Don't shake up her emotions.

''Why do you look so surprised?'' Ferit asked as he looked at Ozge.

''I still have something to do, so I will leave first'' Ozge said and started walking away. She didn't see the car that was driving out and continued walking.

''Be careful'' Ferit held her hand and pulled her back. Her body tensed up when she felt his touch. It took her a few seconds before she could react.

Ozge stepped back and looked at the car.

''Sorry'' the driver said and Ozge turned to look at it. She didn't see the face clearly but the voice seemed familiar. The driver drove away with a smirk.

''Are you alright?'' Ferit asked as he looked at Ozge.

''Mammy, are you alright?'' Amanda touched Ozge's hand and she came back to her senses. Her gaze shifted to Amanda and she reacted.

''Amanda, I will see you tomorrow'' Ozge said and ran away.

''Daddy, is Mammy alright?''

''Yes, don't worry'' Ferit held Amanda's hand and they went into the reception.

''Daddy, did you know that Mammy was staying here? Let's make Mammy join us in our penthouse''

''Amanda, you know Ozge isn't used to you yet, so can you not pressure her? Let's take things slowly or else she might run away from us''

''Oo'', okay daddy''

''Ferit, Amanda'' Temi called when he saw them.

''Grandpa Temi, good evening'' Amanda ran behind the counter to hug Temi.

''Amanda, my darling. Tell me, how was school?''

''School was fine, grandpa I met my mammy today at the hospital''

''Your mammy?''

''Mm, she stays here''

''Uncle Temi, which floor does Miss Ozge stay at?'' Ferit asked.

''You've met Ozge already? She is in the 7th floor. Tell me, isn't she cute?''

''She is indeed''

''Grandpa, she is my mammy''

''Huh? Dr. Ozge is your…?'' Temi looked at Ferit and smirked, ''I see. Ferit, fighting!''

''It's not what you think, uncle Temi''

''Don't worry. I will watch Dr. Ozge carefully and make sure no man comes near her. Since you've declared her as your territory, I will guard her for you''

Ferit sighed and shook his head. He knew Temi would not understand him no matter what he said. He held Amanda's hand and walked away.

But he couldn't stop thinking about how Ozge reacted when the car almost hit her. She looked fearful and horrified as if she was reminded of something.

''Is she sick?'' Ferit muttered.


Deep heavy breathing could be heard as Ozge stumbled into her apartment. She staggered into her bedroom and opened her drawer, removing a small white container. She took two small pills out from it and swallowed it before rushing back to the kitchen to drink some water.

Ozge kept losing breath until after a few minutes and finally calmed down. She sat on the couch and slowly slept off.




''Remember, you cannot tell anyone about this contract. Ferit Almendez must never know that you were his personal caretaker.

''Miss Ausman, if Ferit or anyone else ever finds out that you are connected to us, then you will not only lose your life but also the people around you''

''Leave this place and never disclose what happened to anyone else''


Ozge suddenly opened her eyes and it was daybreak. She shook her head and shake off the memories and stood up.

Ozge went inside her bedroom to get ready for work.


Almendez hospital.

Ozge kept sniffing and sneezing as she walked the hallway towards her OPD. She was having a headache and seemed to be a little under the weather due to her period cramps. It made her totally cranky that morning and she wished everything and everyone else could just disappear and leave her alone.

She yawned and put her arms on her waist as she walked.


Ozge stopped walking and frowned. She looked ahead of her and saw Logan walking towards her. Ozge turned, taking a different path and Logan ran, catching up with her.

''Ozge, wait!''

''Dr. Sher, is there a problem?'' Ozge asked him in an annoyed tone.

''Did you… get a new phone when you left with Ferit last night?''

''Get your priorities straight, Dr. Sher. Do you really have no safety awareness? Who was the one who filed a restraining order against me? Do you think I am not capable of harming you just because the police are protecting you? Don't delude yourself. I… I hate you and I will not hesitate to hurt you so do yourself a favor and stay away from me''

''I got the restraining order taken off''

''What?'' Ozge coughed and touched her head.

''Yesterday I went and filed for it to be taken away. Ozge, can we talk after work today?''

''No, I'm busy'' Ozge replied and started walking away.

''Ozge, are you alright? Your face is red, are you sick?'' Logan stepped closer and touched Ozge's forehead.

''Are you crazy?'' Ozge pushed him away feeling disgusted, ''Logan what is wrong with you? Listen to me, stay away from me. Don't let my​ business be yours. Just stay away, okay'' Ozge yelled at him and turned to go and Ferit. They looked at each other and she bowed slightly before going away.

''Ozge, at least get some medicine. Your body is hot, you might come down with a fever if you don't handle it well'' Logan said after Ozge.

''Logan, take a stand. Whether you are her ex or someone who is still interested in her. Pick a side, Logan'' Ferit walked to Logan and said to him.

''What? Ferit, are you… you are not interested in Ozge, right?''

''She is the mother of my daughter. What do you think?'' Ferit put his hands into his pockets and looked at Logan lazily.

''Ferit, don't shake up Ozge's life. She is already having a hard time without you. You two are different. You are from different worlds and it will not do her any good if you shake up her emotions''

''Are you saying that I am capable of shaking her emotions?'' Ferit smirked. 'I haven't even started yet!''

''You have Demit, she will be coming in a few days' time. Tell your daughter to stay away from Ozge, it's for everyone's good''

''We will see'' Ferit replied and walked away. He turned just in time to see Ozge inside the elevator as it closed. They looked at each other before the lift carried Ozge away.


Ozge stood behind the counter looking at some folders. She kept coughing and Azra walked to her with a plastic cup of warm water.

''Here, I added vitamin C to it, you didn't look good when you were attending to the patients in ward 509''

''Thank you, Azra'' Ozge took the cup and sipped the water. She smiled and drunk all of it. She sniffed but felt a little relief.

''If you are not feeling well, why don't you take a rest? You've working hard these past few days. The weather isn't too good too''

''How is my schedule for today?'' Ozge asked Azra since she was her immediate attending nurse.

''You have about ten reviews coming in today. Dr. Adams is on duty so if you ask him, he can take the reviews and see them for you. You should get some rest''

''I will just take some rest. Page me when it's time''


Ozge yawned and coughed as she walked away. After she left, Adams also arrived and Azra saw him.

''Dr. Adams, good morning''

''Good morning, Azra. What's wrong with Ozge?'' Adams asked as he looked at Ozge who was walking away.

''Dr. Ozge seems to be down with fever so I told her to take some rest. She has a few reviews coming in at a later time''

''Is she sick?'' Adams walked away, to look for Ozge.

Outside the hospital, Demit arrived and got down from her car. She was dressed in a suit pants and top. She matched it with a small handbag and matching shoes.


Ferit was making coffee when he suddenly thought about Ozge. He looked at the coffee and picked it up and sipped before going to pick his phone. He made a phone call.

''Hello, Hadid I want you to get me something from Eve Restaurant for me. Tell them it's for someone suffering from cold, so they shouldn't make it sweet''

''Who are you ordering porridge for?'' Demit opened the door and asked.

Ferit looked at her and frowned. Her makeup was unnecessarily exquisite. A lot of makeup was a total turnoff for him already.

''Are you returning to work? I thought you were coming back next week?'' Ferit didn't answer her question.

''I decided to come early. I want to discuss something with you'' Demit sat down and opened her bag. She took out her phone and showed a few pictures to Ferit.

''What is this? I barely stopped grandpa from seeing them but he will in no time. Ferit, are you already messing with that woman? She has a criminal record. Just because Amanda likes her doesn't mean you should start messing with her''

''Demit, that's enough!'' Ferit said with a warning gaze and Demit pursed her lips.