
Forgiving Lie

"Here is your key, Room 43."

Sam is handling her job in the front desk. She handles it like a professional. Talking politely,

"The room was 32."

She didn't forget to smile, and have a positive aura.

"Thanks for visiting."

Every guest that arrives, she handles it properly.

"Need a room for two? I understood, here's the key."

She really handles it without a problem.

Even her fellow receptionist, her partner at the front desk, was amazed by her.

"You're really amazing, Sam."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"I said you are amazing."

"Hmm? About what?"

"About how you perfectly handle this job."

"It's nothing special, everyone can do the same if they have experience."

"No, really, you're amazing. Even though you just worked here for 2 years, and I'm supposed to be your senior, but you already got above me."



"Thank you."

"How did you get used to it?"

"That…" Sam paused a little, making an expression like sad and nostalgic. "You already know the rumors about me, right?"

"Yea… but I don't believe that kind of rumor."

"Thank you for not believing. But… it's the truth."


"...want to hear my story?"


"Sorry about this mood, can you just forget about what I said?"

Looking at Sam's face, making that expression, the partner tries to change the topic.

"You know Shin, the guy who became popular lately?"

"Yea, what about him?..."

"It seems you've been getting along with him lately. Are you guys dating?"

"Dating ha…?"

"Ah, sorry for asking that!"

"...is that how you see us?..."

"No, it's just…"

The partner was about to explain but when she looked at Sam, Sam's expression was different from what she did before, Sam's expression now was like her eyes have hopes.

"So, you like him?"

"Me, liking him?… i… I don't think so."

Sam saying that doesn't match her expression. So seeing her like that, the partner made up her mind and said, "You guys look good together." positively.



"You're not joking with me, right?"

"No, no, I'm not! I really-really 100% ship you two!"

"Is that so?..."

"Yeah. You guys are perfect together."

"I'm… happy to hear that."

The partner is at ease when Sam becomes livelier.


While they're talking, Shin calls Sam.

"Oh Shin, why are you here? I thought you were spending your day off? Or is it… you want some-thing-from-me?"

Sam said that boldly. While her partner to the front desk was rooting for her from behind.

"Yeah, I have." Shin answered.

"Hmm? What-is-it?..."



"But first, can we go there?"

"Hhmm, you're embarrassed? Sure, why not." As soon as Sam said that, she looked at her partner. "Alina, can I leave these things here for you for a second?"

"Sure, leave it to me." The partner replied.

After Sam requests her partner, she and Shin walk away from the front desk. Their position was just on the other side of the hall that is not far from the front desk, and it can still see them, but they can't hear enough.

"So… what-is-it?..."

"...why did you lie to me?"


"Why did you lie to me?"

"Wait, I don't understand what you are saying. Did I do something?"

"Yea, you have."

"What is it? So I can understand you."

"It's about break time."

"What about break time? Did I do something wrong during break time?"

"You lied to me."

"What is it? What, did I lie to you?! Why can you just tell me?!"

Hearing Shin question her, she thinks that he's mad at her, so it made her panic.


"Tell me what it is?! Why don't you just tell me!?"

Alina, the partner who's rooting for Sam, became worried about their relationship because of how she saw their situation by looking at their movements of their body. She worries that Sam and Shin will be on bad terms.

So she tried to break the mood and went there. "Um… guys–"

She was about to say something, but suddenly Shin started to talk.

"...do you remember what you said when it's my first break time?"


"You said, "Your shift is morning, right? I'm on the morning shift too, so… your break time is the same as mine." right?"


Sam was nervous and shocked that Shin found out the truth. She knows that she lied, she knows what she has done. Knowing that Shin found out, Sam became worried about what's going to happen to their relationship. She knows the fact that they're not dating at all and just f*ck buddies, even though she has others, but she still doesn't want her relation to Shin end.

"Why did you lie?"

Shin asked her again, but she's still not answering. She knows she lied and doesn't want to end their relationship. But she chooses to be quiet, waiting or accepting its consequences.

"So you are not telling your reason or not even lying again to get away."

For not speaking or reasoning, Sam already accepts it and just silence, she can't even look him in the eyes.

Seeing Sam head facing down, Shin sighed and patted her head. "If you're not going to answer, it's fine either way. I'm not that angry at all, I just want to know your reason."

Alina was about to step in, but seeing what Shin did made her stop midway and return to the front desk.

While Sam's being patted, she raised her head. "You mean…"

"I mean, I'm not going to hate you just like that, you know. Since we're doing…


"You know what I mean, we were doing those things, which means I have benefits. So we can still be friends."

"I… I lied 'cause. I-i… i just… I just want to…"

She is trying to say something but can't and that shows that she is still a little sad and confused. So, seeing how uneasy Sam is, Shin holds her on both sides of the shoulders and kisses her.

While the kiss set in motion, Sam was shocked about that, but because of that kiss, her negative emotion was gone just like that.

As soon as their lips slowly separated, Shin started talking. "Don't mind it. I'm not mad. Let's just continue this relationship, okay?"

"Uumm…" Sam nodded.

Looking how messed up Sam's hair was when she got patted, so Shin tries to fix it.

While fixing, "I don't know about your past, or I don't know the reason why you are giving your body. " he said that until it's finished fixing her hair, "But what I know is that you are beautiful, so don't just waste it on some random guys including me. And find someone special to you." After Shin said that, he turned and walked away.

Sam didn't say anything when Shin walked away. She just looks at him from behind while Shin gets far.

To Sam, looking at Shin felt like a shooting star that passed through the sky. It's like, to her, experiencing her wish to come true. The lingering feeling she felt, not the negative ones but like there's something or likely confirmation to her feeling and made her realize or rather she decided already. She thinks that she found it.

After thinking about everything and then already made a decision, she grabbed her phone from her pocket. And she removed her SIM card and snapped it.

Then she takes a big breath out and felt her body become lighter.