Have​ we met before?

''Uncle Temi, you look happy''

''Oh, Mr. Ferit. You haven't met the new tenant, right? She just went up to her building''

''A new tenant, right. You told me about her. Has she moved in already?''

''Yes and she is very beautiful. She is a doctor at your hospital. You might know her''

''I see''

''She seems like a nice person but she can't take care of herself. Her friend asked me to look out for her. She is awkward around strangers''

''Like someone I know'' Ferit said, remembering the doctor at the hospital.

''Someone you know? Is it a woman?'' Temi's eyes brightened.

''I'm going to buy something across the street. I will be back soon''


Ferit smiled and shook his head as he walked away.


Ozge opened the box and removed the different dishes, some in containers and marinated dishes in bottles. They were about ten containers in the box.

''Isn't this a little too much? I feel bad accepting this. I should avoid him if not he will continue to give me free things. I hate free things'' Ozge opened her fridge and started putting them inside.

''If I don't eat these in the next few days, they will go bad. This is such a hassle. I should send some to Leyla and Adams tomorrow''

Ozge made a meal from the dishes that she brought and placed it on her dining table and started eating, ''mm, this isn't bad. She knows how to cook'' she smiled.




''Paracetamol 15 mg/kg/dose 4–6 hourly when required to a maximum of 4 doses per 24 hours''

Ozge said after checking the small boy in the ER ward. She had come early in the morning to start work. Adams and Anderson along with Azra followed her around as she did the rounds.

''You started early, I like the attitude Dr. Ozge'' Patricia walked to them as they came out of the children's ward.

''Good morning, Chief'' Ozge bowed.

''Good morning, Chief'' Adams and the others also bowed.

''Good morning, everyone. Dr. Ozge, are you free?'' Patricia asked.

''I just finished going rounds for the children's ward. Is there anything you need me for?''

''Yes, let's talk in my office''

''Okay'' Ozge turned to Adams. she handed the folder in her hands over to him, ''I will leave it to you, Adams''

''No problem''

Ozge and Patricia walked away.

''Hey, don't you think that the Chief likes Dr. Ozge? Dr. Ozge just came yesterday but the chief is already on good terms with her. Could it be that she has taken a fancy to Dr. Ozge? I mean the Chief is gay after all'' Azra said and Adams turned to look at her.

''Azra, you made a lot of mistakes with the treatment chart. If Ozge didn't realise it early and corrected it as she met with the patients, do you know the like of trouble you would have been in? Stop talking about people's private lives and study more''

Azra frowned and walked away angrily after hearing Adams' words. Leyla arrived and walked to Adams.

''Darling, what is wrong with her?''

''Don't bother with her. She was badmouthing Ozge and the Chief''

Leyla looked around the open ward and asked, ''where is my ancestor? I don't see her around''

''The Chief asked to see her. They went to her office''

''I hope my ancestor didn't do anything wrong?''

''No, relax. Ozge did well. She is going to take her schedule from the Chief''

''Oo, I see''


Patricia's office.

''You came yesterday but you are already doing well'' Patricia complimented Ozge.

''I don't exactly have a good reputation. Might as well prove my worth with my work''

''Here is your schedule. For this month, I want you to do consultation. If there is too much load in the emergency area, then you will be called to help. You know you have to start with consultation first during probation, right? develop a good relationship with your patients first''

''Yes, I understand''

''Your office is ready so you can use it. It is room number 0033 just at the corner''

''Mm, thank you''

''And the most important thing. The director asked to see you in his office today''

''The… Director? Why?''

Patricia looked at Ozge's facial expression which was far from pleasant and chuckled. ''How would I know the reason. He asked to see you, I don't know why. If you go, you will find out''


''Don't be so tense, Dr. Ozge, the director isn't a monster''

''Mm, then, I will take my leave first''

''Go ahead''

Ozge bowed before going out with her schedule paper.


Ozge walked out of the elevator and met with Leyla. Leyla pulled her to the door and opened, leading her to the staircase.

''Here, I brought the medicine as soon as I saw your text. Why are you going to meet with the director?''

''I don't know. Leyla, I am so nervous. What if he recognises me? It won't be good for me. I might have to leave this place if he does''

''Calm down. Dear Lord, why does he want to see you? Here, drink the medicine first'' Leyla removed a small white container and removed two tablets from it and gave it to Ozge. Ozge took it and swallowed before taking the bottle of water to sip.

''Don't worry. You just have to show your signature pokerface and he will never associate you with the person he thinks you are. Just look him in the eye and deny everything he says. Let your answers be either yes or no''

''Alright, I have to go now'' Ozge heaved a deep breath before opening the door. Leyla kept the medicine in her pockets and walked out.

Ozge lifted her hand and was about to knock on the door when she heard someone call her name.

''Ozge'' Logan walked to her. 'What are you doing here?''

''What does it have to do with you?''

''Ozge, Ferit doesn't remember you. After waking up, he didn't remember anything, so I hope you don't…''

''I am the last person to tell him about the accident. I told you, right? Stay out of my business. I still hate you and I still want to kill you''

Logan stepped back after hearing Ozge's words. Ozge looked at him and knocked at the door. It opened from the inside and a lady came to view.

The lady looked at Ozge for a few seconds. Her eyes widened when she recognised Ozge. ''You…''

''Who is there, Demit?'' Ferit came to the door and saw Ozge and Logan.

''You are here? Logan, what are you doing here?'' Ferit asked Ozge before turning to Logan.

''Nothing. I saw Ozge and came to say hello''

''Demit, you can leave now. I want to have a word with Dr. Ozge''

''Alright'' Demit replied and went back inside. She returned with her bag. As she walked out of the office, she intentionally hit Ozge's shoulder before going.

''I will see you around, Ozge'' Logan said and walked away.

Ferit opened the door wider and stepped aside, allowing Ozge to go inside. Ozge looked away as she entered. She didn't want to lock eyes with her, so she lowered her gaze.

Ferit closed the door and went to sit at the head of the couch that was in the office. He did his button carefully before looking at Ozge.

''Dr. Ozge, you completed Xuimin Medical University, right?''

''Yes, director'' Ozge answered and clenched her fists tightly as she sat down. She was feeling extremely conscious of herself.

Ferit looked at her and chuckled softly saying, ''today you didn't let your hair down''

''I am in the hospital''

''Dr. Ozge, I called you here to ask you a question. Have we met before?''

''Have we met before?''

This was a question that Ozge had no answer to. Truthfully, it wasn't that she had no answer to it. It was more like she couldn't answer it because of the contract she signed. No matter what happened, she could never reveal herself to him.

It was really a pity.

Ozge looked up at Ferit and asked back with an indifferent expression, ''Director, did you mistaken me for someone else?''

Ferit looked at her quietly. Ozge felt uncomfortable being watched keenly by him so she stood up.

''Director, I have consultation to do. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave now''

''If we haven't met before, then why is my daughter calling you her mother?''

Ozge's hands trembled. She faked a smiled and said to Ferit, ''that… I think you are asking the wrong person. I don't know your daughter and that is because I have never met her before. I have an excellent memory. I remember even something that happened in my childhood, so I know that we haven't met nor seen each other before''

''Alright, if you say so. But, I also have an excellent memory and I remember every single thing that has happened to me before. I have a feeling that this isn't the first time we are meeting. But, since you are saying we haven't met before, I will leave it as that''

''I will take my leave now'' Ozge bowed and left the office.

Ferit walked to his desk and opened the drawer. He took an envelope out and looked at the file of Ozge that he had gotten from his investigation.