face,Logan shook his head and Mark frowned slightly" then why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"You look more cute day by day and i can't seem to get enough of you" Logan replied smiling in his most alluring manner,Mark blushed at his lover's words and drank his wine to cover up the shyness he was feeling,Logan saw this and stretched his hand to pat his head "You don't have to hide the fact that you are shy okay?...close your eyes", Mark looked at him expecting him to say something but he didn't, so he just closed his eyes,Logan after seeing that Mark had closed his eyes,put his hand in his pocket and brought out a small box,he got up quietly and went to kneel beside Mark!!.

"Will you grow old with me" he said and Mark opened his eyes and saw the ring Logan was holding he could not help but blush even harder,he nodded and Logan wore him the ring,he hugged him tightly making it impossible for him to breathe,Logan loosened him and gave him a kiss and dragged him upstairs!!.

" Come let's take shower together"Logan said as he dragged him inside the bathroom,and Mark followed behind hesitantly,he kept smiling as he studied the ring Logan wore him,it was beautiful and he liked it,Logan saw him staring at the ring and shook his head"Is the ring now more important than me?",Mark turned his head and saw Logan frowning and grinned,. "No it's not....but i can't help but keep staring at it,it's beautiful and it will always remind me of you"

"Are you sure about that?" Logan asked as he approached Mark

"Yes.....You don't trust me?"

"I do....so why don't you kiss me?" Mark didn't bother to argue,he went closer to Logan and kissed him on the lips,Logan thought it was a short kiss and wanted to pull away but Mark held him tight instead and kissed him hungrily,Logan at first was a bit surprised at Mark's sudden audacity but didn't say anything,he let him have his way on him.

Mark released Logan's lips after sucking and biting on it and looked at him, when their eyes met,Mark hurriedly looked away as his cheeks turned red...

"Are you trying to shy away after waking little junior up?" Logan smirked and asked as he saw how Mark avoided his gaze,Mark on the other hand after hearing what Logan said looked down and gulped at Logan's hard junior,Logan grinned and hugged Mark pressing his hard member against him and bringing his mouth to his ears,he whispered in a hoarse voice "Won't you do something about it?",Mark subconsciously dragged Logan out of the bathroom and pushed him to the bed,Logan fell backwards and Mark climbed on him,in a low seductive voice he said to Logan "I'll be in charge tonight!"