
Chapter 30

Mark seeing that Logan wasn't ready to listen to him sighed dejectedly and came down from the bed,he walked out of the room down to the sitting room and Logan followed after him immediately,be needed to keep a close eye on him because he could be stubborn at times.

Mark switched on the TV and scrolled to the news channel,he shocked upon seeing the news on the TV,they were zombies walking around the city,everywhere was desolate...Mark kept staring blankly at the TV and Logan came and hugged him drawing back his attention "Mark I'm still here okay? and I'll protect you no matter what,we will be together okay?" Logan said as he caressed Mark on his back,Mark sobbed lightly and Logan allowed him to cry all he wanted,after minutes of crying,Mark cleaned his face and pulled himself away from Logan,Logan squinted his eyes at him.....

"your clothes is wet!" Mark said explaining why he had to pull away,

"You can always lay on my shoulders and cry,if you want to...i don't mind it getting wet from your tears okay?" Logan said and patted Mark's head who smiled lightly in return.

"Logan..." Mark called


"I want to see my mom,one last time please i beg you"Mark held Logan as he pleaded,Logan saw the desperate look on his lover's eye,he wanted to agree to him but what if.....??!

"Fine!!!.....go take a shower first" Logan suddenly said making Mark to hug him in appreciation

"Logan thank you so much...i Love you" he said as he hugged Logan,be pulled away and rushed upstairs to take a bath.

Logan took out his phone and dialed his brother's line but it wasn't connecting,he sighed deeply because it could only mean one thing....' he's already a zombie??!' the thought of his brother turning into a zombie made him have goosebumps all over his body,imagine seeing his twin in a zombie form,he hoped that his brother was alright,he wasn't ready to loose his brother,he was the only family he had left since their parents died in a plane crash,he's been the one taking care of his brother,loosing him now will not only hurt him but will also shatter him completely.

Mark came down from the stairs and he was done Wearing a dress,Logan changed as well,before they left the house,the carried food items,water,clothes just in case anything happens and they wouldn't be able to return back home.

"Mark do not leave the car,you hear me?"Logan Warned sternly as they got into the car

"Yes...i won't okay??!,can we go now please..?Mark replied,he was in a hurry to see his mother.

Logan stared at Mark for some time before he made a "hmmmm" and started the car,Logan drove out of the compound into the road,they haven't gone far and they were already seeing the zombies everywhere,everyone there were now zombies, the zombies upon hearing the sounds from their car,'zombie ears are more active than eyes,making them to hear faster than seeing' they rushed with speed to the sound coming from Logan's car and started banging on the it,they were trying to open it.

"Logan what should we do??" Mark was terrified of the zombies

"stay calm and put on the seatbelt,I'm speeding up" Logan replied rather calmly and firmly,he was going to protect his lover no matter what!!!.. Logan sped up and drove themselves away from the circle of zombies,as they were driving the zombies kept chasing after the sound of car,they knew someone was alive and they couldn't wait to eat the person too.