The doctor with a criminal record.

Almendez Hospital.

OPD of the emergency ward.

''Big news, big news'' a young lady in a nurse uniform rushed to the OPD and said making everyone at the OPD turn to look at her.

''Here she is again with news'' one of the nurses behind the counter spoke.

''This is big news. Guess who is coming back to the hospital?'' The lady said, arousing the interests of her colleagues there. Since it was still early hours of the morning, not a lot of people were at the OPD.

''Spill the beans already, Azra'' another male nurse spoke impatiently.

''The deity of the Neurosurgery department is making her big return to the hospital today itself!''

The workers all stopped what they were doing and turned their gazes towards Azra.

''The deity of the Neurosurgery department? Why does that name sound familiar?'' one training doctor asked with a confused expression.

Azra smirked and said to him. ''Well, you are new here hence you might find her name familiar. This is because her name has gone to many places before she did. she is not called the deity for nothing''

''Aye, what is the use of the title if she has now become the ghost doctor in the hospital? She lost her glory after she went to prison'' Nano said as she flipped the pages of a patient's file.

''What do you mean, Nurse Nano?'' another doctor asked.

''She went to prison for attempted murder and bodily injury of her ex-boyfriend. The current head of the Neurosurgery department, Logan Sher''

''Whoa, she is so cool'' Anderson said.

''I didn't know you were a masochist? What is cool about having a criminal record on your portfolio?'' Azra shook her head.

''Is that all the news you have to tell us?'' Nano asked.

''No. Apparently, she is coming to join the emergency ward team D which will be led by Patricia Askin, the new doctor who came in last month. Say, they are both head strong, won't they clash in the emergency ward here?''

''If you have such free time, why don't you check the patients in ward 003 that were brought in two days ago. Prepare them for discharge'' a stern voice said behind Azra making her tense up.

''Yes… yes, Dr. Askin'' Azra said and ran off.

Patricia looked at the two doctors at the counter and asked, ''what are you still doing here? Waiting for me to clap hands for you? Scram from here'' she yelled at them.

''Dr. Askin…'' Den called from a distance.

''Director…'' Patricia walked to him.

''Can I have a word with you in my office?''

''Yes, sure''


''Your niece is coming back and you want me to take her into my team? Director, my team is already full and I don't need another doctor to be part of us. Besides, you just said her major was in Neurology. This is the emergency ward, a lot of cases come in daily and we need doctors who have studied the general clinical courses to help here​. I don't care about her past glory, I just don't want someone to come and make a dent in my team''

''I understand, Patricia, but this is a special favour I am asking of you. Ozge might be a little cold but she is actually a warm person. It's just that life didn't deal her with the right cards hence she has become such a cold person but she takes her job seriously. She isn't the type to be a burden on others. I believe that you can make something out of her''

''Director, has the hospital agreed to this? I don't want to get into trouble for accepting an ex-convict into my team. She hasn't arrived yet but there are a lot of rumours going around about her. She is going to work in this hospital. Her ex, whom she tried to kill is a director here. I will be in trouble if she does something because she will be in my team''

''I already talked to Ozge. She promised to stay away from Logan. She always keeps her word, so she will definitely do as she says''

''What about the new hospital director coming in today? Will he accept an ex-convict work in the hospital? Mr. Ferit is a picky man and I am telling you this from experience''

''I will personally take Ozge there to greet him. Besides, Logan agreed to speak on Ozge's behalf so that she can stay''

''Does she know that she is coming back to this hospital because her ex-boyfriend vouched for her?''

''No, and I would like it to remain a secret. Ozge will be mad at me if she finds out about it''

''Let her come first. I can't guarantee anything but let's see how she is when she comes'' Patricia said and stood up to leave.

''Thank you, Patricia''

''You are welcome'' Patricia smiled and went out of the office. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and walked towards the elevator.

Patricia looked at the elevator as it came up, displaying the numbers. It stopped at her floor and a young lady walked out. She was dressed in a black outfit with a cap covering half of her face.

When the lady looked up, their eyes met. The lady stopped and looked at Patricia for a moment before walking away.

Patricia turned and looked at the lady as she walked away. She smiled and muttered, ''she is just my type''

Ozge knocked the door once she got there. She opened and entered when she heard her uncle's voice.

''Uncle Den…''

''Ozge, you are here'' Den smiled bitterly when he saw her outfit. ''Did you have to dress like you are going for a funeral? Can't you add a few colours to your outfits?''

''I don't have colourful outfits. I burnt all of them, remember?''

Den nodded. ''Sit down. Your Chief just left my office. But, you will meet her later on''

''Patricia Askin? I saw her'' Ozge said, remembering the woman she met outside the elevator. If there was something Ozge was good at. It was her perceptiveness. She paid attention to a lot of thing and remembered everything around her very well.

''I see. Anyways, welcome back to Almendez Hospital. How does it feel to be back?''

''The same''

Den sighed. ''Ozge, you are going to be in the midst of people, can you stop giving monologue answers? Can't you say at least a few more words? You need to communicate more with people''

''If there is nothing else, can we go and meet the attending doctor?''

''Okay, I won't talk about it again. Just remember the promise you made me. Stay away from Logan…''

Ozge looked at her uncle.

''Don't look at me with such coldness. I am your elder''

''Can we leave now?'' Ozge stood up.


Emergency ward.

Leyla arrived and changed into her nurse uniform. She walked to the counter and looked at her computer.

''Er Leyla. I heard that Dr. Ozge is coming back, is that true?'' Nano asked.

''Why? Do you have something to give her? If you have something to say to her, wait a little while, she will be here soon'' Leyla gave her a polite smile and went back to looking at her computer.

''Tsk, do you have to be so secretive? Everyone already knows she is coming back after serving her jail time. But, I wonder what connections she has to be able to return after attempting to kill her ex-boyfriend. I saw Dr. Logan and he still had the knife mark on his chin''

Leyla banged her pen on the table and turned to look at her. She chuckled sarcastically and said to Nano, ''are you done talking?''

''Why are you angry with me? I was just speaking the truth. Do you have to yell at me? You scared me''

''I apologise on her behalf for scaring you. You must have been shocked, right? Then, next time why don't you mind your own business?'' Adams waltzed in and said to Nano.

''Ozge, you are here…?'' Leyla said and everyone turned to look at Ozge and Den Urich.

''Mm'' Ozge simply nodded. She turned and looked at Nano who had become lip tight. She looked utterly embarrassed.

''I… I remember I still have a patient I need to check on'' Nano said and picked a patient's folder, leaving the OPD.

''Dr. Askin'' Den called Patricia who was attending to a patient a distant away.

''Dr. Den…'' Patricia looked at Ozge with an interesting gaze and commented, ''we meet again, elevator?''

''Mm'' Ozge nodded and looked at Patricia.

''Since you two have met already, I will not bother with introductions. I will leave Ozge over to you'' Den said.

''Alright, go back to your work. Dr. Ozge, let's talk in my office'' Patricia said.

''Ozge, fighting!'' Leyla said to Ozge.

Ozge smiled and followed Patricia into her office.

As soon as they left, outside the hospital, things were a little heated up as the new Director had just arrived with a few board of directors.