Take me to Mammy

''Looking at the scan, you are suffering from acute bronchitis caused by the infection in your upper airway. Do you often use antibiotics anytime you feel stuffiness around your chest area and can't breathe well?'' Ozge finally looked up to face the man sitting just across her.

When the man heard her question, he immediately shifted his gaze and stuttered, ''I… I haven't used any antibiotics. I just use the one provided by the hospital. Doctor, I am clear of what is wrong with me. Why don't you just prescribe me some medicine to go home and eat?''

''Patient, I need to explain clearly the situation you are in. Acute bronchitis can't just be cured​ with antibiotics and medicines. If you continue to misuse these drugs, you will end up with a serious condition. Right now, your condition only worsened due to the misuse of antibiotics. This kind of respiratory condition is generally caused by a virus. Tell me, since when did you last start coughing?''

''Well.. about four weeks ago. It goes and comes. What can I do about it?''

Ozge frowned and looked at the old man, ''mister, do you smoke or stay in a place where there is a lot of smoke?''

''I stay behind Delta Gardens''

''Delta Gardens… where is that place?''

''Mm, Dr. Ozge, Delta Gardens is the place Delta Group burns their waste. We have a lot of people coming in from there with cases like this. Two weeks ago, Dr. Askins went there to meet the manager to talk to him so that they will relocate their site to a different place, maybe somewhere human lives wouldn't be in danger but she never succeeded in meeting the man. Rumor has it that he is a ruthless man who has the government feeding from his palm. He is extremely lawless and doesn't care about anyone'' Azra who was the attending nurse for Ozge spoke. She was standing behind Ozge.

''Aye, that man doesn't listen to anyone. The town people have protested but nobody listens to us. They don't regard us. That is why we are forced to resort to antibiotics''

Ozge sighed and muttered, ''it seems the world has gotten even worse since I came out. Azra, what is this Manager's name?''

''His name is Salem Adams. Dr. Ozge, why are you asking for his name?''

''Nothing'' Ozge turned to look at the old man, 'I will prescribe you some medicine. When you finish taking them, come back for a review. If nothing changes I will know what to do''

''Thank you, Doctor'' the man stood up.

''Azra, accompany him to the pharmacy department and help him get what he needs''

''Yes, Dr. Ozge''

''Call the next patient in''

''Dr. Ozge, it's almost lunch time. How about taking lunch before continuing? I will order lunch from the canteen for you'' Azra stood at the door and turned to tell Ozge.

''No need. There are still about 20 patients, they are all sick, I can't leave them and go for lunch. I will eat after attending to them''

''Then, can I have my lunch before coming? I'm hungry''

''Sure, do that''

Azra smiled sheepishly and went out with the old man.

Ozge massaged her neck and opened the folder of the next patient.


''Hey, I didn't know that Dr. Ozge was so dedicated to her job? Since morning, she hasn't left the consulting room. When I told her to take a break she refused and said she will eat after taking care of all the patients. There are still about 20 patients'' Azra said after returning to the OPD counter.

''Of course, our Ozge is an excellent doctor who never neglects her patients'' Leyla bragged.

''What is the use of all that when she has a criminal record? Do you think the patients will have want to get treated by her once they find out that she went to prison for attempting to kill her ex-boyfriend? She thinks working hard and getting praises will get her a clean slate''

''Take this water, wash your mouth. It's smelly from all the vinegar you've eaten lately, Nano'' Leyla said and dumped a half empty bottle of water on Nano before adding, ''also, if being a doctor was that easy why are you a nurse? I heard that you failed the medical school entrance exams three times and decided to go for nursing school. Must be why you are so salty from all the bitterness of actually seeing someone who didn't need to write the entrance exam because she got the highest marks in the yearly final exams organized by the government''

''You…'' Nano stood up.

''What? Did I say something wrong?"

''Let's see if you still have guts to talk back at me when the head nurse returns tomorrow'' Nano bragged. ''Everyone knows that Miss Demit is the fiancée of the new Director. She will soon be the boss lady''

''Boss lady? Let's see how that goes, salty pants'' Leyla said and turned back to her computer.

Nano looked at her with rage and ran out of the counter. She went to the stairs and removed her phone from her pocket and made a call.

''Nano, what's wrong?'' the other party answered with a question.

''Miss Demit, she is back. Dr. Ozge is in Almendez Hospital''

''I know. Don't let it bother you, there is little she can do''

''I know but, that her friend Leyla is really crossing the line with me. I don't know how she got to know I failed the medical school entrance exam. She is tainting me with it. No matter what I say, nobody pays attention to me. But, don't worry, I will continue to make things difficult for her''

''Mm, I understand. Tomorrow, I will officially come back to work. Let's talk then''

''Alright'' Nano replied and hung up. She turned to go and saw someone down her by five stairs. She tensed up and decided to looked down but she couldn't find out who that person was. She hurriedly left the stairs and went to take the elevator. She wanted to see the person that was there.

Nano got out of the elevator and looked at the hallway, she went to open the door leading to the stairs at the fifth floor but she didn't see anyone.

''Who was there? Did they hear me?'' she shook her head and walked away.


"Mammy, mammy'' Amanda ran to the OPD upon entering the hospital. She was still in her school uniform with her small lunch backpack behind her.

''Mammy… where is my mammy?'' Amanda went straight to Leyla and held her uniform hem asking, ''aunt, where is mammy?''

Leyla looked at her and asked, ''Mammy?'' her mind went to Ozge and she smiled and squatted in front of Amanda, ''Amanda, are you by chance looking for Mammy Ozge?''

''Yes, I am looking for Mammy. Where is she?'' Amanda asked.

''She is attending to patients right now. Why don't you go with your bodyguard first? When Ozge comes, I will tell her to go and look for you''

''No, Mammy will never go to look for me. Take me to Mammy right now. I have something from school. I can only give it to Mammy. Mammy felt sick the last time because of me, I want to give her something''

''Oo'' Leyla chuckled awkwardly and muttered, ''why does she have to be so smart?''

''Aunt, take me to Mammy''

''Alright, let's go. I can only rest once I take you to my ancestor…'' Leyla stood up and held Amanda's hand.

Ozge's consulting room.

''Send this to the pharmacy and they will give you the medicine you need. After taking all the medication, if the symptoms persist, do come back''

''Thank you, doctor'' the female patient said and stood up. She opened the door and Ozge saw Amanda rush in.

''Mammy, I finally found you'' Amanda went and hugged Ozge tightly. Because Ozge wasn't ready for her, she stretched her arms apart awkwardly and looked at Leyla with a questionable expression.

''Don't look at me like that. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't have a no for an answer. I had to bring her to you''

''Mammy, I missed you so much'' Amanda kissed Ozge's cheek before holding her hand.

''Then, I will leave her with you, my ancestor, take care''

''Leyla, wait! How many patients do I have left?''

''Mm…'' Leyla looked outside and shook her head, ''the last one just left. You are free to spend time with your daughter''


''Bye, bye''

''Bye, aunt'' Amanda closed the door and turned to Ozge, ''Mammy…''

''I'm hungry'' Ozge stood up and Amanda held her hand.

''You won't get away from me that easily this time Mammy. I will follow you wherever you go. Luckily, I haven't had my lunch yet. Let's eat together''

''I don't eat with strangers''

''I am not a stranger'' Amanda said sticking out her tongue.

''Is every five-year-old smart like you?''

''I don't know about others but I am smart'' Amanda kept holding on to Ozge's middle finger.