Ozge, I want you!

Ozge picked up her black jacket putting it over her already pair of black t-shirt and long grey skirt. To say she had a weird fashion sense was an understatement. Since she was the type that didn't really care much for dressing that whatever people said about her, she never bothered to impress anyone with her dressing.

She was the sort of person that, if she felt good or was in a good mood, it will reflect in her dressing because she was likely going to go for the little bright colored outfits in her closet but when she was feeling a little shitty like right now, she would just put on anything and wouldn't care at all about what people said about her.

Her outfit were a little on the dark side but she was Ozge after all and she did whatever pleased her.

When she came out of her room, Ozge saw Ferit at her door. It seemed he was about to knock on it. Ferit moved back, giving her way.

''Ready for dinner? I want us to go through some few things over dinner. I already asked the hotel to make us something, we can sit at the poolside and talk while we eat''


''Let's go'' Ferit looked at her and smiled.


When they arrived at the poolside, there was an already set table full of food and different fruits. Ozge looked at the table and asked Ferit.

''Can we finish all of this?''

''I didn't know what you liked so I made them prepare a little of everything. Sit down'' Ferit pulled out the chair for Ozge and she sat down.

''What about Miss Demit? Won't she be joining us for dinner?'' Ozge asked as Ferit took a seat across her.

''I don't think so. Eat, the food will get cold''

''Mm'' Ozge picked her chopsticks and paused when she saw a bowl of pasta in crab sauce. Her hands quivered as a memory came to her mind.


''Babe, look… your favorite pasta in crab sauce''

''Logan… you made this for me?''

''Yes. You always told me how much you love eating this. I wanted to surprise you''

''Thank you so much''


''Mm… yes… yes, deeper. Tell me, who is good in bed?'' a familiar voice asked.

''You, my love. Ozge is an innocent little girl. I can only rely on a baddie like you to help me out''

''Then, I will be your baddie in bed while she plays the little wife''


''Ozge, Ozge, are you alright?'' Ferit asked and touched Ozge's hand, bringing her back to her senses.

Ozge shook her head as the memories clouded her mind. She was finding it difficult to breath. She touched her chest and Ferit stood up at once, moving over to her side.

''Drink some water'' Ferit lifted the glass of water and helped Ozge to take a sip. After a while she calmed down and looked at Ferit who was squatting in front of her.

''I'm sorry… I just''

''Come with me'' Ferit held her hand and they stood up.

''Where? What about the food?''

''Let's have some street food instead. I think I made a mistake with my food choice. I thought you might like it. Did it bring bad memories?'' Ferit asked.

''A little but I'm fine'' Ozge followed him and they went outside.

''I asked around and was told there is a night market just around here…'' Ferit raised his hand when he saw a taxi. He opened the door for Ozge before going in.

''I have never been to the southern City before''

''Then, I will be your tour guide''

Ozge laughed and asked, ''how many times have you visited here?''

''Well, I came here last year for a symposium. But I never got the time to roam the city and know all the places but I did hear about a lot of good things about this place especially their night market''

''Are you here on a honeymoon? You just got married recently, right?'' the curious driver asked.



''He is my boss'' Ozge added as her face turned red.

The driver chuckled awkwardly and replied, ''my apologies. You two look so good together, I thought you were married or perhaps a couple''

''Well, we are not together but she is the mother of my child'' Ferit said as he turned to look at Ozge.


''Oh… Amanda is calling'' Ferit looked at his phone and showed it to Ozge before answering, ''how is my the most beautiful girl in the whole world doing?''

''Daddy, where is Mammy?'' Amanda asked through the phone.

''Is it only Mammy that you miss? What about dad? Don't you miss me?''

''I miss you daddy but I miss mammy more''

''Mammy misses you too darling'' Ozge snatched the phone and said to Amanda.

''Mammy, are you with daddy?'' Amanda sounded excited, ''Mammy, I missed you''

''How are you darling?'' Ozge asked and Ferit looked at her while she spoke on the phone.

''Mm, we are going to the night market. I will buy you a lot of good things when I'm returning. Then, I will hand over the phone to your father'' Ozge turned and gave the phone to Ferit.

''Hello, Amanda''

''Daddy, do you remember what we discussed? You must make sure you make Mammy fall for you so that she can come and stay with us''

''Don't you trust your daddy? I'm taking things slowly but I won't disappoint you, Amanda''

''Then, I will leave you. I'm going to bed''

''Sweet dreams babe''


Ferit hung up and said to the driver, ''we will get down here, please''

''Sure'' the driver pulled over and Ferit got down first. After Ozge got down the driver rolled down the front seat window and said to Ferit, ''young man… fighting! If a woman is worth it, it doesn't matter what anyone says, you have to get her at all cost''

''Thank you!'' Ferit said and walked to Ozge, ''let's go''

''What did the man tell you just now?'' Ozge asked as they walked away into the night market.

''Nothing much. Let's try some street food'' Ferit changed the topic and turned towards a food stall where they were selling fish potato cakes.

''Boss, how much for a takeaway?''

Ozge looked at him as he spoke to the man before the stall. She felt that everything was natural with him. He blended in smoothly with people and places. Unlike her. She had always found it difficult changing some of the things that were a part of her.

''Alright, here'' Ferit paid the man and took the fish potato in the paper package and turned to Ozge, ''let's go''

''Huh?'' Ozge looked at him.

''Let's sit over there'' Ferit held her hand and they walked towards some concrete seats that had been mounted by the community development team.

''I haven't eaten this before'' Ozge said when she saw Ferit removing the fish potato cake. He gave it to her and spoke.

''Try it. Trust me, you won't be disappointed''

''Mm'' Ozge took the fish potato cake and bit into it. Her lips curved into a bright smile and she turned to look at Ferit, ''this is really good. God! How could I have missed something like this all my life?''

Ferit chuckled when Ozge exaggerated a little bit. His eyes were fixed on her face and he looked at her with a deep gaze.

Ozge noticed his deep stare and became conscious. She swallowed the food in her mouth and asked, ''why are you looking at me like that?''

''You are a beautiful woman, Ozge''

''Huh?'' Ozge's hands quivered and her face turned red as she looked at Ferit.

''Logan told me not to shake up your emotions because you and I belong to different worlds. But our worlds became one the moment we met. I want to ask you, Ozge Ausman. Do I have to power to shake up your emotions?''


''Am I allowed to shake up your world? No! I am going to shake up your world, so brace yourself for it. I want to see what it takes for me to shake you up''

Ozge looked at him, 'you already shook my emotions years ago' she thought as she looked at him.

Ferit stretched forth his hand and wiped her lips sensually before putting the crumbs of the food into his mouth, licking his fingers that brushed against her lips.

''I… I just remembered I still have some reading to do. I will leave first'' Ozge stood up and was about to walked away when a group of people danced as they jubilated towards them. She tried to avoid them but ended up getting in the middle.

Ozge looked around, feeling confused as she tried to find her way out of the crowd. She kept pushing until a hand pulled her out and she crashed into a hard chest. Her lips touched the person's chin.

Ozge's body froze and she looked up slowly to see Ferit in front of her. His hand was wrapped around her waist while he looked at her.

Ferit tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her closer as a man passed behind Ozge, pushing her even closer to Ferit.

''Ozge, I want you!'' Ferit spoke softly into her ear and Ozge blushed.