You do not belong together

When they came out of the airport, a shuttle was already there to pick them to the venue. The chauffeur took their luggage and placed them in the car booth.

When he opened the backseat for them to get in, Demit pushed Ozge back and got into the car after Ferit entered inside.


''I will sit at the front'' Ozge said and opened the front door, sitting by the driver.

Ferit looked at Demit with a cold gaze while the latter simply smiled and removed her phone to make a call as the driver drove off.

''Hello, grandpa, yes. I am here with Ferit, we came for the National Disease Control summit. You will be passing by? He is here… let me pass the phone over to him''

Demit turned to Ferit with the phone saying, 'my grandpa wants to speak with you''

Ferit took the phone without much expression. ''Hello, Grandpa. Mm, I'm doing well. Amanda is fine. Alright, bye'' Ferit hung up and handed the phone over to Demit.

''Yesterday, I talked to grandpa about our engagement. We talked a lot with your grandpa about moving the wedding date closer. Grandpa said he will tell you about once we are back from the Summit. Amanda is almost 6 years; we should hurry up and start another family soon'' Demit looked at Ozge as she spoke. But she didn't see any reaction from Ozge. The latter maintained her usual pokerface as she fixed her gaze on the road. She also had a set of earpieces in her ears.

The chauffeur looked at Demit through the mirror and went back to driving.

When Demit didn't get her any response, she curved her lips and sneered sarcastically and looked away.


Sarih Hotel.

The chauffeur pulled over and got down. Ferit opened the other side and got down along with Ozge but Demit was still seated in the car, waiting for the chauffeur to open the door for her. The chauffeur went to her side and opened the car politely, bowing as Demit got out.

The valet at the front of the hotel went forward and took their luggage from the car and followed them inside.

Ferit went to the reception and removed his card, ''I reserved two rooms under Ferit Almendez. Are they ready?'' he asked the receptionist.

''Hold on, let me check'' the receptionist said politely before checking on her computer. She looked up after a while and spoke, 'sir, we got a call from your side to reserve just a single room for you and not two rooms''

''What?'' Ferit furrowed his brows and turned to look at Demit.

''What? You didn't think I did this too, right?'' Demit asked and turned to Ozge, 'it seems that you have to go to another hotel, Dr. Ozge''

''Do you have other rooms available?'' Ferit asked and the lady shook her head apologetically, 'sir, I'm sorry. Because it's peak season, all out rooms are occupied''

''What about the suite room? It's that also occupied?''

''Well, apart from the one you booked for yourself, all rooms are occupied. But your suite has two rooms with a hall and a balcony. Since you are two you can use that''

''No!'' Demit said angrily and stepped closer to the lady's desk asking, ''do you make such suggestions for everyone client or is it just because it's him? You want him to share a room with another woman when his fiancée is here with him?''

''Yes?'' The lady flushed and apologized, 'my apologies, I didn't know you were his fiancée. I thought they were a married couple''

''A married couple? Are you kidding me?'' Demit became even more angry when she heard the lady's words.

''Mr. Ferit, I will go and get a room at another hotel. Since the Summit is until tomorrow, I will definitely find a place to sleep''

''No, I will not allow my employee to suffer injustices. There are two rooms, we can share if you don't mind''

''I do mind. Ferit, I am your fiancée. What do you think people would say when they find out that you shared a room with another lady and that lady also happens to be a doctor at your hospital?''

''Since you care about what people would think so much, why didn't you think about that when you were messing with our room reservation?'' Ferit raised his brows at her.

''I don't know what you are talking about. In any case, if she can't find a place, I don't mind giving my room to her. I will stay with you since we are in a relationship''

''Then, I will make the arrangements immediately'' the lady behind the desk said and started checking her computer. She didn't want to deal with Demit either. She knew the latter was a troublemaker from the way she spoke.

''Or… does Dr. Ozge have a problem with my arrangement?'' Demit asked.

''I don't have a problem with it''

''Please, the cards to the suite and the single room'' the receptionist handed the room cards to them. Ozge took her room card and followed the valet away.

''Let's go, Ferit'' Demit said when she noticed how Ferit was looking at Ozge as she walked away.

Suite room.

Demit entered the suite room followed by Ferit. The valet pulled their luggage inside before going away.

''Honestly, Dr. Ozge has nothing going for her except for her pretty face and maybe nice figure but all those are nothing. Men like slender women nowadays. She should consider hitting the gym to lose some of that weight'' Demit commented when she saw Ferit taking his luggage into his room.

''Ferit, no matter what. You and Ozge can never be together. You do not belong to the same world''

''The more you keep telling me this, the more I want to see whether I can really be with her or not. Also, I thought you were always against body shaming. Why doesn't that apply to Ozge? Right, not all men like slender women. Some men like them thick'' Ferit flashed a smile at Demit before closing his door.

Demit yelled and pulled her luggage inside her room.

Ferit locked his room before changing out of his clothes. He went in and took a shower. When he came out, he changed into a blue round neck shirt and a checkered short pants that stopped at his knees. He picked his phone and wallet, leaving the room.

''Ferit…'' Demit also came out of her room. It was as if she had a timer on Ferit and knew when he was going out. She was also dressed up with makeup and a blue dress which happened to match with Ferit's outfit.

''Are you going out to eat?'' she asked.


''That's good. I was also about to go and eat''

''You are going to eat dressed like this?''

''What is wrong with my outfit? I am the fiancée of the Director of Almendez hospital. I should dress the part''

''Until when are you going to come to terms with the fact that we are no longer engaged?''

''I never agreed to the breakup''

''Demit, you are a beautiful woman but I don't like you. I told you this from the beginning, there won't ever be anything between us''

''But you never put pressure on me or paid attention to me whenever I introduced myself as your fiancée in the past. Why are you suddenly sensitive about it? Is it really about Dr. Ozge?''

''This isn't about anyone''

''Don't lie to me, Ferit. Do you even know who Ozge is? Ferit, you have no idea what kind of person she is. Someone who went to prison for trying to murder her ex-boyfriend. That is how crazy and insane she is. She tried to kill Logan, your best friend and doesn't regret it nor see anything wrong with her actions''

''What did Logan do to her?''

''Well… I heard he cheated on her in their shared house''

Ferit laughed and said to Demit, ''that explains it all then''

''That is not the point. The point is, grandpa will never accept her. The only reason she is still in the hospital is because of her special relationship with Chief Den''

''Demit, I'm hungry. I will leave first''

''Ferit, are you really going to risk everything for her? Remember what happened in the past and how you are finally able to stand on your feet again. I spent five years of my life taking care of you. You promised to marry me after you opened your eyes. You weren't hostile to me, ever! Ferit''

''Demit, I am not hostile towards​ you. You are the one who doesn't want to understand and want to have things your way. But I am not going to do that anymore. Don't try to do anything funny to Ozge or you will really regret it. I will take today to be the last time you will ever mess with her. Don't cross the line, Demit or I won't be so kind to you either''

Demit watched Ferit leave the suite and she sat down with a shrewd expression. Her gaze grew colded.