Amanda, I won't hurt but you...

''Drink more of the soup. I ordered it because you seem not to be feeling well. How is it now?'' Ferit asked as they ate their dinner at a family themed restaurant which offered homemade meals.

''Thanks to the broth your assistant brought, I feel better''

''That's good to hear. About the trip, I hope Dr. Askin explained things to you?''

''Yes, she did. I will make sure I get ready by the time we are going''

''Since we live together, we can go in my car. I will leave it at the airport so that we will take it back when we return''

Ozge's face turned red when Ferit mentioned living together. It sounded a little intimate but she didn't say anything to correct him. It would be awkward if she said anything at the moment.

''Daddy, you have to take care of Mammy while you are there. Mammy, please don't be sick''

''I won't Amanda'' Ozge replied and raffled her hair affectionately. Ferit looked at them and smiled.


A.S Apartment.

Ozge got down from the car along with Amanda and they held hands walking inside while Ferit remained at the back.

''Mammy, will you put me to bed tonight? Daddy always sings for me but I don't like his voice. It sounds like a frog…''

Ozge turned and looked at Ferit who was equally shocked by Amanda's words. He stopped walking and looked at Amanda with an open mouth, apparently speechless.

Ozge seeing his priceless expression couldn't help but laugh. She tried to control herself but couldn't.

''Dad, I didn't mean anything bad…'' Amanda turned and said to her father.

''You just broke my heart'' Ferit said before walking away.

''Aye, dad… daddy, I didn't mean that'' Amanda ran after Ferit.

Ozge looked at them and sighed. She shook her head and started following the father and daughter pair.

At the elevator, Ferit got inside and pressed to close it. By the time Ozge and Amanda got there, he was already gone.

''Mammy, is daddy really angry with me?'' Amanda asked and frowned.

''I think so, but does he really sound like a frog when he sings for you?'' Ozge asked as they waited for the elevator.

''Well… not entirely, but his voice isn't the best. But why is daddy angry?''

''Amanda, he knows he doesn't have the best voice but he tries his best to sing songs for you to go to bed. You should thank him instead. When I take you up there, I want you to hug daddy and apologise to him. Tell him you are grateful that he sings for you, mm?''


''Let's go, which floor are you?'' Ozge asked when the private elevator opened and they got in''

''The penthouse. This elevator only leads to that place''

''I see'' Ozge looked at her wrist watch. It was getting late and she needed to go and get ready for the trip tomorrow.

''Mammy, this way'' Amanda said when the elevator opened and they got out.

Ozge's hands quivered when she looked at the door. Her heart started beating fast. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then opened them before asking Amanda.

''Do you know the passcode to your place? I will leave after you go inside''

''I know but I want you to speak to daddy for me. Maybe he will no longer feel bad when you are around''

''Amanda… I…''

Amanda opened the door and held Ozge's hand, pulling her inside before she could finish her words. Ozge stood at the door awkwardly as she looked at the inside of the hall that was bigger than she could imagine.

''Daddy, I brought Mammy'' Amanda said as she rushed into the hall alone. Ferit was making a cup of tea when they arrived. He returned to the door with Amanda.

''I… I brought Amanda. She didn't mean what she said earlier on. Since you are the adult, you should let it go. I will take my leave then…''

''Come in'' Ferit suddenly said. His voice didn't sound forced but it was like a command at the same time. It was like he wanted her inside and she had to be inside.

Ozge clasped her hands nervously as she looked at the father and daughter. Her gaze which was lowered seemed to be filled with different emotions at that moment. She seemed confused and unsure of what to do.

''I need to discuss some things with you, Dr. Ozge. It's about Amanda''

''Oo'' Ozge replied before taking off her shoes. She found an extra pair of slippers at the side and put on before going into the hall.

''Mammy, I am going to take my bath. Don't go without seeing my room'' Amanda said to Ozge.

''Mm'' Ozge forced a smile.

''Sit down, Dr. Ozge'' Ferit said and went to open the fridge. He brought out a bottle of water and opened it.

''Thank you'' Ozge picked the bottle and sipped. She looked at the hall and every other place and refused to look into Ferit's eyes.

''You are aware by now that I've gotten a lot of information on you, right? But I don't want to read them. I want to hear the truth from your own mouth''


''Because I trust that you wouldn't lie to me. You have no reason to lie to me''

''If you don't want me to be closer to your daughter, I will stay away from her''

''That is not what I want. Logan told me you two used to be together but you broke up''

''Mr. Almendez, I am not a good person. All the rumors you've heard about me are true. It is true I served some prison time because I tried to kill my ex-boyfriend. It is also true that I got demoted and sent to the ER because of my stubbornness. It is also true that I still hate my ex-boyfriend. But I genuinely like Amanda. Maybe, she is the only good thing that is happening to me after a long time, but I want you to understand something. I am not going to use Amanda to climb the social ladder. I am aware of my own situation. I hate complicated things so I would rather stay away from drama''

Ferit looked at Ozge as she spoke. She seemed to be genuinely trying to remain calm but he could see through her. He could see through her façade and how she pretended to be strong. He knew that within that tough façade was someone who was damaged and broken by life.

''I don't want attention to myself, I just want to be unnoticed but I find your curiosity a little bit uncomfortable. So, apart from Amanda and anything that concerns her, I don't want you to show any type of concern to me. It will make people misunderstand us''

''Are you saying that I shouldn't pay any attention to you because you are afraid of what people will think?''


''Dr. Ozge, don't you think it's too late for you to ask that of me?''


''From the moment we met at the police station, our lives were already trashed together. From the moment you accepted Amanda, you knew what you were getting yourself into''

''What do you mean?''

''I mean you lost the right to decide whether I should meddle in your business or not. You are the mother of my daughter and I will protect you as long as it makes my daughter happy. Ozge, you are interesting, do you know that?''

''I should take my leave now'' Ozge stood up and Ferit held her hand.

''I am not saying this lightly, Ozge. I always protect the people I care about and you have become one of such people. I don't care what relationship you had with Logan and what secrets you are keeping away from me but I will protect you''

Ozge chuckled and removed her hand. She looked at Ferit and asked, ''I didn't know Mr. Almendez was such a funny person. Just because I am good to your daughter is enough for you to want to protect me?''


''Don't be so naïve, Mr. Almendez. There are people in this world that no matter the good you do for them, they will never be thankful to you for. I am such kind of person. Don't think you know me based on some papers and what you hear from me. I am literally the person you should be staying away from if you want what's good for you. Amanda, I will never hurt but as for you, I am not sure''

''You want to protect me? I think you should protect yourself first, especially from people like me. Didn't Logan tell you? I am a time bomb,a psycho!''

''You contradict yourself with your actions. Whatever it is you are hiding; I will find it out and that include how we are linked together in the past and now. You are someone I definitely was familiar with you in the past''

''Tell Amanda I left because of an emergency'' Ozge said and walked away.

Ferit sat back and smirked.