Is he that bored?

''She looks calm and more relaxed interacting with patients. I thought she didn't know how to smile earlier on'' Anderson said as he stood next to Adams.

''Ozge takes care of her patients very well'' Adams said.

''Miss, does your family have history of Rheumatic Fever?''

''Well, I remember falling sick a few years ago with this sickness but I was fine after the initial treatment''

''How long has it been, I want to know the exact years and interval?''

''I think it has been five years now. I was in middle school when I fell sick at that time''

''Alright'' Ozge turned to Adams and Anderson, ''Tab. penicillin V 500 mg BD for 10 days or Inj. Benzathine penicillin G- 1.2 million units in single does or Tab. Erythromycin 250 mg''

''For secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic fever, give Inj. Benzathine penicillin 1.2 million

units every 3 weeks or Tab. Penicillin V 250 mg BD daily or Tab. erythromycin 250 mg

twice daily''

''Leyla, I want you to monitor her for the next two hours and let me know what happens next''

''Whoa!'' Amanda clapped her hands saying, ''mommy is the best''

Ozge and Leyla looked at each other.

''What is going on here?'' Patricia asked when she returned and saw them.

''Dr. Askin, you are back'' Nano rushed to Patricia's side.

''Whose kid is this?'' Patricia asked.

''Dr. Ozge's daughter'' Azra and Nano said almost at the same time.

Patricia looked at the little girl and found her familiar, ''wait! Isn't she the new director's daughter? When did she become your daughter, Dr. Ozge?''

''It's a misunderstanding​. Amanda thinks that Ozge is her mother because she resembles her mother'' Leyla explained.

''Liar, she is my mother. I am telling the truth'' Amanda said and hugged Ozge's thigh again.

At that moment, Ozge felt a cringing sound in her head followed by a sharp pull. She touched her head and her vision blurred for a while.

''Excuse me'' Ozge said as she held her head and started walking away.

''Ozge, what's wrong?'' Leyla touched Ozge.

''What's wrong with my mommy?'' Amanda asked.

''I…'' Ozge turned to go and crashed into a firm chest. Because her vision was still blurry, she couldn't make up the person. She just lost consciousness.

''Ozge…'' Leyla screamed as the man caught Ozge in his arms.


''Dad, what's wrong with mommy? Why is she not waking up?'' Amanda asked Ferit.

''Dr. Askin, why is she not waking up?'' Ferit turned to ask Patricia.

Patricia looked at Ozge and noticed her eyelids shifting. It seemed she was awake but was refusing to open her eyes.

''Dr. Ozge just started working here today. I left most of the work at the ER to her before coming for the meeting. The stress could be making her feel tired. She will wake up after a while'' Patricia lied.

''I see, then, we will leave first. I will send Amanda home''

''No, daddy, I want to stay by mom's side. What if she wakes up and there is no one by her side? Mommy will be scared'' Amanda shook her head continuously as she protested.

''Amanda, Dr. Ozge, will not be alone because I will be here with her. You can come and see her again tomorrow''

''Daddy…'' Amanda pulled Ferit's hand.

''Yes, I will bring you to see her tomorrow'' Ferit turned and looked at Ozge. He didn't know why he kept having the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before. It was almost like he was familiar with her. Her scent was also unique.

''Pinky promise?''

''Yes, pinky promise'' Ferit said.

''Okay…'' Amanda moved closer to Ozge and kissed her cheek saying, ''I will visit you again, Mommy. Please don't run away from me again''

Ferit exhaled, feeling awkward as he looked at Amanda. Amanda smiled and held his hand.

''Daddy, let's go now''

''See you around, Dr. Askin'' Ferit said before going out with Amanda.

When they closed the door behind them, Patricia stuffed her hands into her pockets and said to Ozge.

''They are gone, enough with the acting''

Ozge opened her eyes and sat up on the bed. She sighed and looked at Patricia.

''You and…''

''Can I not answer that?'' Ozge asked her.

''Yes, it's your choice'' Patricia stepped closer and touched her forehead asking, ''how do you feel?''

''I'm better now''

''What happened to you?''

''Nothing to worry about. I will take care of myself. Thank you for today''

''I don't do things for free. I will ask you to return it one day''

''Why do I feel that you are interested in me?''

''I haven't seen a strange character like you in a long time. You peek my interest, Ozge''

''I will take my leave first'' Ozge said and got down from the bed. She looked at Patricia before leaving the ward.

''Ozge, are you alright? I was worried but didn't dare to go in because the director was in there with his daughter'' Leyla said as she pulled Ozge away the moment she came out of the ward. Patricia opened the door and looked at them with a curious gaze.

''Did the director recognise you? I was worried and couldn't even stand on my feet. I even went to the washroom three times already''

''He… I don't know whether he recognised me or not. he couldn't have recognised me because I left before he woke up back then''

''Then, what are you going to do? He is the new director here Ozge, and his daughter is crazy about you. I tell you, this is just the beginning of something big. What if he decides to investigate you because his daughter has taken a liking to you?''

''Is he that bored…'' Ozge stopped walking when she saw a familiar figure a distance away.

''Ozge, hi Leyla''

''Hi… Logan'' Leyla said in a not so pleased tone.

''I heard you were hospitalised and was coming to visit you. But, you seem fine already'' Logan said as he looked at Ozge.

''Why would you visit her? Do you want another evidence to say that she broke the law of restraining order against you? Do you realise the position you are putting my darling in right now?''

''Leyla, let's go'' Ozge held Leyla's hand and turned to take another route.

''I broke the rule first, but I couldn't stop myself when I heard you fainted''

''You got a restraining order against me for a reason. Don't you have safety awareness, Dr. Logan? You better stay far away from me, because I don't know what I would be capable of if I keep seeing your face everywhere I go''

Logan pursed his lips and stepped back. He looked a little frightened.

Ozge turned with Leyla and they walked away.


A.S Apartment.


Ferit came out of Amanda's room to his phone ringing in the hall. he picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

''Hello Demit''

''Ferit, what happened at the hospital today? I heard a strange woman appeared and Amanda called her mother again. is it the same woman?''

''Is this the reason why you called me?''

''No, I am just worried about Amanda's mental health Ferit. She is just five years. If she goes around calling any woman on the street mama, then one day someone will take advantage of her or you''

''Demit, I'm busy'' Ferit said and hung up. he threw the phone on the table and massaged his head.

Ferit sat down and smiled as he recalled the incident at the Emergency Ward. He knew clearly that she was awake but she was still pretending to be asleep. He had a feeling that she was avoiding him. But for what reasons he didn't know.

''Ozge Ausman… just who are you?''


Ozge yawned as she walked into the apartment building. She hanged her backpack on one shoulder while she held a white plastic rubber in the other hand.

''Hi, Miss Ozge, welcome home'' Temi Yussef said when he saw Ozge walked towards him.

''Mm, hi uncle Temi'' Ozge said, she was still feeling awkward around the man.

Temi smiled and pointed at the plastic bag in Ozge's hands saying, ''Miss Ozge, I know you are busy but you shouldn't be eating ramen all the time. Your beautiful skin will wrinkle early. It will be hassle because men like women with beautiful skin''

Ozge looked at him and chuckled. This was the first time she was having a good laugh. It brightened her face and made her look even more beautiful.

''Okay, Uncle Temi''

''In that case, can you give me that bag?''

''Huh? But I don't have anything to eat if I give this to you''

''I have something for you. I told my wife that I have a beautiful doctor in the building so she made a lot of dishes for you''

''You didn't have to do that…''

Temi came out of the counter and snatched the bag from Ozge. He picked the box of food from the counter and handed it to Ozge.

''This will be enough to last a few days. When you finish eating them, let me know''

''Oo'' Ozge flushed. ''Thank you, Uncle Temi'' Ozge said and walked to the elevator. As soon as she entered, the private elevator at the left side opened and Ferit came out.