Mammy, do you work here?

''Since you are new here, I will have to make a new duty roaster for you. It will take a while before it takes effect since it has to be approved by the new Director coming in today. You do know that the hospital is changing directors' right?''

''I heard about it''

''Alright, for now, just take this and follow my schedule. You will be working with me. After I monitor you and I'm sure you are well acquainted with the emergency ward, I can allow you to work base on your own schedule''

''Thank you''

Patricia smiled, ''I heard you didn't speak much but it seems you are even harder to get through. But, whatever floats your boat. You can go and get changed''

''Alright'' Ozge bowed and turned, leaving the office.

Patricia picked Ozge's file and looked at it, ''the woman who was once hailed as having the hands of a deity, able to operate any surgery and bring back to life any patient in a hopeless situation. I am really interested in your story, Ozge Ausman. What happened to you in the last few months?''

The hospital landline on the table started pinging. Patricia answered it immediately.

''I will be done in 1 minute'' Patricia said and hung up. She ran out of the office and went towards the emergency ward.

Ozge walked out of the changing room and saw Patricia running towards the ER. She hurried to her side and asked.

''We have a 19-year-old girl at the ER. She was rushed in by her parents. Do you want to check her?'' Patricia asked when she saw Ozge by her side.


''Okay, let's hurry''

As they ran and turned to the corner leading the ER hallway, a group of people also entered the elevator. The man standing in front with the child saw the two women running back didn't think too much into.

''Daddy, when will I go to school?''

''You will start school tomorrow. I already made arrangements with the housekeeper''

''Director, I've called all the chief doctors of the various departments. They will all meet in the Conference hall. The chief of ER has a little emergency and will be late'' Logan who was behind Ferit spoke.

''Alright, no need to rush. This is a big hospital, let them do their duties. I am just here to see how things are going'' Ferit replied back.


Patricia and two other doctors along with Nano and Leyla stood behind watching Ozge as she checked the young lady that was brought in.

Leyla was biting her nails as she watched Ozge anxiously. She pinched her husband and whispered a question.

''Adams, what is Ozge doing? Everyone is waiting''

''Relax, Leyla. This is Ozge we are talking about. Do you think the prison walls will make a number on her skills?'' Adams shook his head.

''She has acute Rheumatic fever which is due to an autoimmune reaction to group streptococci. That's why she is experiencing pain in her organs, primarily the heart, the joints and the central nervous system''

The nurses and doctors turned to look at each other.

''But, we will have to run some tests to be sure'' Ozge turned and looked at Patricia.

Patricia walked to the patient and started asking, ''patient, tell me how do you feel?''

The lady looked at them. It was clear she was in a lot of pain aside the fact that her temperature had gone high. She was sweating profusely.

''I… I feel a lot of pain in my heart. My joints are weak and my heart is beating faster. I feel weak and cold''

''Adams, get her blood sample and take it to the laboratory. Ozge, I have a meeting to go to. When the results come out, start the treatment immediately. While you wait, give her a pain relief and connect the IV. When I return I will read your diagnosis and investigation''

''Yes, Chief''

Patricia looked at them before she turned and walked away. Ozge removed a band from her scrub uniform and gathered her hair together. she tied them leaving just her bangs which covered her forehead.

''Did she just look at the patient and already knew what was wrong with her?'' Nano asked as she looked at Azra.

''We all saw that'' Azra replied as they went back to the counter.

''Whoa, I thought her skills will turn rusty since she was in the prison for a while. At this rate, won't she take over Dr. Askin's position?''

Ozge walked to the counter and asked Leyla, ''can I have the patient's folder?''

''Yes, here it is'' Leyla picked the folder and gave it to Ozge. ''Oz, what treatment do you recommend for the patient? Going through the normal treatment plan for Acute Rheumatic Fever can be stressful for the patient because she will have to experience the pain for full recovery''

''That will depend on what the test results will say. That was just my thoughts, so let's wait for the lab results''

''Someone just came today and already is seeking for attention. Even Dr. Askin who completed from a prominent school overseas have never concluded on a patient's illness without having the results in her hands'' Nano spoke.

Ozge smirked and swung the pen in her hand, playing with it. Leyla looked at the pen and turned to Nano.

''Aye, I wonder who finally got her nurses licence after writing five times? Some people should really know when to talk? At least be in the same level with them if you want to talk about people''

''Leyla…'' Ozge shook her head and turned to go. she suddenly heard a familiar childlike voice calling out for her.

''Mommy, mommy you are here?'' Amanda ran to Ozge the moment she saw her. She was walking out with two bodyguards when she saw Ozge at the counter and she decided to run to her.

The OPD turned silent and everyone turned to look at Ozge. Ozge closed her eyes, cussed within her before opening them to look at the girl hugging her leg.

''Mommy, I missed you. Tell me, are you working here? Look, my daddy owns this place'' Amanda hugged Ozge's leg as she spoke.

''Young Miss, Young Miss'' the two guards ran to them. They immediately recognised Ozge when they saw her.

''Miss, we meet again''

''Mommy?'' Nano and Azra exchanged gazes.

''Did she give birth in prison?'' Nano asked.

''Don't be silly, the girl is already five years'' Azra said.

''It's this kid again!'' Ozge looked at her and asked, ''kid, you got the wrong person. I am not your mother''

''Ozge, I got the lab results… why is the new director's daughter here?'' Adams asked as he stopped behind Leyla.

''The new director's daughter?'' Nano and Azra looked at each other again.

''Miss, we are really sorry. We will take the Young Miss away'' one of the guards said and tried to pull Amanda away.

''Young Miss, you got the wrong person. She is not your mother''

''Lair, I know my mother. This is the smell of my mother. She is my mother'' Amanda hugged Ozge's leg tightly, refusing to let go.

Ozge squatted in front of the girl and she immediately wrapped her arms around Ozge's neck. ''Kid, I have to take care of a patient. Can you let me go so that I can treat her? You see, she is in a lot of pain and if I delay her treatment she might die'' Ozge said awkwardly. She really didn't know how to deal with Amanda nor the situation that had been created.

Leyla choked and cleared her throat, ''Ozge, that is not how you coax a child''

Amanda laughed and stepped back, she kissed Ozge's forehead saying, ''cutie. Mommy is so adorable''

''Huh?'' Ozge looked confused.

''Let's go, I want to see how you treat the patient'' Amanda added before wrapping her tiny hands around Ozge's fingers.

''Let's go''

''Eer, Young Miss…''

Amanda turned and glared the guard who was about to speak, she frowned her face and said to him, ''sssh, this is the hospital. Don't scare away the patients''

The two guards became speechless. She was the first to cause chaos, now she was acting as if they started it. They were petrified, yet defenceless against the little girl.

''Mommy, let's go'' Amanda said to Ozge whose mind seemed to be far away.

Ozge collected the test results from Adams and they walked to the patient laying on the bed.

''Doctor, what is wrong with me? I still feel a lot of pains'' the young girl spoke when she saw Ozge.

''You have acute Rheumatic fever. Don't worry, you will be fine after taking your medication and going through the treatment plan. Did you come alone? We will need someone to sign a few papers on your behalf''

''I called my sister, she will be here soon''

''Okay, then, we shall proceed with treatment. You will be fine, don't worry''

''She looks calm and more relaxed interacting with patients. I thought she didn't know how to smile earlier on'' Anderson said as he stood next to Adams.