Triggered memory

Ozge looked at the phone and frowned, ''the screen is damaged, I can barely see it''

''There is no password on it, just call the ambulance, I can't hold on anymore''


With shaking hands, Ozge dialed the emergency room number and it connected soon afterwards.

"He... Hello... Please I'm calling to report an accident that has happened"

Nana screamed in pain as her pelvis started contracting. Her water forced bust and she stretched out her hand and touch Ozge's leg.

"Are you alright?" Ozge asked.

"Miss, can you give us the location of the accident?" The respondent behind the phone asked.

"I'm at Hale Road along Lake 12 high way. Please hurry up, the woman is in pain"

"We are on it".

Ozge squatted closer to the woman and held her hand. "Hold on, people are coming"

"Please, my baby is coming out. Help me..."


The woman touched the school ID hanging around Ozge's neck and asked, "are you in the medical school?"

"Mm, but I'm still a student... Wait, I will be back"

"Where are you going?"

Ozge ran off into the plants by the road to her motorbike, she returned with a medium size metal.

"Close your eyes. I'm going to try and break the door so that I can help you out first"


Ozge went to the other side where the woman's husband was, he was unconscious. She hit the door, breaking the glass window. She then opened the door.

"I did it..." She yelled and laughed.

"I told you, you could do it" Nana said softly.

"I need to bring your husband out first, then I can get you out. Please try not to lose consciousness. Your baby's life depends on it" Ozge warned the woman.


Ozge pulled out the man, because he was heavy built than her, she had to exert all her energy​. Ozge yelled as she pulled him out. The man fell on top of her at that moment, she didn't​ care much. She was happy she brought the man out.

After letting out a few breaths, she pushed the man away and stood up and got into the car again.

Ozge's face turned paled when she saw the woman's legs trapped under the front seat. She was also bleeding.

"Are you alright? You are hurt badly"

"Please save my baby..." The woman screamed out in pain.

"I... I don't have anything on me. The nurses will be here soon. How about this? I will sing to you and the baby. You mustn't be scared or the baby will be scared.


Ain't nothing hurts anymore

I feel kinda free...

We're still the kids we used to be...

I put on the stove... To see if I still bleed.

Ain't nothing hurts anymore I feel kinda free.

"What sex is your baby?" Ozge asked when she saw the woman dozing off.

"Huh? Amanda. She is a girl"

"Amanda is a beautiful name..." Ozge looked out when she saw the ambulance approaching.

"The ambulance is here... You did well" Ozge got out of the car and waved with her hands, stopping the ambulance.


Almendez family Hospital.

Ozge followed as the stretcher was pulled away. Since helping the woman, she had refused to let go. The attending doctor allowed her to go with them since the woman kept calling for her.

Ozge looked at the woman as they sent her into the OR. She sighed and sat down on the bench outside.

A few hours later, Ozge opened her eyes and saw a man's blazer over her body. She sat up and folded the blazer.

"You are awake?" A man dressed in the doctor's coat walked up to her.

"Oo..." Ozge turned to look at the Operation Room.

Unfortunately, we were able to save the baby but the mother passed away" the doctor said and Ozge sighed.

"What about her husband?'' Ozge asked.

"He is in coma but it's not life threatening"

"At least she has someone" Ozge said, referring to the baby.

"This is yours, right?" Ozge asked the doctor.

"Yes, you were sleeping. You look..."

Ozge looked at herself. Her outfit was smeared with blood.


"Here, something you can change into. I am in consulting room 09 at the left. You can come when you are done changing" the doctor said and gave a bag of clothes to Ozge.

"Okay" Ozge looked at the bag and smiled.


"Come in"

Ozge heard the masculine voice and opened the door. She was dressed in a pink flower dress.

"I picked the right one. That's a relief"

"Thank you"

"Sit down"

Ozge nodded her head and sat across him.

"You are a medical student from the Xiumin University, right?"


"Right, I am Logan Sher and a family relative of the couple you saved. The old Patriarch asked me to convey his gratitude. This is for you"

Logan opened his drawer and removed a cheque for Ozge. He passed it to Ozge and she almost choked.

"This... What is this?"

Logan looked up and smiled saying, "money. You saved the life of a powerful man and his daughter. Even though he lost his wife, but we were able to save the two because of your help. This is something little to show our appreciation"

"I can't take this. Knowing that the people are alive is good enough. If there is nothing else, I should be on my way" Ozge stood up.

"Wait!" Logan closed the file on his desk. Ozge got a glimpse of it and realized it was her file.

"Is that my file you are reading?" Ozge asked.

"You are currently looking for money to pay your fees for your final year, right? I have a preposition for you. Since you don't want to accept the money we've offered.


Ozge opened her eyes suddenly and frowned. She was laying on the bed and a wet towel was on her forehead.

Ozge got down from the bed and walked out to the hall. She saw Leyla serving dishes at the table while Adams, her husband sat in the hall watching TV.

"Leyla, what happened to me?" Ozge asked as she went to sit on the chair.

"Ozge, you are awake?"

"You should really be grateful to me for urging Leyla to let me see you. You would have been dead if we hadn't come earlier" Adams said as he stood up and went to the table.

"You fainted just at the door of your bathroom. Did you dream about that accident again?" Leyla asked with a worried gaze.


"You haven't dreamt about that accident when you were in prison, right? Ozge, what if the presence of that man triggered your memory?"

"Maybe. I'm hungry"

"Oo, eat"

"You wench, are you going to continue to ignore me? Er, I am your best friend" Adams said to Ozge.

Ozge looked at Adams and revealed a rare smile. "Stop throwing a tantrum"

"Leyla told me you finally met that man again after five years. Tell me, how did you feel? Did your love for him get rekindled? I still remember how broken you were when you were separated from him..."

Leyla kicked Adams from under the table. She shook her head subtly giving him a sign to keep quiet.

"Adams, do me a favor. If you see Logan anywhere near me in the hospital in the future, make sure you take away anything that can be used to hurt him from me. I might just turn into a murderer this time around and spend the rest of my life in prison"

"You sound so scary, Ozge"

"Ozge, you can't act rashly this time. The restraining order against you is still on. You already have your student loans debt to pay"

"Restraining order!" Ozge curved her lips and smirked. "I should have killed him instead"

"Eat, the food will get cold" Leyla said to Ozge.


The penthouse above Ozge's apartment.

Ferit walked into Amanda's bedroom and saw the girl sitting on the bed crying.

"Amanda, baby, what's wrong with you?"

"Mama doesn't want me, right? I am a good girl, why doesn't Mama want me?" Amanda sobbed as she spoke.

"Amanda, you got the wrong person. She is not your Mama"

"No, she is. I couldn't have gotten it wrong"

"How did you know she was your Mama?'' Ferit hugged her.

"Her smell. Mama has a unique smell. It reminded me of when I was a baby"

"Amanda, do you remember things that happened when you were a baby?"

"Yes, I do. Mama's hands were always warm. Her misty eyes made me feel at peace. Please Daddy, you have to find Mama"

"Mm, Daddy promise to find her and bring her to you"


"Yes, I promise. Now, go to bed. Tomorrow you are starting school and I am starting work" Ferit kissed her and covered her with the sheets before going out of the room.

Ferit entered his room and picked his phone. He sent a simple text message to the number.

''Find out who the woman at the police station is'