A past that can't be left behind

Five years ago...

''Miss Ozge…'' a man called making Ozge turn.

Ozge turned to look at the man who was standing by a car. The backdoor was opened and another lady was seated inside.

''I am the secretary of Mr. Haleem Almendez, the director of Almendez hospital. The old Patriarch wished to speak with you''

Ozge nodded her head and got into the car. There she saw the face of the lady clearly.

''Hi, I am Demit. Logan gave us your location. He must have briefed you on why we are here, right?'' Demit asked as the car started.

''No, Dr. Sher only said I will be contacted soon but he never told me for what reason''

''Alright, before you meet with my grandfather, I need you to know something. This is about the man you saved a few weeks ago and the baby. We found out that you are a final year medical student who is facing financial crisis. We would like to offer you a contract. As long as your fulfil the conditions in the contract, you can be assured that your tuition will be covered and you will also get the chance to become a fulltime doctor at the Almendez family hospital''

Demit picked a file from her side and handed it to Ozge adding, ''before you meet the Patriarch, I want you to read this''

Ozge looked at the driver who seemed to be acting strange. She shifted her gaze back to the file and opened it and started to read.

HI Village

When the car pulled over, Ozge got down with Demit and they entered the restaurant. They were then led into a private room where Demit left Ozge with the Patriarch alone.

''Sit down, Miss Ausman'' Old Mr. Almendez said to Ozge.

''Thank you''

''I believe you have been briefed already on the reason you are here?''

''Yes, Miss Demit told me you needed a personal caretaker for your grandson and his newly born daughter''

''Yes. Since you rejected the gratitude gift we gave you, I decided to pay you back in another way. You saved the life of my grandson and his daughter. It was unfortunate that we lost Nana, but she gave her last words that she wanted you to be the baby's nanny.

Now, Miss Ausman, I am aware that you are trying to raise some money for your tuition and you also haven't chosen the hospital of your choice for your practice. I want to offer you a deal. Take care of my grandson and his daughter. I will pay for your tuition and also allow you to enter into our hospital as a full time doctor with a good salary''


''I will not ask for more. Please, Miss Ausman, right now you are the person they are most familiar with''

''I have one request''

''Tell me''

''I do not want to appear in court as a witness. I really do not remember anything about that day. Everything happened so fast. I don't want to get involved with your family feud''

''Is that all?''


''You have my word. I will not let you appear in court but in exchange, I hope that you take care of my grandson and great granddaughter for me''



Present day....

Ozge's phone buzzed, waking her from her sleep. She opened her eyes and sat up on the bed. Ozge yawned and got out of the bed, going into the bathroom to get ready.

After taking her bath and picking her outfit, which was black as usual, she picked her small travelling bag and packed a few outfits into it. As she lifted the luggage up, she felt some abdominal pains. Her period scrams were acting up again.

Ignoring the pain, she was going through, she pulled the luggage to the hall and placed it aside before she went to open her fridge. She picked a few things and went to make a quick breakfast. She wanted to make a sandwich to send since she was the type that couldn't eat much anytime she was on her period.

After making her sandwich, she kept it in a small lunch bag and held it as she pulled her luggage out of the apartment.


''Ozge, you look pale, are you sick?'' Temi asked when he saw Ozge coming out with her luggage.

Ozge smiled and shook her head, ''no uncle Temi. I'm just a little under the weather''

''I heard you are going on a trip with Mr. Ferit. Let tell you, there are a lot of beautiful sceneries in N City, make sure you visit them. Don't forget to bring me pictures and snacks from there''

''Alright, uncle Temi. I will do that''

''Let me help you with your luggage'' Uncle Temi said before they heard a voice behind them.

''I got it, uncle Temi'' Ferit said as he walked closer to them. He pulled the luggage from Ozge and sent it out along with his.

''Ozge, he is a keeper. Make sure you capture him'' Uncle Temi whispered into Ozge's ear.

''I will see you when we return'' Ozge said and walked away awkwardly. By the time she came outside, Ferit had already placed their luggage into the car booth and was in the driver's seat. Ozge walked over and opened the front seat and joined him.

''Good morning, Dr. Ozge'' Ferit greeted, surprising Ozge.

''Good morning, Mr. Ferit'' Ozge replied awkwardly.

''About last night. I shouldn't have spoken to you that way. I solemnly apologize if my behavior put your off''


''I know I came off strong but I want to say this once again. I will protect you''

Ozge smiled and looked at him, ''I also apologize for what I said last night''

''Then, friends?''

''Friends?'' Ozge looked at him. She suddenly felt like she had walked right into a trap.

''We are parents to Amanda, that means we are allies, friends who love the same person''

''Alright, friends''

Ferit stretch his hand and Ozge also did. They shook hands before Ferit started the car.

''Since we are friends, we can talk about anything and everything, right?''

''Why do I feel that you just trapped me?''

''Okay, I will go first. I am Ferit, 33 years''

''Am I supposed to also tell you who I am? You already have my file in your shelves''

''I want to know who Ozge is from Ozge herself. Not what others say about her but what she says about herself''

''I am Ozge, 28 years, I am a doctor''

''It's that all?''

''I think so, that should be all for today'' Ozge said and picked the lunchbox she made.

''Breakfast?'' Ferit asked.

''Mm, I like to eat something like when I'm travelling''

''I think we still have another hour before the flight. Let's eat something proper''

''The sandwich is enough for two people, unless you want to get something for yourself alone?''

''I don't mind sharing your food''

''Then, let's eat when you pull over at the airport''

''Alright'' Ferit smiled and turned his gaze to the road.


Suwait Mansion.

''What do you mean there isn't a flight going to N City this morning? Can't you get someone to release their ticket for me? What exactly are you doing? I told you to inform me when the hospital makes a decision and you waited till this time to tell me that the hospital chose Dr. Ozge to go with Ferit? Listen, I don't care how you are going to do it, but I need to be in N City today itself, so get me a dame flight''

Demit yelled into the phone and threw her phone on the sofa. She was so pissed off that she felt like strangling someone. Particularly, Ozge.!

''Ozge, you are really trying me. Fine. I didn't want to mess with you but you brought this upon yourself''

Demit smirked and went inside to start packing her luggage.