Real Technology

Even if there was a mountain of blades and a sea of flames in front of him, for the sake of his precious sister, Yu Jue would not hesitate to break in.

He nodded irrationally. "Yaoyao, what do you need me to do?"

Although it was a little funny to see him looking like he was prepared to go through hell and high water for her, Yu Yao's heart was still moved.

"I don't need you to do anything. Just let me take a picture."

Although he didn't understand why Yu Yao would take a photo of him at such a time, Yu Jue still wanted to fulfill his sister's wishes. He smiled brightly at the phone, showing eight perfect teeth.

Looking at the picture of Yu Jue, who was smiling unrestrainedly, Yu Yao muttered softly, "So silly."

Yu Jue was nearest to Yu Yao. When he heard her murmurs, he was not mad at all.

He even replied softly with pride, "I'm usually very wise and courageous. I only act foolishly in front of you."