
Chapter 29

The following morning it was 8:00am and the two love birds were still snoring,they were extremely tired to wake up,'who knew what they must have done?!'.

Their phone suddenly rang jolting Logan from the bed,he glanced at the phone and it was Mark's own so he tapped him to wake up,but he refused.

"Mark your mom is calling...."

"Tell her I'm sleeping,I'm tired to get up" Mark grumbled with his eyes still shut tight,

"Why are you tired,i did the work" Logan said making Mark to suddenly open his eyes

"But i was the machine and my hol...my body aches" he said as he bit his lips in embarrassment,Logan smirked and patted him on the head....

"I'm sorry,it was your first time so it was painful but I'll apply ointment on it okay??" Mark blushed even harder and nodded while looking away,the phone kept ringing and Logan took the phone and picked the call...


"Logan???" Helen asked instead of returning the greeting "Where is Mark?" she asked

"Asleep!!" Logan simply replied without going into details,he listened attentively and noticed her voice was shaking unlike before and he became worried," Mother....what's wrong,are your crying or what?"

"No I'm not,I'm fine....just listen very carefully now.....it's announced on TV that there is a zombie outbreak in town now,it started from late last night and most people in town have turned into zombies,especially my side.....i want you to stay indoors and don't go out,please protect my baby boy ,whatever you do,*sniffs* don't let him become one of them..no matter what..."

Logan was very confused right now,zombie outbreak????!but how?? how comes he didn't know??? and Mark's mom she's crying,and there are noises in her background.."Mother...where are you right now,we'll come pick you up"

"Don't you get me??? i said don't leave the house,Mark is all i have...protect him and tell him that i lo...arrrrrrrrrhhhhh !arrrghhh arrrghhh"


tu tu tu.....the call was ended,Logan was shocked beyond word,he couldn't believe what was happening,Mark seeing the horrific look on Logan's face got up

"Logan what is the problem? what happened to My mother??..." he asked and Logan didn't say anything"talk to me Logan!"

"Mark...your mom....your mom is now a zombie...!"Logan dropped the bombshell

"I don't understand....what kind of an expensive joke is that?? i don't like it at all please" Mark said angrily,how can Logan say his mom was now a zombie...it doesn't seem right at all,Logan knew Mark would not believe him,everything happened too fast for him that he didn't know how to explain things to his boyfriend.....!

"Mark..."he started,"Your mom called and she asked about you,i told her you were asleep,she said i shouldn't let you go out,that there was a zombie outbreak last night which started at her side...Right now the whole town is been turned upside down because people are already turning into zombies,your mom was talking when suddenly she screamed and the next thing,she was making some weird sounds... i am sorry Mark!!" Logan looked at Mark and his heart ached for him,he hated to see Mark sad like this,"Mark.....listen to me,your loves you and you know it,she said i shouldn't let you out of the house,so please Mark i beg you,let's stay at home,i don't know the outside will look"

"I'm not staying inside here,i want to go and see my mom please..." Mark pleaded Logan with tears in his eyes,Mark's tears were Logan's weakness,and he hated to see it because he was ready to do anything for him as long as he stopped crying but this was a different case...he wasn't just ready to loose Mark not now! not tomorrow!! not ever!! so he rather lock his heart to Mark this time around than loose him forever.