Responding Calmly

However, the plan had gone off track right from the beginning. Yu Wan did not expect Yu Yao to resolve the crisis caused by those photos with just a few words.

Without getting the desired result, Yu Wan could only release the more lethal videos ahead of time. She thought that these videos would be enough to make Yu Yao panic. As long as Yu Yao showed signs of panic, the netizens would think that she was guilty.

But why was Yu Yao still so calm? Her attitude would make people doubt the authenticity of the video.

As if forgetting that Yu Yao was not actually in front of her, Yu Wan shouted uncontrollably at Yu Yao on the screen, "Yu Yao! Why? Why aren't you afraid?!"

If Yu Yao could hear Yu Wan's shouts now, she would tell her directly, "Because I have the absolute ability to crush any of your schemes."