Attending a programme together

''What is this? I barely stopped grandpa from seeing them but he will in no time. Ferit, are you already messing with that woman? She has a criminal record. Just because Amanda likes her doesn't mean you should start messing with her''

''Demit, that's enough!'' Ferit said with a warning gaze and Demit pursed her lips.

''Demit, I hope you are clear about your position in my life. I don't owe you an explanation and I will not allow you to look down on my employee. Ozge is a doctor in this hospital and you will respect her''

''Really? The last time I came here you called her Dr. Ozge but now she is Ozge to you? Your relationship must have deepened after you went out yesterday. Ferit, let me remind you. I am your fiancée…''

''I cancelled that engagement two years ago. You and I have nothing going on''

''I haven't agreed to it. We are still engaged and I will never break up with you. Ferit, I am warning you. Stay away from that woman or I will make things difficult for her''

''Are you threatening me?''

''I am going to tell grandpa to push forward the wedding. It has been long overdue'' Demit said and stood up. She picked her bag and went out.

Ferit chuckled and picked his phone to make a call.

''Hello, I want you to find out something for me''


Ozge sneezed and sat up when she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Ferit's assistant.

''Dr. Ozge, this is for you'' Hadid said.

''What is this?'' Ozge asked as she took the flask.

''I will take my leave now'' Hadid replied and walked away.

Ozge looked at the flask and closed the door. She went to sit on her couch and opened the flask.

''It's broth and porridge'' Ozge murmured and put down the two bowls that made up the set. She picked the spoon and started eating. The porridge had a nice aromatic taste which soothed her throat.

After eating, Ozge closed the flask and pushed it aside on the table before laying on the couch again. Perhaps she was so tired that she didn't know when she fell asleep again.


''Is my Mammy okay?'' Amanda asked Leyla as she looked at Ozge who was still sleeping.

''Mm, your mammy is just a little sick but she is fine''

Ozge opened her eyes when she heard the chattering in front of her. ''Leyla, when did you get here?'' Ozge asked as she sat up.

''Mammy, you are finally awake'' Amanda hugged Ozge.

''We just came. How do you feel?'' Leyla touched Ozge's forehead as she asked.

''I feel better now after taking the medicine. What's the time?''

''It's almost 17:30PM, you should go home and rest''

''Mm, is Dr. Askin around?''

''Yes, she said you should see her before leaving''

''Then, stay with Amanda. I will come back after meeting her''

''Mammy, where are you going?''

''Amanda, I'm going to meet our chief. I will come back for you''

''Alright, then I will wait here for Mammy''

''Good girl'' Ozge kissed Amanda's forehead before standing up.


''Ozge… how do you feel now?'' Logan asked when he met Ozge outside the elevator.

Ozge looked at him and walked away without saying a word. Logan followed her and Ferit saw them when he was returning to his office after a meeting.

''Ozge, Demit is coming next week. You remember her, right? She is Ferit's fiancée and will soon become Amanda's stepmother''

''What exactly do you want to say?'' Ozge stopped walking and turned to look at him.

''I am willing to be used as your shield. Once Demit comes back, she will make things difficult for you because of Ferit and his daughter. You know it will be in your best interest to stay away from those two. They will bring nothing but misfortune in your life. You already lived five years of your life paying for what happened that year, don't you think you deserve better?''

Ozge sighed as she looked at Logan silently.

''I am saying this for your own good. Ferit is naturally a kind person. He is kind to you because his daughter likes you. I don't want you to mistaken his kind intentions and fall for him''

''Like I did for you when you showed me a little attention, right? Logan, do you know the greatest mistake I've made in my entire life? My mistake was falling for someone like you. I don't care whether you have taken down the restraining order or not, I will say this only once. Stay away from me the farther the better''

''You will need me when Demit comes. If she believes that you and I are in a relationship, then she wouldn't make things difficult for you. She is obsessed with Ferit and you can't fight her, Ozge''

''I came here to work and that is exactly what I am going to be doing. Logan, I am aware of my own situation clearly so leave me'' Ozge said and turned. She saw her uncle and Patricia at a distance.

''Ozge… Logan'' Den walked to them, 'Ozge, are you feeling better now? Leyla told me you were not feeling well''

''I'm fine, uncle. Dr. Askin, I was on my way to see you''

''I was just coming to see you too. How do you feel now?''

''I feel much better''

''I still have somethings to do, so I will leave first'' Logan said and walked away.

''Then, I will leave you two to talk'' Den said and also walked away.

''Let's talk in my office, Dr. Ozge''



''What? You want me to accompany the director to a hosting programme? Dr. Askin, I think this is too impromptu''

''Every year, we chose a doctor from the hospital to go with the director to represent the hospital. This year, they are organizing a special programme on the new vaccine for the COVID19 which is to be given starting next week. A lot of people have their reservations on it and the hospital is not about to use a vaccine which isn't fully approved. You will take part in analyzing the reports on the vaccine along with the director''

''The director? Is he well versed in such things?''

''Right, you don't know who the director is, right? Well, he is a disease control specialist. He was the leading student who discovered the vaccine for the yellow fever variant in Southern City''

''He is the one? I've heard about it while in prison but I didn't know who was actually behind it''

''Well, now you do. Use this chance to learn from him. The director might not look the part but he is very intelligent. That is why he was able to take over the hospital when it was almost collapsing''

''When are we leaving?''

''You will be leaving tomorrow. I've transferred all your patients to Adams and myself. You will be spending five days in the hospital's affiliate hotel in City B. You can go home and prepare for the journey tomorrow''


''Ozge, be careful while you are there. City B is known for a lot of bad things''

''Alright, thank you'' Ozge stood up and bowed before going out. Patricia looked at Ozge with a complicated emotion and muttered.

''I hope you take this opportunity seriously, Ozge''

Ozge saw Ferit And Amanda inside her office when she opened the door. She was a little surprise but kept calm.

''Mammy is here. Let's go and eat, daddy''

''Amanda said you are sick so we should eat some broth for dinner. She is worried about your health''

Ozge looked at Amanda and smiled. She tussled the little girl's hair before going to pick her bag. She turned and held Amanda's hand asking.

''Amanda, what do you want to eat?''

''I want to eat anything Mammy is eating''

''Then, we have to eat something that will nourish you and make you grow taller, right?''

''Mm, I want to be as tall as Mammy''

''Let's go'' Ozge said as she walked out with Amanda.

Ferit looked at her with interest. She was always a different person when she was interacting with Amanda. But she becomes a closed door when it came to him.

Not just that. Her ambiguous relationship with Logan was beginning to bother him. He didn't know why but he didn't like seeing them together.

Ferit stood up and followed them quietly. He was simply walking behind them as the two chatted.

''Mammy, daddy told me you are going on a business trip tomorrow. Is that true?''


''Then, what about me? I will be lonely without you or daddy''

''We are just going for a few days. Once you close your eyes and count up to five, we will be back''



''Daddy, Mammy says if I close my eyes and count up to five, then you will be back''

''That's true'' Ferit said and lifted Amanda up, swinging her as they walked away.